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13-06-2020, 11:41
Beacon of light
Re: The U.S.A.
Anyway...come on we need to get back to the agenda of Black Lives Matter....and history....our history, where we came from and how we got to be where we are....is disposable.
It can be consigned to the waters of the Broad Quays (like the statue of Sir Edward Colston....except he has been fished out covered in red paint).
Or it can be boarded up like many other statures of people who were doing what was done back then.
History needs to be viewed through the prism of context....so that we can see how far we have progressed.
Yet, the question has to be asked 'have we?'
The current thuggocracy smacks of fascism.
Where is the tolerance?
And isn't this almost a case of racism too?
I do not want a police force the identifies with the mob, at a gathering of the mob.
If they want to take the knee in their own time then that is their business, but doing it whilst in uniform, doing the job of maintaining the law makes them politicised and as if they are siding with the mob.
'Be a sheep and you will be eaten by the wolf'
I know that these views are not 'woke'....but then I am NOT woke.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 13-06-2020 at 11:43.
13-06-2020, 17:31
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Re: The U.S.A.
The quarter farthing was not valid currency in the UK. It was minted for use in Ceylon as it was at the time, between 1839 and 1853. the obverse has Queen Victorias head facing left and if my memory serves me right the reverse has a crown with QUARTER FARTHING.
13-06-2020, 20:14
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The U.S.A.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Oh son....you put that so eloquently.....I wanted to say that but was being a bit diplomatic(or trying to be).
Therein lays our differences Ma, you're articulate & polite, me I'm rather blunt & some would say obnoxious, but that's lust the way it is! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
13-06-2020, 20:21
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The U.S.A.
Originally Posted by monkey hanger
so you knew my old man and his brothers.
Probably not, I'm far to young, but I served alongside some lads from the NE & a couple of Poolies, rather rum fellows in the main, good lads! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
13-06-2020, 20:35
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The U.S.A.
Originally Posted by Mark2009
The quarter farthing was not valid currency in the UK. It was minted for use in Ceylon as it was at the time, between 1839 and 1853. the obverse has Queen Victorias head facing left and if my memory serves me right the reverse has a crown with QUARTER FARTHING.
Damn it Fella, I only hope my memory is as good as yours if I ever get that old!!!! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
14-06-2020, 01:00
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Re: The U.S.A.
Regarding the destruction of statues, we can’t change history no matter how many statues are destroyed. Instead of destroying these there should be a plaque placed on them depicting what the person did, the good things AND the bad things. Instead of destruction let’s learn about the past and from the past. Hopefully to improve the future.
Let’s face it, not many present-day students, or even the general public, would know a lot about the past – give them a name and see how many know who that person was and what he/she did.
How many people pick up a history book these days….but they might read a plaque attached to a monument and learn some history from that, be it pleasant or unpleasant. These statues are of people who, when all is said and done, are partly responsible (or to blame) for the world as we know it today.
14-06-2020, 01:01
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Re: The U.S.A.
I wonder what the front-line health workers who have been putting their own lives on hold and at risk during the pandemic think when seeing all the protesters out in full force, social distancing gone out the window. Must be very frustrating.
14-06-2020, 07:35
Beacon of light
Re: The U.S.A.
I am sure that the key workers.....those who have worked their socks off keeping the country ticking over are feeling very frustrated and more than a little bit betrayed.
I would guess that many of those doing the demonstrating are being funded by the tax-payer.....and have had a relaxing 11 weeks.....sitting in the sunshine in their back gardens(and some on beaches and in parks).
While those doctors, nurses, teachers, supermarket staff, lorry drivers.....many of whom work alongside those colleagues who are people of colour feel like they have been labelled as racist....and are told they have 'white privilege'......I am going to get myself a black TShirt printed with the words 'NOT Guilty'.
While every country that professes itself to be multi cultural has some degree of racism(some of it reverse.....so that those of colour are favoured above white people - and the BBC is guilty of this) the UK is tolerant and allows for those with talent to prosper - whatever their ethnic background....
The UK is not America.....nothing like it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
14-06-2020, 07:56
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The U.S.A.
RACIST is nothing but an easy label for the dickheads to use,when the truth is they are selfish and clueless.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-06-2020, 08:45
Beacon of light
Re: The U.S.A.
Yes Cashy you are right....it is a term that is aimed at shutting down any kind of healthy discussion...and is frequently used by those who have a weak argument and grasp of the situation...oh yes and those who would gain advantage by playing that card.
The BBC currently have a job on offer where only people of colour can apply(they probably have quite a few of them).
I really despair over the current situation where the thugs seem to have the top hand.
Left wing activists are hijacking what should be a show of respect for a man who lost his life in circumstances that were tragic.
All the violence that is being forged in this man's name is offensive, disrespectful and divisive....but that is the agenda of these left wingers(I suspect they are trying to bring down the government).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
14-06-2020, 08:56
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: The U.S.A.
Yes, well, the beeb is well known for it's choice of candidates, when are these high flying intellectuals going to wake up and realise that positive discrimination for one part of society is negative discrimination for all the rest.
Putting a second rate person of any race or gender into a job before picking the best person for the job is no use to anyone except the person being fast tracked.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
14-06-2020, 09:06
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Re: The U.S.A.
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1241119]I
While those doctors, nurses, teachers, supermarket staff, lorry drivers.....many of whom work alongside those colleagues who are people of colour feel like they have been labelled as racist....and are told they have 'white privilege'......I am going to get myself a black TShirt printed with the words 'NOT Guilty'.
spent most of my working life alongside people of all different shades to me. in all those years i have only encountered one piece of racism. when we had conductors i prefered to work with a young lass{for obvious reasons** or a lad with interest in football and cars. the latter were all white guys. if i did have a non white conductor to work with i never blanked em for a shift and neither did anyone else to my knowledge. when we went into the canteen i sat with my mates and they did with theirs. nothing racist whatsoever and no one ever thought it was. nowadays those of twisted minds would class me as a sexist racist but its them who have an agenda and not me.
14-06-2020, 09:36
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Re: The U.S.A.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Anyway...come on we need to get back to the agenda of Black Lives Matter....and history....our history, where we came from and how we got to be where we are....is disposable.
It can be consigned to the waters of the Broad Quays (like the statue of Sir Edward Colston....except he has been fished out covered in red paint).
Or it can be boarded up like many other statures of people who were doing what was done back then.
History needs to be viewed through the prism of context....so that we can see how far we have progressed.
Yet, the question has to be asked 'have we?'
The current thuggocracy smacks of fascism.
Where is the tolerance?
And isn't this almost a case of racism too?
I do not want a police force the identifies with the mob, at a gathering of the mob.
If they want to take the knee in their own time then that is their business, but doing it whilst in uniform, doing the job of maintaining the law makes them politicised and as if they are siding with the mob.
'Be a sheep and you will be eaten by the wolf'
I know that these views are not 'woke'....but then I am NOT woke.
Quite right Marge, sorry for going off the agenda.
14-06-2020, 09:39
Beacon of light
Re: The U.S.A.
There is a class of person living and thriving in this country that is permanently offended, persistently outraged but will accept that bad language and a foul mouth is acceptable....even the norm.
I also worked alongside people of all races and creeds, looked after women of all races and creeds.....so I don't see how I can be responsible for the deeds that took place three or four centuries ago.
Me apologising for such actions makes me a hypocrite and it devalues any kind of future apology for something that I did do.
It is clear to see that from then to now life has changed, people have changed....and might that be because of the past history.
It is time someone pointed out to these thugs that it was black tribal chiefs who sold young men captured in skirmishes with other tribes to the white men in return for goods.
This fact is conveniently forgotten/ignored by both black and white protesters because it does not serve their agenda.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
14-06-2020, 09:41
Beacon of light
Re: The U.S.A.
Taddy, a thread like this is abit like a conversation....you might go the scenic route or you may take the direct road.....we took the scenic route for a few posts...it happens and I don't think we should get het up about it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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