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04-04-2013, 17:44
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
They seemingly are working fer less cost to the company is what i understand, Also if they drive to work, its 12 months before they have to pay road tax in our country (Fact) Why should that be?  Our young uns pay from day1. or do these foreign driven cars not put wear and tear on our roads fer 12 months? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-04-2013, 17:47
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
They seemingly are working fer less cost to the company is what i understand, Also if they drive to work, its 12 months before they have to pay road tax in our country (Fact) Why should that be?  Our young uns pay from day1. or do these foreign driven cars not put wear and tear on our roads fer 12 months? 
And do they have insurance. I have to say I didn't know that cashy, its a sodding joke 
04-04-2013, 17:58
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
They seemingly are working fer less cost to the company is what i understand, Also if they drive to work, its 12 months before they have to pay road tax in our country (Fact) Why should that be?  Our young uns pay from day1. or do these foreign driven cars not put wear and tear on our roads fer 12 months? 
Come on, cashman. They're not uprooting themselves and coming all this way to save one years road tax! They're coming because there's work here which pays at a level they're happy with. If they are why aren't our people? Were our people offered these jobs at the Poles rate and refused them ? Or didn't they even get the chance-and if not why not? That's what bothers me.
04-04-2013, 18:25
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Come on, cashman. They're not uprooting themselves and coming all this way to save one years road tax! They're coming because there's work here which pays at a level they're happy with. If they are why aren't our people? Were our people offered these jobs at the Poles rate and refused them ? Or didn't they even get the chance-and if not why not? That's what bothers me.
I didn't say that, but never mind twist things how yeh want.  n No our people were not offered the job at the same rate as poles whatever that was i do not know, My nephew was told straight no job available this year were giving em to poles, He had worked yon approx 5 years n they had happily taken him back before, I posted the fact on here at the time, gawd knows which thread it was. I mentioned the road tax cos its another simple fact how aliens are getting a better deal than our own people.Unless things like this work business happen to one of yer family, Then people are very unlikely to know about whats really going on, Whoever coined "Ignorance Is Bliss" got it bang on.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-04-2013, 18:30
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
From what I've read on here about Express Gifts the company and its management should have been closed down when slavery was abolished.
But you are left with the question- why did they not re-employ a team of lads they knew and bring in Poles?
Yes, maybe the Poles would work for less but again maybe they thought the Poles would work harder, be more reliable. We don't know.
After mentioning Frank Fields yesterday I spent some time reading up on him. One of his comments was that of the 400,000 new jobs created in the first year of the ConDems, 320,000 went to immigrents. 87% !
On average in the final Labour years 80% of all new jobs went to immigrants.
The many companies that employed 400,000 people can't have all been like Express Gifts. They can't all have been lousy employers offering lousy jobs.
What do they see wrong with our huge pool of available labour? Why favour immigrants? Or did they not have much choice? It can't just be pay levels.
We have to ask why our unemployed don't get all or most of these jobs.
Are they brought up with bad attitude? Are they badly educated by a failing system? Has the moral fibre of this country rotted away? Is our welfare system too generous? Are they not interested?
We need to find out what's wrong. If we don't we'll end up with millions more immigrants working( but overwhelming our NHS,schools and housing) and starting to ask, as a massive pressure group, 'Why are we all working our butts off to keep all these UK locals at home? What's being done about it?'
Then the fun could start!
express gifts set up an employment agency in poland which probably took a deposit for you to register,then they bought a whole load of houses rented them out to about six at a time charging them on average rent at Ł100 a week .so thats Ł600 a week for one house. thats what one of my polish neighbors told me when i lived in accy.
04-04-2013, 18:36
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
express gifts set up an employment agency in poland which probably took a deposit for you to register,then they bought a whole load of houses rented them out to about six at a time charging them on average rent at Ł100 a week .so thats Ł600 a week for one house. thats what one of my polish neighbors told me when i lived in accy.
There was actually some living on our street doing that. so yer neighbours were not far off the mark. Many people really have No Idea whats going on.n probably choose not to believe or bother if it dont effect them.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Last edited by cashman; 04-04-2013 at 18:38.
04-04-2013, 18:56
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
express gifts set up an employment agency in poland which probably took a deposit for you to register,then they bought a whole load of houses rented them out to about six at a time charging them on average rent at Ł100 a week .so thats Ł600 a week for one house. thats what one of my polish neighbors told me when i lived in accy.
Now that could explain a lot! On that basis Cashmans nephew and the others wouldn't have a chance.
That's one sharp company-ending up with the workers almost paying you to work for you! It stinks but it won't be illegal- just a caring company helping its new workers find accommodation.
You're right, cashman, 'Ignorance is Bliss', our generation were very lucky on the whole- jobs were easy to find and often for life. I came close a couple of times but scraped through. I don't know how I'd have coped with seeing all the things I'd worked for melt away.
But the questions I raised still stand, if you put on one side the behaviour of companies like Express.
Edit- hadn't seen cashmans last post when I did this one.
Last edited by Gordon Booth; 04-04-2013 at 18:58.
04-04-2013, 18:57
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Re: The Tories
Seems like a whole bunch of folks have forgotten how a healthy consumer economy and the multiplier effect work .... the nips and the kruats seem to have gotten it right, and with a few occasional glitches, mainly the result of many other economies screwing up, they do damn well. A helluva a lot better than the allies who kicked their asses in the War. Pay a man a decent wage ... oops, forgot about women again  ... and she will spend about 90% of it ... on houses, appliances, cars, food etc. The stores wouldn't be closing ... houses wouldn't be deteriorating ... but no, British businessmen, and their counterparts over here and in the US would rather move jobs to places where labor is cheap, and to hell with the economy in their own country. The only allegiance they acknowledge is to themselves ... greedy, senseless bastards who look only at the short term. You can't have a healthy economy without a well-paid working class (these are the folks who pay taxes). You can't have a strong retail sector if the only work available is at the burger flipping level, or if you import foreign workers prepared to work for peanuts. Classical economics ain't rocket science; it's common sense.
Last edited by Eric; 04-04-2013 at 18:59.
04-04-2013, 20:18
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
What yeh on about?  I aint on about refusing, on about lads who worked yon fer years pre xmas, n one year a few years back were told sorry were starting Poles this year, Twas the only job these lads could get, i know one was me nephew.
soz mate i must have skipped apage i thought it wa sbeen hinted at people in the uk were lazy and thats why the poles and other immigrants find work so easy to find
mind you regarding express gifts one lad got fired for not looking interested in his work.He was sweeping up because it was quiet
i sort of got fired because when i asked for time off to attend my grandfathers funeral i was told if i attended the funeral i would be fired.Needless to say the arsehole fell on his arse but i dont recall what caused that to happen .I never went back 
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 04-04-2013 at 20:24.
04-04-2013, 21:58
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Eric
Ok. .... Off you go. Define "British" ... Get back to me when you come up with a definition which we can all agree on. Excuse me if I don't hold my breath while you are doing this.  This "define your terms" bs is an excuse for doing nothing while Rome (or your city of choice) burns. And while you are Gradgrinding your way towards a definition, the rest of the world will quite happily and inefficiently work towards the solving of problems ... That's how, in case you haven't noticed, things are handled on this planet.
The tories, by the way, have already "defined" what is wrong with the economy, and have come up with solutions based on that definition.
my definition of britsh was the best health service in the world,the best postal service in the world ,the best utility services in the world for the country and people,the best railway system in the world,the best transport system in the world buses etc ,the best telecommunications in the world and what happened the tories butchered them up for their mates. ohh i forgot the best search and rescue in the world now theyve privatised them as well.
05-04-2013, 07:29
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
If all those organisations had been rubbish....do you think anyone would have wanted to buy them?
And while Eric and Cashy like your post it doesn't define what being british is, because trying to define what being british is, is like trying to describe a blue sky to a blind man.......or describing the taste of cheese without letting someone sample it.
People over the years have misunderstood the British.......and none more than those who tried to bring continental drinking habits to these isles........it doesn't work because the people have a different mind set to the continentals......to understand British...you have to be British.
Humour is different, ideals are different....the great influx of migrants was done to try to dilute this...to change the face of this country........but it was done too quickly and with little thought about how it would change things....for those coming in,and those already here. It was and experiment in social engineering. It hasn't improved the country. It has caused resentment in communities, made people feel like strangers in their own land....and it could turn out to be like Frankensteins monster.(Oh, and before anyone uses the rascism card - I'm saying what many people feel, but don't like to say for fear of being called racist...it isn't being racist.....it is being nationalist).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 05-04-2013 at 07:38.
05-04-2013, 08:03
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
my definition of britsh was the best health service in the world,the best postal service in the world ,the best utility services in the world for the country and people,the best railway system in the world,the best transport system in the world buses etc ,the best telecommunications in the world and what happened the tories butchered them up for their mates. ohh i forgot the best search and rescue in the world now theyve privatised them as well.
In that case why didn't Tony and Gordon re-nationalise them then they had enough time, and certainly borrowed enough money to squander on other useless things, just a thought 
05-04-2013, 08:58
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by jaysay
In that case why didn't Tony and Gordon re-nationalise them then they had enough time, and certainly borrowed enough money to squander on other useless things, just a thought 
Cos has been said many times there all the ruddy same. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-04-2013, 09:28
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
Cos has been said many times there all the ruddy same. 
Well not really, reminds me of a little tale from the 60s cashy, Herald goes in the loo in the Commons and Ted Teeth is in there, Herald stands in the next stall, looks at Ted and says "Out there we're opposite Ted, but in here we all equal, we all hold our own" Ted says to Herald "You sod off every time you see something big you nationalise it 
05-04-2013, 10:05
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Just seen a picture of that arrogant sod "Osbourne" Whilst he has cut disabled benefits, he was parking in a disabled space, despite being loads of empty spaces within yards of it.  Were really all in this together are we not. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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