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Old 12-12-2005, 12:30   #16
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Re: There's no pain like it..

My Goodness - how did we get on to this? I was only talking about a few stray hairs on my eyebrows!

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Old 12-12-2005, 14:05   #17
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Re: There's no pain like it..

Originally Posted by Gayle
My Goodness - how did we get on to this? I was only talking about a few stray hairs on my eyebrows!
Its just one of those things that happen. Its been fun reading though.

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Old 12-12-2005, 14:50   #18
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Re: There's no pain like it..

My daughter once bought me an EMJOI epilator for had a series of wheels around which were wound elastic bands....when you switched it on the elastic bands went round like fury and ripped the hair out of whichever bit of your anatomy it was placed had different settings....thin bands for facial hair.....thicker bands for under-arm hair and industrial type things for the bikini line. That Christmas night she talked me into trying it on my under-arm hair (you can stop laughing right now Nicola68)
It was absolutely excruciating.......and my lovely, kind compassionate daughter rolled about p'ing herself with laughing as I tried to use this contraption. Needless to say it was consigned to its box and has not seen the light of day again.

Having said all that I have had my eyebrows plucked frequently and waxed only once.....plucking is easier and pretty painless. The only problem I have now is I can't see my eyebrows for my glasses......and if I take my glasses off......well, I just can't see my eyebrows to pluck them. So presbyopia DOES have an upside after all.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 12-12-2005, 14:56   #19
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Re: There's no pain like it..

Gayle if you do find plucking your eyebrows too, too painful put an ice cube in a plastic bag and apply it to the bit you are about to pluck.....30 seconds if you can stand it that long, and you won't feel a thing.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 12-12-2005, 16:56   #20
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Re: There's no pain like it..

I had my eyebrows waxed once..... It was awful, I had to go to Asda afterwards and I looked like I had a red Zorro mask round my eyes. The brows did look good afterwards but I have always stuck to plucking since. I don't find leg and bikini waxing half as painful as eyebrow, but I do tend to wax less in winter as a few hairs keep you warm.

PS..... If I am ever in a vegetitive state, can one of the ladies please visit me in hospital once every 4-6 weeks and wax my legs, pluck my eyebrows and bikini wax please....... It'd be much appreciated and I'd do it for all of you...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 12-12-2005, 17:03   #21
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Re: There's no pain like it..

Those of you who go to the Acy web meetings or otherwise just drink in the Stag will know that I have a rather wide parting. I could do with a few extra hairs on top. So think yourselves lucky.
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Old 12-12-2005, 17:37   #22
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Re: There's no pain like it..

This thread reminds me when i was in labour with my eldest and i was being prepped for theatre for a CS. The look i must have gave her when she came walking towards me with a BIC in her hand and no soap !
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Old 12-12-2005, 17:47   #23
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Re: There's no pain like it..

Originally Posted by Gayle
Up until recently I've been allowing my eyebrows to remain au naturelle. But there came a point - when they joined up in the middle - that I decided that I should take it like a man and become a lady! I went to have my eyebrows waxed, which in itself was quite painful, but it's nothing compared to the maintenance of plucking.

There is definitely no pain like it! I know it's vanity and I know it's daft but now that I've started I can't stop. I can't allow them to grow back again, for people to start pointing out that I don't have eyebrows - I have caterpillars. Oh, no, I've been sucked in - I'm a victim! What can I do?

Should I continue with the weekly ritual pain of plucking or should I allow nature to take over and turn back into the wild woman of borneo?
oh no a female denis healy
there ya go chav its not as sore as plucking !!!sooo get you know the rest..
the last time i pulled a crowd like you ,i took my top off at a hen party!!

Last edited by geoff70; 12-12-2005 at 17:53.
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Old 12-12-2005, 21:20   #24
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Re: There's no pain like it..

I think not.
Sounds far to painfull,for little old me.
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Old 12-12-2005, 21:37   #25
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Re: There's no pain like it..

and I thought ladies enjoyed it

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Old 12-12-2005, 21:38   #26
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Re: There's no pain like it..

well actually we do - but don't tell anyone!

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Old 12-12-2005, 22:06   #27
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Re: There's no pain like it..

here you go gayle for the next time your brow gets out of hand

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Old 12-12-2005, 23:35   #28
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Re: There's no pain like it..

Not a bad idea I could use one on the furry catapillar.

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Old 13-12-2005, 14:06   #29
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Re: There's no pain like it..

It's about time women evolved to having no unwanted hair, all we do is spend time removing it!
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Old 14-12-2005, 22:27   #30
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Re: There's no pain like it..

What a palaver! I takes me a week to pluck up courage to rip a plaster off my arm. The nurse applied a plaster this week. Un-necessary. Taking it off was worse than the injection which I hardly felt!
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