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Old 17-09-2008, 13:01   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
jambutty's Avatar

Cool The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

According to the Jeremy Vine show this morning one third of primary school children in Portsmouth have never visited a dentist and some 70% under five haven’t either. Some dentists have suggested that this is a form of child abuse.

That may be a little over the top but it does make a point. On the other hand if a parent doesn’t seek medical help when their child is ill, that parent can be charged with child neglect. So maybe it isn’t quite as over the top as it may seem?

I vaguely remember having my teeth inspected at primary school back in the forties. But then it was during the war where everything, even toothpaste, was in short supply. But we war kids had the advantage of few if any sweets and fizzy drinks so our teeth didn’t take the same sort of hammering that today’s kids have. Apart from the odd smack in the gob by the school or street bully.

However I do remember visiting a dentist regularly whilst at school and in those days there was no local anaesthetic for fillings, no high-speed or sonic drills, just those slow drills driven by a cord passing round a series of pulleys that was operated by the dentist’s foot using a treadle. In later years the manually operated drill was modernised with an electric motor but was only marginally faster. There was only gas for extractions and in those days the dentist shoved a lead block into your mouth on the opposite side to where the extraction was to take place to keep your mouth open after you went under. But even with all these horrors most kids and me were taken to the dentist once a year. The result today is that at 71 I have most of my teeth. This annual check up has stayed with me throughout my life. Indeed it was only yesterday that I went for a check up and came away with a clean bill of dental health.

I accept that with many families where both parents work or in single parent families where the parent works it is not so easy to take their kids to the dentist. But it is only once a year in spite of dentists insisting on once every six months. Actually, by law, you only have to visit your dentist once in 15 months to retain your registration with an NHS dentist.

As most companies have flexible holidays, a parent could take a personal day off to take the child to a dentist, thereby not losing a day’s pay. So really there is no excuse why a parent cannot make sure that their kids see a dentist at least once a year and with an NHS dentist it is FREE even if the parent is the richest person in the country.

Of course brushing teeth morning and immediately before going to bed and restricting munching on sweets would help.

What about a ‘mobile’ dentist, where a dentist or two visit schools to inspect the kid’s teeth? If there is any remedial work needed the child gets a letter to take home to make an appointment with their dentist, if they have one. But that’s another story.
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Old 17-09-2008, 13:06   #2
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Good point Jambutty.
I wish i had seen the dentist more regularly then maybe i wouldn't have the problems with my teeth that i have now and its going to cost a fortune to repair the damage done.
My parents did take me regularly to the dentist so it isn't their fault it is mine entirely but the point i am trying to make is that if kids aren't having checkups regularly then they too will suffer later in life like i and many others.
Diesels' Wife!!
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Old 17-09-2008, 13:09   #3
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Some dentists have suggested that this is a form of child abuse.
How do they manage to give treatment with their head up their backsides ? How are parents supposed to get their childrens teeth checked with a shortage of NHS dentists ? I haved to take my daughter to Barnoldswick because it was the only NHS dentist available for her.
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Old 17-09-2008, 13:09   #4
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
If there is any remedial work needed the child gets a letter to take home to make an appointment with their dentist, if they have one. But that’s another story.
Well thats part of the problem
A lot of people don't have 1, we are quite lucky that we do
You do get a "dental nurse" visiting school to inform you if any work needs doing, but if ya haven't go a dentist then ya can't sort it out
I think now tho, with the new dental unit opening up in Accrington that it should be a lot easier to get your children seen to by a dentist
It isn't fair that children are left to sort their own teeth out when they get older, when the damage has already been done
It doesn't cost much for toothpaste and it takes 5 mins morning and night

If ya aint got a lot to give ya kids, at least give em a nice smile
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Old 17-09-2008, 15:41   #5
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

If more NHS dentists are available then children will go. If you can't afford private and have no means of travelling 20 miles to the nearest NHS dentist then you can't go and will have to make the most of home dental care.
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Old 17-09-2008, 16:36   #6
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

In this area there is a list, available at pharmacies etc., of NHS dentists with availability on their lists. There are always a few, though the list changes every now and then as some surgeries get full and others have people leave. It's so important for children's teeth to be well cared for and, even if you have to go 10 miles for a check-up, it's not so bad for just twice a year.

I read, only this morning, that Sainsburys are going to have dental surgeries in some larger stores. They will be private but treatment will, actually, be less than you pay on the NHS (unless you are entitled to free treatment). I like the idea of going for a packet of chocolate biscuits and a quick filling.
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Old 17-09-2008, 16:51   #7
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Cool Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
If more NHS dentists are available then children will go. If you can't afford private and have no means of travelling 20 miles to the nearest NHS dentist then you can't go and will have to make the most of home dental care.
It’s no good sitting back and bemoaning the fact that you can’t afford to go private etc, you have to make the effort to find an NHS dentist yourself.

And you do that by ringing NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 and tell them that you are looking for an NHS dentist and you have children if you have any. It is reckoned that people with children get priority but I have no evidence to support this.

NHS Direct will take your details and find you an NHS dentist in your area. They will get in touch with you when they do. It could take some time though.

In the meantime if you or your kids need emergency treatment then you ring NHS Direct as well and they will arrange an appointment at the emergency dental centre in Accrington.

Even if you are registered with an NHS dentist and you need emergency treatment and cannot get an appointment with your dentist in a reasonable amount of time you can still get emergency treatment at the emergency dental centre in Accrington.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 17-09-2008, 16:53   #8
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Some areas are better served than others and in some areas it's totally impossible to find a place with an NHS dentist. To accuse the parents of child abuse when they themselves may very well be tearing their hair out at the lack of dentists is a little naive to say the least.

Check ups do not come under "emergency treatment"

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Old 17-09-2008, 17:02   #9
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
It’s no good sitting back and bemoaning the fact that you can’t afford to go private etc, you have to make the effort to find an NHS dentist yourself.
And then what, jambutty? Once you've found one with a free place, almost certainly over ten miles away, how do you get there when you don't drive? Taxis? A friend of mine had to take the bus from Accrington to Clitheroe and walk to an obscure part of Whalley just for a check up. That is not good enough. The NHS dental service is appalling and there's no way around it. Pointing the finger at parents is idiocy.
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Old 17-09-2008, 17:26   #10
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Some areas are better served than others and in some areas it's totally impossible to find a place with an NHS dentist. To accuse the parents of child abuse when they themselves may very well be tearing their hair out at the lack of dentists is a little naive to say the least.

Check ups do not come under "emergency treatment"
Too many people are prepared to sit back and bemoan their situation rather than making an effort to do something about it. For a start bug NHS Direct, then bug your MP. Not just once but over and over. If enough people do so it will show that there is an URGENT need for more NHS dentists and the message will get back to the appropriate minister.

Hundreds of dentists from the EU arrive in this country to set up NHS Dental practices all over the country. Blackburn Dental Centre is one such place where they have 8 dentists at any one time, all bar one none English. My current dentist is a rather large lady from Poland and my previous one was a chap from Spain and the one before that was a bloke from some European country. All were competent and spoke good English.

Parents who do not make a real effort to get a dentist for their children are neglecting their kids.

I never stated that check ups come under emergency treatment, so why bring it up?
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Old 17-09-2008, 17:40   #11
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Cool Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
And then what, jambutty? Once you've found one with a free place, almost certainly over ten miles away, how do you get there when you don't drive? Taxis? A friend of mine had to take the bus from Accrington to Clitheroe and walk to an obscure part of Whalley just for a check up. That is not good enough. The NHS dental service is appalling and there's no way around it. Pointing the finger at parents is idiocy.
Are there no buses to Whalley from Accrington? There used to be.

I think that you must have missed this bit.
NHS Direct will take your details and find you an NHS dentist in your area. They will get in touch with you when they do. It could take some time though.
If they point you to a dentist that is outside your means of getting there you tell them.

Who is responsible for the well-being of their children? It’s the parents.
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Old 17-09-2008, 17:46   #12
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

I went to the dentist yesterday myself and asked for a check up for my 5 yr old son and was told all the examination appointments for our dentist were full up into the new year!!! Had to ask the dentist who then let them book him in sooner, but what would have happened if i wasn't going to see the dentist myself?
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Old 17-09-2008, 17:52   #13
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
And you do that by ringing NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 and tell them that you are looking for an NHS dentist and you have children if you have any. It is reckoned that people with children get priority but I have no evidence to support this.
You are right you have no evidence to support it and way off the mark wirth what is reckoned and what actually happens.

I can tell you as a parent it took 18 months to get my daughter a dentist with me making various calls to find out how far off the top off the list we were. At the time we were living in Nelson and was eventually placed with a dentist in Barnoldswick. Soon afterwards we were moving to Accrington and when I asked about moving to a dentist here I was told we would have to go back on the waiting list and do it all over again.

The system is a complete farce
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Old 17-09-2008, 18:10   #14
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

Oh dear butty man you have not a clue - for one you are comparing 2 different authorities am i right that blackburn with darwen run their own affairs whereas accy is within the LCC ran authority area.

For another as a parent whose was thrown off their dentist books because the greedy so & so's went private & shafted its nhs patients without due care or consideration unless they could pay privately then the child could get nhs treatment within that dentist if you was all nhs then it was sod off elsewhere!! Took 6 years to get an nhs dentist local & had to involve our MP in order to access one by which time was badly needed.


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Old 17-09-2008, 18:10   #15
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Re: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth.

my dentist is in nelson, only got in there because my friend is a dental nurse there and put my name down as soon as they had spaces.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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