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Old 25-07-2014, 20:37   #4006
God Member

Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Please will you explain what you mean by being forced out of London?

think he means the rich buy up houses leaving pooer people born there unable to afford homes in areas where they grew up

a bit like what is happeneing and has happened all over the UK

a place becomes desirable so the rich pay large amounts of money to live there which puts house prices out of reach of your average person

not just london its how its been for years i think what stired it up was a tory MP saying if you cant afford to live in london go get a job in manchester
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 25-07-2014 at 20:40.
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Old 25-07-2014, 22:09   #4007
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
My guru, you're losing your fervour!
What took you so long to bite? Sorry, respond.
UK unemployment 6.5%
Spain 25%
Portugal 15.1%
Italy 12.6%
Ireland 11.6%
France 10.1%
We've a long way to go but we seem to be getting there better than many countries.
What's wrong with the Chinese spending in London shops? Better here than in the euro zone. Anyway, most of it is money we spent on stuff from them or is USA debt.
Remember where we were in 2010 when the Labour Govt. and the bankers had finished wrecking our economy? Never mind rises, we'd no money left to pay wages.
Yes there are some poor jobs and poor wages but at last we're going the right way.
And no-one on the IMF has suggested we're fiddling the figures.
With growth will come pay rises, as the Chinese are finding out to their horror. Be patient.
Why do you think immigrants from all over the world want to come here, whether to work or for benefits? They'll ride,walk or hang under lorries right through the EU to get here- the land of opportunity for them whether or not they work.
Where else in Europe( or the world) could a Romanian immigrant earn £1800/month( he says) and get £4600/month benefits? He'd have to earn £125,000 before tax to get all that by working. Still not happy, he wants a bigger house as he lied and said he had 6 children when he actually had 15. You wait, he'll get one, you can afford it.
in europe the figures are counted differently they only count people on jsa not the ones who are not allowed to claim ,wont claim , not allowed to claim or on the sick, on a work placement ,or the half a year wages they have given employers to employ people who will do it all over again the next year the time of the sustainable job for the working class is over . when people are losing the debate they always bring an immigration story up. if the tories were serious about changing this they have had 5 years to do it the labour party must be the most powerful political party in the world to create a world wide recession lol if you look at national statistics before the crash in 2008 the deficit was coming down. the debt only went back up after the billions were paid out to save the banks which if they were left to crash there would have been mayhem . remember we were out of recession when the tories won the election they took us back into it. osborne is a fiddler of the highest order lol
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Old 25-07-2014, 22:16   #4008
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Re: The Tories

i forgot to mention, i have been speaking to a lot of economic immigrants and asked them why they came to britain? the answer is so called companies set up employment agencies put advertisements on local tv radio papers etc with pictures of london etc bring them across provide somewhere to live . pay under the national minimum wage . if they complain they are out on their ear with no where to live.
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Old 25-07-2014, 22:20   #4009
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
think he means the rich buy up houses leaving pooer people born there unable to afford homes in areas where they grew up

a bit like what is happeneing and has happened all over the UK

a place becomes desirable so the rich pay large amounts of money to live there which puts house prices out of reach of your average person

not just london its how its been for years i think what stired it up was a tory MP saying if you cant afford to live in london go get a job in manchester
you have no clue matey in london rent has rose average 35% because all the russians who have donated to the tories are buying up everthing for assets to avoid paying tax. this is the reason why fulham and hammersmith david cameron's favourite borough council is now under labour control with more of london to go the same way.
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Old 26-07-2014, 11:20   #4010
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Re: The Tories

what i find laughable is that you constantly slag off the torys and accuse them of been underhand and it was your beloved New Labour that dragged us into an illigal war causing unnessecarry deaths to our troops and not only had teh expenses scandal happen on tehir watch but made damn sure no MPs of any standing went to prison for it

iv never been a tory supporter and never will be but your shower of shat are just as vile and corrupt if not worse
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Old 26-07-2014, 13:19   #4011
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
it was your beloved New Labour that dragged us into an illigal war causing unnessecarry deaths to our troops
You're forgetting, accyman, Saint Tony has led the boys(from the front, of course) on two Crusades!

Iraq, just a side show really. Only 179 of his Crusaders dead. I wonder, if he was honest (is that possible), whether he might prefer Saddam to Isis?

Afghanistan- he got serious there, over 450 dead, over 7000 admitted to hospital, over 600 of them with serious injuries.
The end result- our young men sit in Camp Bastion waiting to come home, can't leave the base because the Taliban have walked, unhindered, back into the whole of Helmand province that they fought and died for.

To cap his success, it only cost us £8.4 billion in Iraq and £37 billion in Afghanistan, no wonder the cupboard was bare when he and Gordon got kicked out. Perhaps cmon could tell us how many doctors, nurses, policemen etc. that would have paid for!

Tony- cmon's hero. Heaven save us from any more like him!

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 26-07-2014 at 13:24.
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Old 26-07-2014, 15:26   #4012
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Re: The Tories

What you two forget is that there are none so blind than those who turn the other way to avoid seeing what is clear to the rest of us.
We can discuss this until the last trump, C'mon is never ever going to accept that the Liebour party did anything that was against the common man.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-07-2014, 16:25   #4013
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
What you two forget is that there are none so blind than those who turn the other way to avoid seeing what is clear to the rest of us.
We can discuss this until the last trump, C'mon is never ever going to accept that the Liebour party did anything that was against the common man.

cmon is a prime example of the turn up on election day and vote for absolutlely anyone or anything as long as its under the labour flag

you could be the biggest slimeball going but as long as you stand for the right party in the area you choose you wont loose an election

Malcome pritchard is a prime example of that he stood for as party he knew woudl get votes and despite his previous underhand tactics he still won then shat all over his ward for a second time by switching parties within seconds of been announced the winner

if M pritchard stands and wins again im going to have to conclude that the water is been tampered with in teh area or people have simply got dumb
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 26-07-2014, 17:33   #4014
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Re: The Tories

Accyman......nail, head, direct hit!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-07-2014, 18:37   #4015
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Re: The Tories

C'mon, in spite of what many think of the way he posts, does hint, more than hint, at the, lets call it a fallacy, of the figures showing positive growth in the British Economy. In some sense, (some may call it non-sense), the figures are irrelevant ... except to politicians and the avid readers of the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal. What is important, and what is not happening, is that some of this wealth should, to use a Reaganomics term, "trickle down" to the bottom 99% (or maybe it's 95%) But it ain't happnin' folks. And maybe it's time to listen to those our there who believe that the greatest threat to political and social stability in the world is not militant Islam, the US military, North Korea, drug cartels, or what ever else you care to think of, it is the unequal distribution of the World's wealth. The outrageously over-compensated are rubbing their hands in glee at the positive figures for the UK economy. The ones barely getting by are consoling themselves with "thank god, at least it isn't going to get any worse."

And I don't believe that New Labour is going address the fundamental problem of the economic inequities in British Society. But solved they must be. The under-compensated are not going to lie quiescent for ever.
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Old 26-07-2014, 18:56   #4016
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Re: The Tories

I think that most of us have a healthy.....or perhaps that should be cynical perspective on figures released by governments, or on behalf of governments.
There have always been financial inequalities. I am not saying it is right.
If those huge multinational corporations were chased for the taxes they owed......If those who have children who were not resident in the Uk were prevented from claiming for these children.....if, if, if.
There would be funds to ensure those who are truly disabled, those who are truly in need to have enough to make ends meet.

Tax loopholes have existed for a long time. These allow those big companies to evade tax, but pensioners are being sent intimidating letters to retrieve a few hundred pounds that they have underpaid....not through any fault of their own, but due to HMRC miscalculations.

So the tax net catches the little flies, but the big ones sail straight through.
NO GOVERNMENT OF ANY COLOUR HAS ADDRESSED THIS......yet they have all had the opportunity.

You are right about some of the money trickling far it hasn't happened.
Although we are told that things on the financial front have improved, there are many who are not feeling this in real terms.
The inequalities will not end anytime soon.......and we can forget the maxim that 'we are all in it together'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-07-2014, 19:19   #4017
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
the greatest threat to political and social stability in the world is not militant Islam, the US military, North Korea, drug cartels, or what ever else you care to think of, it is the unequal distribution of the World's wealth.
Was there ever a time in the history of the human race when 'the rich didn't get the gravy and the poor the bleeding blame'?
Has any country, empire or government ever resolved it? Even for a short time?
Any Empire you can name-any country you can name- has always had the very rich and the very poor, whatever system they use, capitalism, communism, dictatorship, democracy.

It's a lamentable condition of human nature to try to get richer at someone else's expense.

Has any revolution ever rectified it? No, the rich have been removed and the leaders of the poor have become the rich and powerful. very often those new rich have given the poor a harder time than the old rich did. Always the bulk of the poor have remained at the bottom.

Just like killing people because you don't like their religion, colour, race or just feel like killing- it's part of our nature, our species isn't a very nice one and hasn't improved over thousands of years, in fact we've got better at both habits.

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 26-07-2014 at 19:24.
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Old 26-07-2014, 21:14   #4018
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post

It's a lamentable condition of human nature
Well, that's a bs cop out if ever I heard, or read one. What is this "human nature" you talk about? And why, if it is a "lamentable condition", is it tolerated? And, "Its the same the whole world over; it's the poor what gets the blame" is a line from a rugby song, not a reasoned analysis of the global economy. Try thinking outside the cliche ... or, just try thinking.

Last edited by Neil; 27-07-2014 at 11:14. Reason: fix quote
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Old 26-07-2014, 21:33   #4019
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Re: The Tories

Yes sir, I'll go to the bottom of your class(you have one?).
You haven't heard of human nature? Look it up.
So, with your wisdom, what is your answer, solution, suggestion to solve the rich getting richer, the poor staying poor?
I'm sure the world awaits your pearls.
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Old 26-07-2014, 21:51   #4020
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Re: The Tories

it seems that in this world the mantra is 'To those who have, more shall be given, and for those who have not, all shall be taken away'
Capitalism has no conscience about the poor. It does not see knows no ethics, other than the ethics of making a profit in whatever way it can.
It is humans who run businesses, who look for profit....governments are complicit because they know that along the way they will benefit.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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