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View Poll Results: Should public money fund community art projects?
Yes, it should. I value them. 3 11.54%
No, it shouldn't. I don't see their value. 23 88.46%
Voters: 26. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 31-10-2010, 12:42   #376
Beacon of light

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Re: The value of public funded art

[quote=Bernard Dawson;857086]
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

I think youre right Margaret I've suggested fact finding missions to other towns before. Let's try and learn from what other towns are doing.
So if there is such a great passion to make Accrington a vibrant town, with shops that will bring in the tourist(even if they are only shopping tourists), why isn't it happening.

Surely if I, (as a lowly retired person) can see this, there must be others far better educated than me,(and in positions of influence) who can see this and work out some way of making it happen here....rather than this gimmicky flim flam which does nothing concrete or lasting to improve, invigorate or promote the town.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 31-10-2010, 12:47   #377
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
Jeez Bernard, go easy.

Giving Peter ideas like that is tantamount to giving the green light for an exclusive Cabinet 'fact finding mission' to somewhere like Monaco or St Tropez.

No, No, No Ken. We are not talking fact finding missions to St Trop.
Just Hebden Bridge....and he can go on the bus, no limosine...let him do the 'common peoples' trip out.
And before he thinks of taking an entourage, it needs no more than four people....someone to look at the financial angle...someone who can spot the trends, someone to take notes and someone to keep the whole lot of them in budget and on track....I would volunteer for that job and do it free!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-10-2010, 12:49   #378
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Re: The value of public funded art

[quote=Margaret Pilkington;857117]
Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post

So if there is such a great passion to make Accrington a vibrant town, with shops that will bring in the tourist(even if they are only shopping tourists), why isn't it happening.

Surely if I, (as a lowly retired person) can see this, there must be others far better educated than me,(and in positions of influence) who can see this and work out some way of making it happen here....rather than this gimmicky flim flam which does nothing concrete or lasting to improve, invigorate or promote the town.
I've changed my mind.

I will participate in the community art project, The Great Misquote Community Chain.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 31-10-2010, 12:49   #379
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
So if there is such a great passion to make Accrington a vibrant town, with shops that will bring in the tourist(even if they are only shopping tourists), why isn't it happening.

Surely if I, (as a lowly retired person) can see this, there must be others far better educated than me,(and in positions of influence) who can see this and work out some way of making it happen here....rather than this gimmicky flim flam which does nothing concrete or lasting to improve, invigorate or promote the town.
Talking sense again, Marg. It'll never catch on.

We're entering the endgame for Hyndburn Conservative control, welcome to the Scorched Earth era, the very policy that Jaysay bangs on endlessly about the last Labour government having adopted earlier this year.

The infamous treasury note was hardly our finest hour but will the Tory faithful defend the same approach in Hyndburn?
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Old 31-10-2010, 12:52   #380
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
Talking sense again, Marg. It'll never catch on.

We're entering the endgame for Hyndburn Conservative control, welcome to the Scorched Earth era, the very policy that Jaysay bangs on endlessly about the last Labour government having adopted earlier this year.

The infamous treasury note was hardly our finest hour but will the Tory faithful defend the same approach in Hyndburn?
It was unforgivable when the last Labour government did it.

If we now have a scorthed earth spending policy in Hyndburn, that too is an appalling state of affairs.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 31-10-2010, 12:55   #381
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Re: The value of public funded art

sense is what I deal in...there is no worthier coin.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-10-2010, 12:57   #382
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
It was unforgivable when the last Labour government did it.

If we now have a scorthed earth spending policy in Hyndburn, that too is an appalling state of affairs.
Oh How I agree. What happened to looking after the interests of the bourough?
No don't answer that Ken. I have a feeling that I won't like the answer.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-10-2010, 12:57   #383
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
sense is what I deal in...there is no worthier coin.
...and it costs not a penny.


'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 31-10-2010, 12:59   #384
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
...and it costs not a penny.


Well, only a bit of thought....and that isn't too hard.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-10-2010, 13:06   #385
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Re: The value of public funded art

[quote=Margaret Pilkington;857075]
Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post

If it can be done in Hebden Bridge, then why can't it be done in Accrington?
Not going to repeat my thoughts on why not again ... except is a very pretty small place that can be walked around in less than a couple of hours. Primarily a tourist town with boat rides on the canal, meeting of two rivers, good centre for hikers, so is successful in this right alone. It's a lovely day out. Always busy ... try finding a place to park on any day of the week ! Lot of shops closed on Tuesdays though.

Not saying some of their ideas cannot be taken on board ... again, think we made a start with our Food Fair, which attracts 100's.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I remember because I unearthed the information that it has the highest density of lesbians, outside of London.

Yes, and has made me a little neurotic everytime I go there wondering about 2 ladies walking together.. mind you, I usually am with a lady friend, so maybe other people are thinking this about us.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Just Hebden Bridge....and he can go on the bus, no limosine...let him do the 'common peoples' trip out.
There is a good train service too from Accrington Railway Station direct to Hebden Bridge .. on the hour.
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Old 31-10-2010, 13:10   #386
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Yes, and has made me a little neurotic everytime I go there wondering about 2 ladies walking together.. mind you, I usually am with a lady friend, so maybe other people are thinking this about us.
As long as your lady companion isn't wearing a collar and tie, and stout shoes, stop fretting.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 31-10-2010, 13:11   #387
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Re: The value of public funded art

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
We're entering the endgame for Hyndburn Conservative control, welcome to the Scorched Earth era, the very policy that Jaysay bangs on endlessly about the last Labour government having adopted earlier this year.

The infamous treasury note was hardly our finest hour but will the Tory faithful defend the same approach in Hyndburn?
That is a rather apocalyptic sounding statement Ken. Are you suggesting that the Conservative Group on HBC are preparing to act in a way that would cause damage the Borough in order to secure some sort of political advantage? Or am I misreading you? Perhaps you could expand a little on your theme.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 31-10-2010, 13:16   #388
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Re: The value of public funded art

Any news on the costs of funding the Victorian Swimming Gala?

Checked my pm box, and no information posted in there.

So far.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 31-10-2010, 13:20   #389
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Re: The value of public funded art

Just a little about busking Margaret .. even Hebden Bridge has had its opinions on this :

HebWeb Forum 2010: Busking in Hebden
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Old 31-10-2010, 13:29   #390
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Re: The value of public funded art

Interesting Kate......there will be those who like and those who don't...however those who do not like would not if someone is absolute rubbish then they would very soon get the message by their empty hat.

The chap we see regularly in Manchester always draws a crowd, and the crowd is made up of all generations.....most of whom seem to be tapping their feet....and he does get lots of 'contributions' for his great skill and foot tapping music.

The difference we are talking, is cost.
These people draw in interested parties...OK, most have gone to look at the shops too, which is why my comments on a diverse shopping experience(meaning diverse shops, not daft gimmicky 'art') are important too.
Making Accrington a vibrant town that people want to visit, is a multi facetted problem, which requires a multi facetted approach and some flair and imagination. Not a 'that'll do' approach.
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