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Old 07-06-2008, 11:46   #16
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

I am all for safety at work, but if the size of the bins dont tell you that they are likely to be heavy, then the bins should be smaller, or the wagon lift should be stronger, if the bins are smaller, then we have to go back to weekly collecting, if the wagons cant handle the weight, we have to go back to weekly collecting, you would think a bin MAN would ignore the 2 finger guidance for fear of seeming a wimp, after all, we have to move the bins much further than they do, it will be interesting when somebody moves there own bin and pulls thier back out or otherwise injures themselves, especially if it happens to be one of our ethnic bretherend.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 07-06-2008, 13:50   #17
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
I am all for safety at work, but if the size of the bins dont tell you that they are likely to be heavy, then the bins should be smaller, or the wagon lift should be stronger, if the bins are smaller, then we have to go back to weekly collecting, if the wagons cant handle the weight, we have to go back to weekly collecting, you would think a bin MAN would ignore the 2 finger guidance for fear of seeming a wimp, after all, we have to move the bins much further than they do, it will be interesting when somebody moves there own bin and pulls thier back out or otherwise injures themselves, especially if it happens to be one of our ethnic bretherend.
stop talking sense, this is councils were discussing.
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Old 07-06-2008, 14:35   #18
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
this guy would be ideal for the job if you only need 2 digets to be a bin man

lets face it unlike many council employees he wont stand around scratching his backside all day

You seem to be enjoying this far too much lmao

Tried to give ya karma for perseverance. Apparently i need to spread it around first. Not sure Accy web karma system realises I;ve been trying to do that for years but no luck
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Old 07-06-2008, 14:59   #19

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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Originally Posted by katex View Post
LOL .. play on words Andrew .. 'Talibin' .. not 'Taliban'. Quite clever I thought..
Yes it is a clever play on words, just a shame Pam put Taliban in the thread
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Old 07-06-2008, 15:31   #20
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
stop talking sense, this is councils were discussing.
Errrm, Yep! Ya got me there!!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 07-06-2008, 16:13   #21
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Yes, I remember when bin men carried a heavy metal bin full of ashes from the fire, and they had a brush to sweep up any mess and they always picked up anything they dropped and they were polite and courteous. In those days they deserved a Christmas tip.

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Old 08-06-2008, 06:14   #22
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Unhappy Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Heard on the wireless the other day that some council in the Ribble Valley was refusing to collect the bins from properties at the top of a hill. Residents were told that they had to bring their bins half a mile to the bottom of the hill. And then collect them when emptied.

I can’t remember the reason for this crackpot instruction.
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:32   #23
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

The bin collection round here is really good. Recycling is too. If you recycle things wrong they come around and show you how to do it properly, and if they aren't in we get leaflets and stickers to put on the bins to remind up and stuff. We have 3 recycling boxes altogether, 1 for plastic, 1 for tins and card, 1 for glass and paper. Not all plastics are recyclable but I just put them all in and they just leave the ones that cant be recycled behind.

Should add that I think the play on words is very ill-fitting seen as it has absolutely nothing to do with the taliban. You can hardly call the taliban lazy. They learn to fly planes, make bombs, fire weapons, all sorts of stuff. That takes dedication

Last edited by blazey; 08-06-2008 at 06:35.
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:54   #24
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

interesting story front page sats telegraph, some old guy in blackburn had his rubbish left n a note by binmen explaining they would not take it cos there was a tea-bag in his wheelie bin, pictures in paper,(sorry dont know how to link) its going crazier is this damn thing, does anyone know where the hell yer supposed to put yer tea-bags?
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:59   #25
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

oh ere we go again.......

EEE bye eck, i remember when the bin men used to lift bags and throw them into the wagon, and even used to get them from the garden and sweep any mess they left!, now they saying they cant touch if they cant move with two fingers? must be a wind up! they will be saying..."sorry but ya bins too smelly, we cant cope with the fumes!"

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Old 08-06-2008, 12:00   #26
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Binman refuse to take Blackburn pensioner's recycling due to tea bag
By Tom Moseley
BINMEN refused to take a disabled pensioner's recycling away because he had accidentally dropped a teabag inside the dustbin.

Donald MacKenzie, who is registered disabled, had carefully sorted his plastic, tin and glass into the correct recycling wheelie bin and says he has no idea how the teabag got inside.

A note pushed through the 74-year-old's door on Lammack Road, Blackburn, said the bulging wheelie bin had been left because of "food waste" next to which someone had written "t bag".

Even green campaigners have branded their actions "over the top and draconian".

After the Lancashire Telegraph raised the issue with Blackburn with Darwen council, bosses said there had been a "misunderstanding" and promised to go back to his house and empty the bin.

Mr MacKenzie, who has difficulty walking, said: "It must have been dropped in by mistake, but this is so utterly stupid.

"I always make a definite effort to recycle, I take it very seriously."

After his grey bin - which is meant for all recyclables - had been left untouched last Tuesday, Mr MacKenzie, a retired baker, phoned the council for clarification, but was again told he had left food waste in the bin.

He added: "It's so ridiculous - now I will have to wait another two weeks for it to be collected.

"It's already full, so I will have to use my next door neighbour's bin.

"I always sort my recycling out, and put it in separate bags to keep the bin clean. But at times like this I wonder why I bother."

Ward councillor and deputy council leader Michael Lee vowed to look into the matter.

He said: "This is stupid, and I will be raising it at the next meeting.

"The whole idea behind this system is if someone's put something in by mistake you speak to them and remind them not to.

"You have to use common sense. We anticipate there will be some contamination, we have already said that.

"To treat someone like this is absolutely ridiculous."

Peter Hunt, director of regeneration and environment, said: "There seems to have been a misunderstanding, which we have been happy to clear up.

"A supervisor from our recycling contractors, Greenstar, has been to see the customer, and we have arranged to empty his bin.

"Food waste in recycling bins can cause contamination that results in whole truckloads of recyclables being unusable and having to go to landfill, so we do have to be careful.

"That's why we ask people to keep their non-recyclable waste out of their recycling bin."

Chris Coates, a Lancashire Green Party county councillor, said: "If we are to increase recycling rates we need to help, not hinder people.

"The odd teabag really shouldn't make any difference. This sort of action should be reserved for people who leave side waste out in the street.

"It's over the top and draconian."

Brian Todd, of Blackburn with Darwen Older People's Forum, said: "It's one of those ridiculous bureaucratic things where they just think about rules, not human beings.

"With older people there are likely to be mistakes now and again, but with something very minor like this you would have thought they could use some discretion."

Last month residents of Skipton, in North Yorkshire, were told they had to empty their own bins because of fears binmen could hurt themselves lifting bags out of dustbins.

And last week it was revealed a pensioner in the Ribble Valley had been told to walk half a mile to put out her own bins because new lorries could't make it up her road

Last edited by Mick; 08-06-2008 at 12:04.
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:03   #27
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

Should add that I think the play on words is very ill-fitting seen as it has absolutely nothing to do with the taliban. You can hardly call the taliban lazy. They learn to fly planes, make bombs, fire weapons, all sorts of stuff. That takes dedication
have to disagree blaze, many councils seem to be members n our leader P.B. is certainly n ayatolla.
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:05   #28
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

mick do you know where yer supposed to put tea-bags? cos i flamin don't.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:08   #29
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Did it not take more effort to write a letter and post it through the door? Bureaucracy gone mad.
formerly cyfr
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:11   #30
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Re: the taliban will only lift 2 fingers

Just read a thread on Blackburn forum, one of the members is fuming. Apparently her Mums bin man ripped open her black bags and because there was a banana skin in it he told the mother off and refused to take the rubbish. She found her Mum sorting through all the rubbish. This is getting out of hand By the way they are not bin men now they are recycling agents
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