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Old 29-01-2010, 04:23   #31
God Member

Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Suppose its ok though since he is a typical Labour appointee/politician and as everyone knows most of them have the morals of a butchers cur dog .
where as tory polotitions get found dead wearing fishnets and have an orange stuffed in their gob or appear in the papers after a female pimps booking diary gets given to the news papers or have rent boys telling tales of encounters in the local loos

seriously if your going to have a dig at labour keep to the economy because torys have far more sexual deviants in their closet lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 29-01-2010, 06:24   #32
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
where as tory polotitions get found dead wearing fishnets and have an orange stuffed in their gob or appear in the papers after a female pimps booking diary gets given to the news papers or have rent boys telling tales of encounters in the local loos

seriously if your going to have a dig at labour keep to the economy because torys have far more sexual deviants in their closet lol
Never said the Tories and upper crust were guilt free (as the occasional Ginger headed cuckoo in the nest prooves) but they have an legitimate excuse , inbreeding causes inherited simplemindedness , but I allways thought the Labour lot were raised better .
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Old 29-01-2010, 07:30   #33
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Never said the Tories and upper crust were guilt free (as the occasional Ginger headed cuckoo in the nest prooves) but they have an legitimate excuse , inbreeding causes inherited simplemindedness , but I allways thought the Labour lot were raised better .
this is NEW LABOUR dont forget lol although they are getting pretty OLD now
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Old 29-01-2010, 10:12   #34
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
yer quite correct dave its not just a muslim issue, never has been, when i was a kid us catholics had NOT to eat meat on a friday, which from being a teenager was blatantly ignored by me n many others, the differance lies in the fact, if we would have been Stoned,Flogged, put to Death, or osrtacised by the community, then we would have no doubt adhered to it. but it was not the british way- its called TOLERANCE.
I agree cashy I didn't eat meat when I was little, but that soon went by the by, as I've said before I don't agree with the Catholic Churches views on contraception either, especially when they have such strong views on abortion, as cashy says today its about tolerance by all religions
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Old 29-01-2010, 10:19   #35
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

one day teh world will be free of religion its just a pity it wont be in my lifetime but as soon as religion ceases to be so will a lot of problems in this world
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 29-01-2010, 10:29   #36
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
one day teh world will be free of religion its just a pity it wont be in my lifetime but as soon as religion ceases to be so will a lot of problems in this world
There's nothing wrong with religion accyman its the nuts that use it for their own ends where the problem lies
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Old 29-01-2010, 10:39   #37
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
There's nothing wrong with religion accyman its the nuts that use it for their own ends where the problem lies
theres a lot wrong with religion its sole purpous is to control people under the pretence that there is a reward after you die for good behaviour but what it dosnt tell you is that its idea of good behaviour was thought up by a man and what his ideas of good behaviour were and not some all knowing god which over the years humanity has been beaten into accepting or in teh case of christianity slaughtered into accepting

i stopped talking to my imaginary friend when i was 6 but if i was still doing it i would be locked up yet its perfectly ok for grown adults to attend church once a week or mosque etc , drop to their knees and prey to theirs, sing to it and in some cases like born again christians have their imaginary friend take over their body and speak through them in tongues.The only thing that a born again christian has renewed is guilibility

seriuosly whos realy the nut jobs ?

iv read the bible and to be honest hell sounds more fun especially what they reakon you have to do to get there

been a while since i offended the god squad sory for the delay
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 29-01-2010 at 10:44.
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Old 29-01-2010, 11:13   #38
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
theres a lot wrong with religion its sole purpous is to control people under the pretence that there is a reward after you die for good behaviour but what it dosnt tell you is that its idea of good behaviour was thought up by a man and what his ideas of good behaviour were and not some all knowing god which over the years humanity has been beaten into accepting or in teh case of christianity slaughtered into accepting

i stopped talking to my imaginary friend when i was 6 but if i was still doing it i would be locked up yet its perfectly ok for grown adults to attend church once a week or mosque etc , drop to their knees and prey to theirs, sing to it and in some cases like born again christians have their imaginary friend take over their body and speak through them in tongues.The only thing that a born again christian has renewed is guilibility

seriuosly whos realy the nut jobs ?

iv read the bible and to be honest hell sounds more fun especially what they reakon you have to do to get there

been a while since i offended the god squad sory for the delay
Your forgiven my son Bless you
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Old 29-01-2010, 11:20   #39
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
theres a lot wrong with religion its sole purpous is to control people under the pretence that there is a reward after you die for good behaviour but what it dosnt tell you is that its idea of good behaviour was thought up by a man and what his ideas of good behaviour were and not some all knowing god which over the years humanity has been beaten into accepting or in teh case of christianity slaughtered into accepting

i stopped talking to my imaginary friend when i was 6 but if i was still doing it i would be locked up yet its perfectly ok for grown adults to attend church once a week or mosque etc , drop to their knees and prey to theirs, sing to it and in some cases like born again christians have their imaginary friend take over their body and speak through them in tongues.The only thing that a born again christian has renewed is guilibility

seriuosly whos realy the nut jobs ?

iv read the bible and to be honest hell sounds more fun especially what they reakon you have to do to get there

been a while since i offended the god squad sory for the delay
Reminds me of a joke Bernard Perkins used to tell.

Two blokes die one goes to heaven the other to hell, after a few weeks they meet at the fence, the bloke in hell says 'whats it like up yon', 'Its hard work really, we work 7 days a week fouteen hours a day, but the foods good, whats it like down there', oh its great, we work one day a week for two hours', 'oh why's that', 'theres more of use down here'
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Old 29-01-2010, 12:06   #40
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

two gypos arrive at heaven and ask saint peter for entrance, saint peter says he will have to check with god first and trots off to ask god if teh gypos can enter to which god replies that they can.

10 mins or so passes and saint peter returns to god saying that they have gone

god asks if he is refering to the gypos

saint peter says no lord the bloody gates are gone
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 29-01-2010, 12:33   #41
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

I wonder if she'll get another 101 lashes if she has twins?
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Old 29-01-2010, 18:03   #42
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Religion always has been and always will be used by a minute minority to control the vast majority. People may not set presidence by it as much as they did in the past as we are more open minded. Thing is though thoughs that do follow religion do it out of loyalty conviction belief or even comfort. If we are to live by what the good book (all religions) then it is a way of life not just a belief and acceptance of any laws or punishment held within them books is the norm. As for lashings and forgiving of the offender then yes it is extreme and backward in our eyes but it was not that long ago that our own "beliefs were no better.

Islam is a way of life as is being Hindu Seikh or Buddist. People follow these to the letter yet also accept the teachings to the letter. Ok we are now in 21c but religion plays a big part still for many yet they adapt the way they live to accommodate this century. There will be those that say that it is not quick enough but some change is better than non even if it is considered to slow. With each passing generation something changes and that is how it will always be as we cannot just brush religion under the carpet just to suite ourselves. Personally I think that when religions do come to the west that the followers try and fit in the best they can if allowed to

.Back to the point about the lashings did the paper tell the whole story or just the bits that suited them? Rape is a heinous crime and a shattering one for whom it is committed against but under the laws applied to this was there any provocation in the eyes of the elders? By not reporting it she has broken their laws and might be seen to have wanted it to happen (not very tactful I know) yet being in the club just made matters worse. If you think of what happens over here with rape cases both true and false as well as the methods and excuses used then are we any different? Who has the greater number of cases them or us? when we as a society are perfect then we can condem others.

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Old 29-01-2010, 18:18   #43
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Must admit to being on the side of Accyman on the religion question. I tend to have a rather jaded view towards "All religions". Since there are so many who can claim to be right ? which is the true religion of & for man ? It seems over the years the right one was the one that was backed up with the greater show of force ! Persecution & putting to death of non believers has sounded from followers of many religions it appears generic to that individuals belief.

I'm not against people of faith lets make that clear, each & everyone one of us has that right to choose what we believe in & should that be the belief in a faith & all its encompassing Deities, well good for you, but please don't try to ram it down the throats of those of us who have no truck with religion! Why should a religious book define who I am & how I should behave. we have books of Laws & Statutes, etc which should be sufficient to guide us.

Our Families & Friends should also be relevant to our developing & behaviour as people. These are the ones who give us our basic tenets of decency/ respect/self worth/fairness, they are truly omnipresent not some fabled omnipotence that we should aspire to. Sadly though with some families this is not the case & it is immaterial if they have faith or not, they are just deficient regardless, this is a trait of being Human & we are what we are. If there was a supreme being would they not have made us perfect ?
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Old 29-01-2010, 18:19   #44
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

To the point that any religion can make a mess of something as serious as rape is shown with this;

Vatican 'credibility' damaged in row over 9yo rape victim - Telegraph

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Old 30-01-2010, 10:14   #45
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Re: These people are animals in the name of religion

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
To the point that any religion can make a mess of something as serious as rape is shown with this;

Vatican 'credibility' damaged in row over 9yo rape victim - Telegraph
This is an area of the Catholic church I disagree with, I am by no means pro abortion far from it, but a case like this shows the Church are detached from ordinary family life, is it any wonder catholic churches are closing because they can't recruit people to be priests. I have long been in favour of Catholic priests marrying, which in today's society is the only way forward. If there were married priest they would have a better understanding of the needs of the family, and would bring the church out of the dark ages
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