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26-07-2014, 22:49
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I think that most of us have a healthy.....or perhaps that should be cynical perspective on figures released by governments, or on behalf of governments.
if i had a broken neck and a MP especially a labour MP told me he sky was blue i would firstly put my hand over my wallet then look up to the sky no matte rhow much it may hurt to check.
i would have put got my carer to hold my wallet and manouver my head to a looking up position but the tory scumbags have taken carers away
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
26-07-2014, 23:08
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Yes sir, I'll go to the bottom of your class(you have one?).
You haven't heard of human nature? Look it up.
So, with your wisdom, what is your answer, solution, suggestion to solve the rich getting richer, the poor staying poor?
I'm sure the world awaits your pearls.
Seems like it's time to get out the shovel.
26-07-2014, 23:21
Senior Member
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Eric
Seems like it's time to get out the shovel.
And the sweet smelling spray
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
27-07-2014, 07:50
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
You mean , there is a sweet smelling spray that can take away the smell that is left by a party who was intent on taking this country into a conflict that it should have had no part in???
The shovel? That is to bury the truth about the responsibility for this act......then the poor service personnel who lost their young lives in the pursuit of Tony Blair's hubristic ambitions.
We are all (in every part of the world and by every political party ever formed) fed what these people deem we should be told. They do not tell us the truth...they treat us like we are five and still believe in the tooth fairy and Santa.
There are three types of truth. Your truth, their truth and then there is what really happened.
We have seen it so many times, lies cover up, fudges.
Like Accyman I believe nothing that politicians tell me. If that is, or sounds cynical it is the way life has formed me.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
27-07-2014, 11:02
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Re: The Tories
i think this should have a thread on its own, not only has news companies eing selective about their reports but george osborne has borrowed more money in 4 and a half years than the last labour government did in 13 years . as i have said all along this government are out of their depth. the truth will come out after the next general election. Budget 2014: the six scary graphs » Spectator Blogs
27-07-2014, 14:39
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
george osborne has borrowed more money in 4 and a half years than the last labour government did in 13 years
He's had to borrow, there's nothing left to flog off to make the figures look better, they've already got rid of it all on the cheap.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
27-07-2014, 14:57
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by yerself
He's had to borrow, there's nothing left to flog off to make the figures look better, they've already got rid of it all on the cheap.
Cmon seems to forget the cupboard was bare.  n i despise the Tories.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
27-07-2014, 16:43
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Cashy not only was the cupboard bare there were two promissory notes to the rentman...and three to the utility companies.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-08-2014, 01:24
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Re: The Tories
At next years election, Laboour could and should win alot of the debates on secondary issues such as education, transport, etc
But when it comes to economics, they are still living in cloud cuckoo land.
They still keep promising to spend money the country hasnt got, and there explaination from where this money will come from is always the same - tax the bankers!
I really dont want to see Ed Balls anywhere near the next government, especially not as chancellor.
02-08-2014, 09:37
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Re: The Tories
whoever wins the next election are bind to spend the same amount of money, it going to be where they spend that money. i see david cameron is spouting off about putin lol the rest of the world are laughing at him. a government who have weakened the british army ,navy, and infrastructure of the country they just ignore him as they know he is out of his depth.
02-08-2014, 10:09
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: The Tories
Perhaps the reason the rest of the world wisely ignore him is because the last Prime Minister to rattle a saber whilst sucking on America's bush, proved to be a liar and got a lot of folk needlessly killed?
I wouldn't trust or take a British PM seriously in world politics after that.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
02-08-2014, 13:22
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Less
Perhaps the reason the rest of the world wisely ignore him is because the last Prime Minister to rattle a saber whilst sucking on America's bush, proved to be a liar and got a lot of folk needlessly killed?
I wouldn't trust or take a British PM seriously in world politics after that.
Strange isn't it? C'mon was on line when I posted that, still reading the thread, no answer, or is it that he has no answer will wait a few days then go off at yet another tangent wildly accusing the Tories, never to answer it.
Seems normal for him, call the Tories but NEVER agree Labour stink of the same swill.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
02-08-2014, 14:35
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Less
Strange isn't it? C'mon was on line when I posted that, still reading the thread, no answer, or is it that he has no answer will wait a few days then go off at yet another tangent wildly accusing the Tories, never to answer it.
Seems normal for him, call the Tories but NEVER agree Labour stink of the same swill.
Not strange at all Less, par fer the coarse wi Cmon. Thats whats lost him any credibility he may have had many years ago. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
03-08-2014, 18:54
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Less
Labour stink of the same swill.
There's no Labor any more, as far as I can see. And New Labour is worse than than the Tories. At least the Tories have stood by their "principles", or lack of them. New Labor has sold out for a mess of pottage, or a pail of swill.  There's no more of "standing up for what you believe" and damn the election results. Seems like it's all about power. Principle has been flushed down the bog.
And the Lib-Dems ... whatever the hell they are ... total idiots. Clegg actually had the gall to say that the Israeli response to daily rocket attacks was "over reacting"  And the response to 9-11 was what? Why don't we spend over a trillion dollars, and too much of our soldiers' blood, to wreck a stable - ish country; kill hundreds of thousands; and destabilize a whole region.  ? Let whoever is without sin cast the first stone. (And we all know JC's response: "Mother, sometimes you just pee me right off.") 
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