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Old 20-12-2005, 20:57   #1
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

These Dark Mornings

We're almost at the shortest day (tomorrow) and, on the 3 days a week I work, I'm driving into Warrington at 7.30 a.m., in the dark. I don't like long, dark Winter nights - I'm a Summer person, myself.

I'm not a big fan of over-done Christmas lights on houses but, I have to say, it brightens the morning for me when I pass the trees that have been decorated in people's gardens and at the road-side. There's one part of the journey that looks particularly lovely. It's just a mile outside the town centre, a small "suburb" with a shopping centre. At a fork in the road next to the shops there's a big sycamore tree full of white lights and surrounded by bright, yellow street-lights and it really cheers me up when I drive along the street. It just looks so bright and pretty. If it snowed it would make a beautiful post-card and, though not unpleasant, it's not a particularly beautiful area.

I haven't driven through Accrington in the dark for many a long year but I hope you've got the odd spot, like this one, to make your day if you're an early-bird like me.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Accrington Web
Old 20-12-2005, 21:29   #2
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Re: These Dark Mornings

I always used to have a smile when I came down Broadfield and saw the house that's decorated there. They left it a bit later than usual this year and I was beginning to think they weren't going to bother or they'd moved but apparently it's all lit up now.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 20-12-2005, 21:34   #3
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Re: These Dark Mornings

I leave if dayshift at 10 to 6 in the morning and see all the lights near me but then I have a mile with no lights at all until I hit Polmont and then the lights are back. Its going to be dull when they are taken down.

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Old 20-12-2005, 23:04   #4
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Re: These Dark Mornings

Hurrah, only a few more hours to go before it starts getting lighter in the day.

Roll on Summer.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 20-12-2005, 23:41   #5
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Re: These Dark Mornings

It will soon mean the start of the fishing season I cant wait.

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