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Old 08-05-2015, 15:57   #4201
Beacon of light

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Re: The Tories

It would be hoped that the Barnet formula would be ditched, but we will wait and see.
Scottish MP's should not be allowed to vote on issues which do not affect those North of the border.....well unless English MP's get a say on Scottish policy.

The votes cast for the SNP party amount to something like 5% of the electorate of the fact UKIP got the vote of 13% of the electorate, but have only one seat in the Commons
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 08-05-2015, 15:59   #4202
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I don't see why you guys are so worried about what's going on in Scotland. In another 10 years or so, the SNP will be in history's dustbin along with the Bloc Quebecois, who are there already. There is more chance of England's winning the World Cup than there is of the SNP ever amounting to much more than an irritating pimple on the asshole of history.
Well Eric you would have to be here to understand the open animosity......regardless of where they will be in ten years time, they are being an irritation right now.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 08-05-2015, 17:02   #4203
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well Eric you would have to be here to understand the open animosity......regardless of where they will be in ten years time, they are being an irritation right now.
We've been through it all. In the '95 Quebec referendum, only about 50,000 votes separated the "Yes" side from the "No" side. Quebec is recognized as a "Distinct Society". There has been devolution ... almost revolution.

October Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We've had the Bloc and the Pequistes ... I don't think I have to be there to understand what's going on. Been there; seen it; got the hat and the t-shirt. ... in both official languages.
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Old 08-05-2015, 17:06   #4204
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Re: The Tories

Well with the greatest respect Eric, you have been through something like it, you have seen something like it.......but it isn't the same.
No more than I can say I understand what you are talking about when you talk about the issues with Quebec...they may have similarities, but they are not the same.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 08-05-2015, 19:54   #4205
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The Tories

Let's face it, this was a surprise even for the Tories.

They probably didn't want to be in power at the end of the election anymore than anyone else did.

The polls we saw expecting a hung Government?

No, Labour and the rest wanted these folk back in power, why?

Because to get the economy and a chance of the books being sorted needs the swingeing effects they will have to put in power, they may succeed in turning the Country around but if they do it they will be the most unpopular Government ever, thus making them unelectable in the future.

They think they've won?

Look at the bosses face when he came back from the Queen, did that really look like a guy that had won or someone that was stuck with a job he doesn't want?
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Old 08-05-2015, 20:02   #4206
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
This is the main reason Labour lost in my view, I will probably be called racist fer this, They have no concept of what ordinary people fear.
I refer the honorable gentleman to the pictures (scroll through them) of the ecstatic Labour voters celebrating in Blackburn

VIDEO: Kate Hollern becomes MP as Labour hold Blackburn (From Lancashire Telegraph)
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Last edited by Guinness; 08-05-2015 at 20:05.
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Old 08-05-2015, 21:44   #4207
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Re: The Tories

Always look on the bright side - the tory win increases the risk of a revolution.

Homeless hungry people 'lose it' when they have nothing left to lose.

There will be plenty of jobs available as security guards for the rich, and those are 24 hour, not zero hour, jobs.

Last edited by MargaretR; 08-05-2015 at 21:48.
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Old 08-05-2015, 22:37   #4208
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
I refer the honorable gentleman to the pictures (scroll through them) of the ecstatic Labour voters celebrating in Blackburn

VIDEO: Kate Hollern becomes MP as Labour hold Blackburn (From Lancashire Telegraph)
they look so similar to jack straws campaign photos but i cant quite figure out why
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Old 09-05-2015, 07:03   #4209
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Always look on the bright side - the tory win increases the risk of a revolution.

Homeless hungry people 'lose it' when they have nothing left to lose.

There will be plenty of jobs available as security guards for the rich, and those are 24 hour, not zero hour, jobs.
Margaret, you speak as if there is a lot of difference between the parties......and we know that this is no longer true.
The days of a party with a conscience for social responsibility are long gone....socialism is dead and has been for a long time.
The poverty you speak of is not the same poverty that you and I knew when we were growing up.....when there was no help unless you went on the Parish.
Today's poverty is a different animal altogether.
It would not matter which party got into government....none are interested in the common man, the worker. These days the politicians sitting rarely have a background of real working life, most have had a privileged upbringing, with a public school,education, most are the offspring of wealthy families.....which is the main reason why they do not understand or even care about the likes of you and me...we are just means to an end....And prior to getting,our vote they can promise us anything.....they know that once elected we can do burger all about what they do!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 09-05-2015, 13:40   #4210
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Re: The Tories

Mps are under more scrutiny these days.

it wasn't that long ago MPs were given respect and pretty much dictated how any interviews went or what questions were asked

these days their lives are exposed both career and personal.Although this should be a good thing it has somehow given MPs the security in knowing that they can do almost anything they like and after a few outbursts on twitter or Facebook they can resume unscathed

20 years ago if a MP was caught defrauding the people of this country for personal gain especially in an illegal and criminal manner they would have to step down or be fired

these days we have a government that tells us how to behave despite a majority of them belonging in prison for fraud or at least probation and loss of job

people may ask why i dislike MPs so much

well i wouldnt let the local theif tell me how to live so why should i listen to MPs when they try to
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Old 09-05-2015, 13:57   #4211
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Re: The Tories

I've just receives this months edition of beano,it's says the Tories won

How they managed to find that many folk who haven't experienced the rise in the cost of living for the last 5 years is beyond me.....

...Anyhow,back to the chores for me
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Old 09-05-2015, 14:00   #4212
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
I've just receives this months edition of beano,it's says the Tories won

How they managed to find that many folk who haven't experienced the rise in the cost of living for the last 5 years is beyond me.....

...Anyhow,back to the chores for me
Perhaps they wouldn't have won IF slack arses had gone out to vote?
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Old 09-05-2015, 14:06   #4213
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Perhaps they wouldn't have won IF slack arses had gone out to vote?
Perhaps even the slack arses would vote, if there was a party worth the effort?
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Old 09-05-2015, 14:14   #4214
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Perhaps even the slack arses would vote, if there was a party worth the effort?
There hasn't been a party worth voting for, for years, but at least if you make the effort to go to the polls you can share in the shame of the political shambles rather than sit on the side lines pretending it's everyone else's fault.
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Old 09-05-2015, 14:17   #4215
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
There hasn't been a party worth voting for, for years, but at least if you make the effort to go to the polls you can share in the shame of the political shambles rather than sit on the side lines pretending it's everyone else's fault.
Agree, but i can understand people being that brassed off they can't be arsed.end of the day the Partys aint arsed about us.
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