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Old 18-10-2013, 23:29   #3466
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
the truth hurts eh everything ive put on there is true. tell one thing on there that is not true.
The trouble is, you make it too difficult to read.
You could be the future of politics for all I know, but I get a few of lines down (what should be a couple of sentences at most) and give up. Your posts are unreadable. And if I`m criticising your punctuation, you really have problems.

Last edited by gpick24; 18-10-2013 at 23:32.
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Old 19-10-2013, 00:33   #3467
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Do you actually think any body reads the dribble you post on here, save all the keyboard work, which you ain't that good at anyway, and just put in the link, its just as easy to ignore a link as all the diatribe you post, and more important it will save web space too
but you know its the truth we have been sold down the river by the tories. our childrens children will be bemused why did we do this. this is going to have very bad consequences . one of our major competitors owns us . so our future is going to be zero hours part time hours while we rent our houses from foreign hedge funds .
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Old 19-10-2013, 07:33   #3468
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
but you know its the truth we have been sold down the river by the tories. our childrens children will be bemused why did we do this. this is going to have very bad consequences . one of our major competitors owns us . so our future is going to be zero hours part time hours while we rent our houses from foreign hedge funds .
Okay, looks like we've managed the "." Now, if we concentrate on capitals & other forms of punctuation, we may just get some coherent comments out of you. That, or a return to C&P!
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 19-10-2013, 12:09   #3469
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
so the tories say we are great for Britain standing behind a union jack Maggie thatcher should now be known as a traitor in history as she sold us down the river. nuclear power stations in Britain will be 100% owned by the Chinese government who are supposed to be communist ha ha you couldn't make it up. it just shows they are just in it for the money . we had infrastructure which could have raised revenue to pay off our debts what id thatcher do yes she sold them in a jumble sale . we were the most respected country in the world the Chinese ,the americans loved it wanting to buy red buses, red phone boxes red royal mail vans . what have we got now nothing half the government are now serco, crapita etc we have nothing left we don't even recruit our own soldiers now that's up to another hedge fund firm . ye thatcher and her supporters it will create competition yes competition to raise the most money competition to be the biggest rip off . we had it and we it up .there answer is to ply the banks with money to lend and even right it off .is this not what caused the credit bubble which exploded in 2007 they are clueless as our debts go more out of control than ever yes keep believing the rubbish that they are paying it off they are borrowing more to pay it off and still blaming the last government who gave us a decent standard of living whether you like it or not the facts the statistics are there.. where does this leave us? in more debt than we have ever been in do you think the Chinese are doing this for nothing we are borrowing off them and they are still going to own the power stations 100% what happens in the future when the Chinese leadership changes to a more fundamentalist government. this is the biggest threat to our future ever... Nuclear expert raises concerns about Chinese role in UK's new nuclear plants | Environment | The Guardian
I don't particularly want nuclear energy as there's a problem disposing of the radioactive material. We used to put it into drums and drop them into the ocean until we discovered the sea was becoming radioactive due to the metal drums corroding.
Why don't you accuse the thousands of British people who bought shares in the nationalised industries of being traitors? I'd like to point out that when British people bought shares in British owned nationalised industries, the first thing most of them did was sell them on the open market - not very patriotic I would suggest.
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Old 19-10-2013, 17:45   #3470
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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The Tories

Originally Posted by Lucysgirl View Post
I don't particularly want nuclear energy as there's a problem disposing of the radioactive material. We used to put it into drums and drop them into the ocean until we discovered the sea was becoming radioactive due to the metal drums corroding.
Why don't you accuse the thousands of British people who bought shares in the nationalised industries of being traitors? I'd like to point out that when British people bought shares in British owned nationalised industries, the first thing most of them did was sell them on the open market - not very patriotic I would suggest.
Could we have a link that shows the waste was dumped in barrels into the sea?

As for your second thought, people were offered shares they bought them, they then did exactly what the money men and good old Maggy the thatcher expected, they sold them because they needed the money, it must have made a fortune for those that already had a fortune.
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Old 19-10-2013, 18:34   #3471
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Re: The Tories

we send a lot of nuclear waste to south America I watch the ships take it yearly a lot of people bought into the share issues but they will now be regretting the privatization of the utilities . the traitors are the tories who sold Britain down the river without a paddle. does this mean our closest allies are now the Chinese who violate human rights.
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Old 20-10-2013, 00:11   #3472
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Re: The Tories

this is how the tories are fiddling the statistics its the tory way Sanctions and Tory Britain today ? A mum speaks out | SPeye
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Old 20-10-2013, 15:35   #3473
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Could we have a link that shows the waste was dumped in barrels into the sea?

As for your second thought, people were offered shares they bought them, they then did exactly what the money men and good old Maggy the thatcher expected, they sold them because they needed the money, it must have made a fortune for those that already had a fortune.
I can't find the TV newsreel stills which (1) showed barrels being rolled off the ships and then (2) several years later underwater cameras showed bubbles escaping from barrels and (3) barrels being recovered.
I know we now search for deep caves in suitable rock to dispose of our nuclear waste but I see from surfing the web that other countries have comparatively recently been dumping their waste into the sea - Russia and other countries being named.

However, I have found a Sheffield website which depicts some rusting metal barrels Glass offers improved means of storing UK?s nuclear waste - News releases - News - The University of Sheffield
I was shocked to see this article in a 2009 BBC report:- <<BBC News, Italy
A shipwreck apparently containing toxic waste is being investigated by authorities in Italy amid claims that it was deliberately sunk by the mafia.
An informant from the Calabrian mafia said the ship was one of a number he blew up as part of an illegal operation to bypass laws on toxic waste disposal.
The sunken vessel has been found 30km (18 miles) off the south-west of Italy.
The informant said it contained "nuclear" material. Officials said it would be tested for radioactivity.>>
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Old 20-10-2013, 16:42   #3474

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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Could we have a link that shows the waste was dumped in barrels into the sea.
Sod the sea, have you seen what happened to the moon when the Nuclear Waste that was stored there blew up?

Dammed Tories, hiding the fact.....
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"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 20-10-2013, 19:05   #3475
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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The Tories

Originally Posted by Lucysgirl View Post
I can't find the TV newsreel stills which (1) showed barrels being rolled off the ships and then (2) several years later underwater cameras showed bubbles escaping from barrels and (3) barrels being recovered.
I know we now search for deep caves in suitable rock to dispose of our nuclear waste but I see from surfing the web that other countries have comparatively recently been dumping their waste into the sea - Russia and other countries being named.

However, I have found a Sheffield website which depicts some rusting metal barrels Glass offers improved means of storing UK?s nuclear waste - News releases - News - The University of Sheffield
I was shocked to see this article in a 2009 BBC report:- <<BBC News, Italy
A shipwreck apparently containing toxic waste is being investigated by authorities in Italy amid claims that it was deliberately sunk by the mafia.
An informant from the Calabrian mafia said the ship was one of a number he blew up as part of an illegal operation to bypass laws on toxic waste disposal.
The sunken vessel has been found 30km (18 miles) off the south-west of Italy.
The informant said it contained "nuclear" material. Officials said it would be tested for radioactivity.>>
So, you've no actual proof?
Just hearsay and propaganda?
You believe this to be true so expect everyone else to take your word for it?
You may have seen a documentary of barrels thrown into the sea, or not, that does not make them barrels of nuclear waste, they would need many barrels and if they where so careless, do you really think they would allow a BBC team to document it?
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Old 20-10-2013, 19:36   #3476
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Re: The Tories

I see the suicide bombing has started in Syria. I wonder if William hague still wants the uk to arm the Syrian rebels
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Old 20-10-2013, 20:09   #3477
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
I see the suicide bombing has started in Syria. I wonder if William hague still wants the uk to arm the Syrian rebels
Well, why don't you volunteer to join them?

I'm sure you can't be any worse at that than you are at posting.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 20-10-2013, 21:56   #3478
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Re: The Tories

im not a postman
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Old 20-10-2013, 23:10   #3479
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
im not a postman
Of course you aren't they have standards.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 21-10-2013, 12:11   #3480
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
So, you've no actual proof?
Just hearsay and propaganda?
You believe this to be true so expect everyone else to take your word for it?
You may have seen a documentary of barrels thrown into the sea, or not, that does not make them barrels of nuclear waste, they would need many barrels and if they where so careless, do you really think they would allow a BBC team to document it?
Now, now, now, please don't look into a mirror and think it's me.
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