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Old 03-04-2015, 15:21   #4066
Senior Member

Re: The Tories

I was preparing myself to be impressed with Nigel Farage, but having heard him last night, I suspect his only policy is to blame foreigners for everything. He is somewhat a one trick pony.
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Old 03-04-2015, 15:38   #4067
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Re: The Tories

I think that this has been said of Farage for a long time...his party have no policies other than the promise to ditch the EU.......and I am not sure they would know how to go about that.
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Old 03-04-2015, 16:00   #4068
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
I suspect his only policy is to blame foreigners for everything. He is somewhat a one trick pony.
It does seem to be the case, whenever he's on the box or radio, even the papers the conversation goes in the same direction it appears. Admittedly immigration & Europe do have a strong influence on the lives of Joe & Josephina Public, but it isn't the B all & end all of their concerns & worries though.

I do hope that when the UKIP manifesto does eventually come into the public domain (after Easter allegedly), that it is, in depth, informative wide reaching & relevant to the UK & her people, now that will be the big ask!

Should they fail to achieve these goals or for that matter impress their earnestness upon the folk of UK, then they'll be no better than the present self serving, avaricious muppets we already have & their touting "We know what's best for you, so we've no need to listen to your concerns, just trust us!" Yeah right & look where thats got us.

Like I say, I do hope they can fulfil the expectations of those they've given hope to, for their own sakes & that of those desperately looking for a better brighter UK for themselves & their offspring
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 03-04-2015 at 16:02.
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Old 03-04-2015, 16:06   #4069
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Re: The Tories

I was looking forward to a decent debate and all we got were 7 party political broadcasts on behalf of the 'Free Milk For the Over 5's Party'.

Call me Dave was still blaming everybody and his dog for anything which didn't sound good.
Nigel Farage was blaming them damn foreigners for every bad thing that has happened since Henry VIII started collecting wives.
Nichola McFish put on an impressive performance but the undertones of gloating with regard to free prescriptions, tuition fees and the like kind of turned me against her. Why do the McVoters get those things for nothing within the same legislation?
That Australian woman's voice gets on my nerves although some of the screeches she made were a breath of fresh air.
Nick Clegg was just Nick Clegg and any interest I had in him dissolved after the last election.
Edwin Broadband is a politician I simply cannot take seriously as I see him as a naughty school boy who was late with his homework.
I think that was all of them .............

Hang on though, wasn't there a Welsh woman on the stage for some reason?
Not sure why.

What we didn't get to the bottom of was the nation's debt.
We were told that the National debt had been halved, it was the same as when the tories came to power and that it had also increased.
We were also told that the GDP was up and down but which one is the true situation.

I can't recall if inflation was mentioned but being told that inflation is as low as it is, when my bills keep increasing at a much higher rate makes me not trust a single word a politician of any party utters.

Call me Dave didn't want the debates in the first place and after wasting 2 hours of my life last night, when we could have been playing Scrabble.
For the first time in my life - I find myself agreeing with him.
There is a sunset every day in Morecambe but some are better than others.

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Last edited by Morecambe Ex Pat; 03-04-2015 at 16:09.
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Old 03-04-2015, 16:19   #4070
Senior Member+

Re: The Tories

Cameron wishing he wasn't there.
Ed staring at you with those big eyes, looking ready to cry, oozing oily sincerity. Not PM material, want's you to love him too much.
Clegg branded forever by his promise on student fees and tying up with the Tories.Probably won't get enough MPs to join in a coalition.
Wood only wants more English money for the Welsh, no mention of how to raise it.
Bennett wants to spend a fortune, make us all walk and sit in the dark with coats on, no financial policy on how she'd pay for it(look what they've done to Brighton).
Farage, entertaining but a bad boob with the 'Foreigners with aids' line. Hard to take seriously.
Sturgeon- Heaven help us if she gets in coalition with poor Ed, she'll eat him alive(quicker than he can eat a bacon butty!). She'll set up Scotland just as she wants it with English money then when she's got all she can she'll go for independence again, on her terms. She's good but dangerous, I think her performance guaranteed she'll wipe out Labour in Scotland.
I doubt if it swayed anyone's vote(except the Scots) but just left a lot of us even more worried about the future of the UK.
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Old 03-04-2015, 17:02   #4071
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Cameron wishing he wasn't there.
Ed staring at you with those big eyes, looking ready to cry, oozing oily sincerity. Not PM material, want's you to love him too much.
Clegg branded forever by his promise on student fees and tying up with the Tories.Probably won't get enough MPs to join in a coalition.
Wood only wants more English money for the Welsh, no mention of how to raise it.
Bennett wants to spend a fortune, make us all walk and sit in the dark with coats on, no financial policy on how she'd pay for it(look what they've done to Brighton).
Farage, entertaining but a bad boob with the 'Foreigners with aids' line. Hard to take seriously.
Sturgeon- Heaven help us if she gets in coalition with poor Ed, she'll eat him alive(quicker than he can eat a bacon butty!). She'll set up Scotland just as she wants it with English money then when she's got all she can she'll go for independence again, on her terms. She's good but dangerous, I think her performance guaranteed she'll wipe out Labour in Scotland.
I doubt if it swayed anyone's vote(except the Scots) but just left a lot of us even more worried about the future of the UK.
You have got it pretty straight there Gordon. Nothing much of note from any of them, probably the only positive things that came out was from Farage - Ł10B saved by stopping foreign aid to all and sundry and a further Ł10B saved by withdrawing from the EU, and an Australian/Canadian style points system for all immigrants.
However, I still wonder which of them, if any, will follow their consciences rather than their careers if they are elected. No doubt the Hyndburn electorate will remember who did put career before conscience and the will of his electorate not too long ago.
I must admit to distinct apprehension at the probable cost of Mr Baconbutty being supported by the SNP - in fact that scares me. But, whilst there is all the talk of Labour being supported by the SNP when it suits them or the bribe is adequate, the SNP seats are going to come from Labour seats, so unless they win seats from other parties, Labour plus SNP
will still only be roughly what Labour seats were before.
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Old 03-04-2015, 18:43   #4072
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Re: The Tories

We never listened at all,to this pile of crap. seen bits though on the news, I think its the media plus the dumbos slating what Farage said, the man is perfectly correct, why should britain pay for non - britains medical care? are yez really that stupid?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 03-04-2015, 20:11   #4073
God Member

Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I think that this has been said of Farage for a long time...his party have no policies other than the promise to ditch the EU.......and I am not sure they would know how to go about that.
im sure if he gets enough votes the tories will be more than happy to show him or say they will to make a partnership if they need to

He may well be a 1 trick pony but can we honest say that the partys with many tricks have done that well for us and our country

it seems to me that the partys with many tricks are the ones with the tricks they play on us like disguising true intent with what they think is clever word play and dong the exact opposite of what they say they will do or think should be done

ukips 1 trick is a very good one though infact i hope they get a partnership with the tories because the only way that will happen is if thetories agree to a referendum

labour clearly wont let the people have their democratic right and say ..They are too scared to loose the immigrant vote

or is it because we are too thick to understand whats going on
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Old 03-04-2015, 20:21   #4074
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Re: The Tories

I remember the little girl who was shot in the head because she wanted an education. Would Farage begrudge her having medical treatment in this country? I don't.
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Old 03-04-2015, 20:31   #4075
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
I remember the little girl who was shot in the head because she wanted an education. Would Farage begrudge her having medical treatment in this country? I don't.
its ok throwing this girl into the mix and using her to make your point but the point farage was making about the abuse of NHS was nothing to do with this girl or cases like hers he was making a very valid point that people come here to take advantage of our health system and to abuse it just as they do our benefits system..

not saying i agree with everything farage says or does but he has a point when he says our NHS sytem is abused by people coming here from outside the UK and throwing a humanitarian case into the debate dosnt alter that
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Old 03-04-2015, 20:37   #4076
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Re: The Tories

But do you think he would begrudge her receiving medical treatment in this country? He was the one who threw HIV sufferers into the mix.
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Old 03-04-2015, 20:53   #4077
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Re: The Tories

It is all irrelevant, because however we vote the politicians do whatever they want once elected...once they have your vote they know that for five years they have it made and that we can do precious little about it.

It doesn't matter what we think...or even if we do think(our own personal elected representative thinks that we are incapable of rational and logical thought) whoever is in government have the whip hand......they are not there to serve us...but to look after themselves.If voting changed anything they would stop us from doing it.
This thing called democracy is all an illusion to make us subdued and to let us think we can make a difference
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 03-04-2015, 20:56   #4078
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
But do you think he would begrudge her receiving medical treatment in this country? He was the one who threw HIV sufferers into the mix.

no i dont that girl was a humanitarian case what farage is refering to is a flood of HIV patients coming here with the sole intention of getting their hands on HIV medication that is very expensive and staying here so they can keep getting those expensive medications without having put 1 penny into the system

its the national health service not the world health service and unless the world is willing to put money into our health service it wont be able to treat the world and provide free treatment to the world

hey if theres an endless pot of money go ahead treat the whole damn world for all i care infact id encourage it but as it is the NHS dosnt have an unlimited amount of funding it has a budget to keep to .

maybe we should invite all of americas sick here as well.They dont have a health service and obama care isnt working too good.

where does it stop , id like to think theres a limit of some sort or shoudl we just keep shoving money at it until we go bankrupt ourselves and loose the NHS ?
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Old 03-04-2015, 21:00   #4079
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Re: The Tories

Well as I said at the beginning I was prepared to be impressed by Farage, but on every single question asked during the debate, he brought foreigners, immigrants and the EU into his replies. Is that all he thinks about?
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Old 03-04-2015, 21:27   #4080
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
It is all irrelevant, because however we vote the politicians do whatever they want once elected...once they have your vote they know that for five years they have it made and that we can do precious little about it.

It doesn't matter what we think...or even if we do think(our own personal elected representative thinks that we are incapable of rational and logical thought) whoever is in government have the whip hand......they are not there to serve us...but to look after themselves.If voting changed anything they would stop us from doing it.
This thing called democracy is all an illusion to make us subdued and to let us think we can make a difference
Magaret it isn't irrelevant it just shows the way politicians are...

We are being offered a change of government by our vote. 60% won't bother to vote, of the rest some will vote the way their parents and they themselves have always voted.
It will all depend on the people that are the small minority,

Those of us that actually think.

Yeah, O.K. I admit the last sentence is nonsensical, if we all actually 'thought', we wouldn't vote for any of what is offered.
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