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02-04-2013, 10:34
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
In essence, that is part of the problem...people are too ready to pick holes in any solution provided.
I used to have a boss who said 'OK...bring me a problem, but bring me your solution to it as well'
There is always someone who is going to say 'that will never work' and do you know what? It doesn't work, because no-one wants to give it a try....no-one wants to own the problem, or look at the component parts.
There needs to be a different government in power...one that is made up of all the parties who have seats in parliament....then perhaps we can get rid of the playground attitude that many politicians seem to have......the blaming and the throwing of mud...they should all be made to put their shoulder to the wheel and work through a list of issues until we get on our feet again......work together......not create this push me, pull you animal, that is, current politics.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-04-2013, 10:49
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
This is the problem, those with any ideas are not in the place to make them work...and those with no idea are in the POW...smugly watching, while we all struggle.
I have some ideas.
1) stop paying people who have not paid into the system.
2) Stop sending money abroad as foreign aid to support countries who use the money in nefarious ways
3) Any aid money that is given, is to be spent on services/products that originate in the UK.
4) stop paying the vast sums of money into the EU.
5) close the porous Border - count people in and count them out.
6)Foreign criminals deported once they are pronounced guilty and put on a plane back to where they came from.....no messing, no appeals.
7) close the tax loopholes that allow corporations to legally dodge paying their dues here - if they don't like it show them the door. the niche in the market that they leave can be taken up by a British company.
8) Stop paying benefits to the parents of children who do not even reside in this country.
9) cut red tape for businesses.
10) Penalise the banks who do not lend(providing that they have first sought out customers who are not going to default)
I'm sure some of you could think of more ...and probably better ones too.....but those are mine.
What is your plan for those in 1 who have never paid into the system? Will you leave them to starve to death on the street?
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02-04-2013, 11:11
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
What would you do with them Neil?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-04-2013, 11:13
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Surely you have heard the saying 'for every solution there's a problem'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-04-2013, 11:32
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Neil
What is your plan for those in 1 who have never paid into the system? Will you leave them to starve to death on the street?
Thats simple if they are British help em if it is deserved, if they aint british, don't let the beggars in, in the first place.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-04-2013, 11:43
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
And smug old Ian Duncan Smith says he could live off £7-50 a day if he had too.
A bottle of cheap plonk every day sat on a park bench- you could survive for one week on that.
After that- well, it might get difficult.
02-04-2013, 11:56
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
Thats simple if they are British help em if it is deserved, if they aint british, don't let the beggars in, in the first place.
They are already here though so what would you do?
How would you like to define British?
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02-04-2013, 11:57
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
What would you do with them Neil?
No idea, thats why I am not a politician.
Its ok saying don't give them money if they have never paid into the system but we have generations of people who have never worked.
Not giving them any money as you said would mean certain death and a massive increase in crime - is that what you want?
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02-04-2013, 12:03
Full Member
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Re: The Tories
Proud to be ASFC
02-04-2013, 12:05
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Neil
They are already here though so what would you do?
How would you like to define British?
A british citizen. simple. If they deserve help through no fault of own then give em help. if they don't then let em starve, Wouldn't mind betting not many would choose that route. The do-gooders won't like it, but i don't really give a toss fer those people.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-04-2013, 12:32
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Neil
No idea, thats why I am not a politician.
Its ok saying don't give them money if they have never paid into the system but we have generations of people who have never worked.
Not giving them any money as you said would mean certain death and a massive increase in crime - is that what you want?
Well Neil, I think you are probably too young to remember the UK before the welfare state became a way of life...in fact I know you are!
I remember there being very little help for people but folks had to manage with what they had.
You didn't go for a pint in the pub if you had no bread in the pantry...you didn't go to the pictures if the rent man was due.
We have bred a generation of people who see it as their right to draw benefits...but with rights go responsibilities...these are conveniently overlooked or not considered.
I am not saying that all benefit claimants are scroungers....but it is true to say that there a re pockets in this country where no-one works...or seems to want to work.
Now.....the current benefit bill is 220 billion a year...this has to come from somewhere.........where do want this money to be taken from?
As for your question.....No I wouldn't let them starve on the streets(you must really think I am a heartlesws beast), but they would not get the kind of handouts that they get now...and anyone coming into the country would have to prove they could sustain themselves for 2 years or they would be shown the door...if after 2 years of living off their own resources they had not got a job, or a home they would lose their right to residency.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-04-2013, 12:42
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
The real heartless people margaret, are those in Power who are letting genuine people suffer to make figures etc look good n win brownie points off the numbskull's that buy it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-04-2013, 12:56
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Cashy, I have been there......been poor.....my father was out of work and ill for years after he was demobbed...we got nothing from the welfare state.
And I do not mean for people of today to suffer the same things just because I did, but you and I both know that poverty...real poverty (where you have nothing in the cupboard to eat) steels your character and makes you rely on no-one but yourself.
The benefit cap is going to be set at £26,000 now I don't know about you, but I do not get anywhere near that, and I didn't get that kind of money when I was working either.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-04-2013, 13:20
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Cashy, I have been there......been poor.....my father was out of work and ill for years after he was demobbed...we got nothing from the welfare state.
And I do not mean for people of today to suffer the same things just because I did, but you and I both know that poverty...real poverty (where you have nothing in the cupboard to eat) steels your character and makes you rely on no-one but yourself.
The benefit cap is going to be set at £26,000 now I don't know about you, but I do not get anywhere near that, and I didn't get that kind of money when I was working either.
I have no objection at all to a cap, my objection is simple.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-04-2013, 14:25
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
A british citizen. simple. If they deserve help through no fault of own then give em help. if they don't then let em starve, Wouldn't mind betting not many would choose that route. The do-gooders won't like it, but i don't really give a toss fer those people.
Does that apply to anyone in the world/EU or just those that are here now?
How do you define those that "deserve help through no fault of own"
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