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Old 21-07-2009, 01:50   #31
God Member
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Re: This could be very popular, not

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
you do live in a dream Jaysay...this is what I would call making a "pigs ear" out of running this country...3.5 million unemployed... patients dying on beds in hospital corridors..people only allowed to work 3 days a week...power cuts..Thatcher telling peolpe to use 7 inches of water to have a bath and use candles...riots on the streets..I could fill the page
ah the good old days!
The majority of which were the results of a disastrous economy happening the last time we had a Labour government and in fact half of what you mention was already happening before Thatcher came to office. I know it's convenient of you to forget this small fact when you can have a go at a lady you despise for not being a socialist.
formerly cyfr
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Old 21-07-2009, 03:30   #32
God Member

Re: This could be very popular, not

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
The majority of which were the results of a disastrous economy happening the last time we had a Labour government and in fact half of what you mention was already happening before Thatcher came to office. I know it's convenient of you to forget this small fact when you can have a go at a lady you despise for not being a socialist.
The 3 day week was under Edward Heath as were the power cuts.. Thatcher was in that cabinet when she advised people to use 7 inches of water to bath..she also as education secretary ended free milk to youngsters from less well off families at school...the 3.5 million unemployed was under a Thatcher was the times when people died on trollies in NHS corridoors for lack of funds..massive riots that this country had not seen even in the civil war..all under Tory rule.. not just Thatcher.
And you expect everyone to forgive and let your Eton bum chums get power?

Last edited by Mancie; 21-07-2009 at 03:36.
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Old 21-07-2009, 07:36   #33
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Re: This could be very popular, not

err, how many unemployed now? How many more losing jobs day by day?

Swine flu being mismanaged because they can't plan properly, information and guidance turning arse about face quicker than pints being drunk at an accyweb meet

Hospitals costing more and more than ever

Country itself in financial ruin

Personal debt encouraged by this goverment to a point of almost impossibly thought of record highs

reposessions increasing left right and centre

Billions spent on wars that the majority of this country don't agree with

complete loss of control on immigration

I too can go on filling pages and pages Mancie......

Technical God, No 1 Geek And Linux Guru

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Old 21-07-2009, 08:17   #34
God Member

Re: This could be very popular, not

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
err, how many unemployed now? How many more losing jobs day by day?

Swine flu being mismanaged because they can't plan properly, information and guidance turning arse about face quicker than pints being drunk at an accyweb meet

Hospitals costing more and more than ever

Country itself in financial ruin

Personal debt encouraged by this goverment to a point of almost impossibly thought of record highs

reposessions increasing left right and centre

Billions spent on wars that the majority of this country don't agree with

complete loss of control on immigration

I too can go on filling pages and pages Mancie......
I'll take that on
hospitals costing more.. of course they cost money if you want to care for the sick and old in this country.. and one day even though you are Supermans brother you will need it
personal debt? that is how your make your living being a banker... you would have to go back to serving up ****e being a trained chef
loss of control on immigration?... you make a living out of immagrants..

Last edited by Mick; 21-07-2009 at 09:18.
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Old 21-07-2009, 08:36   #35
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Re: This could be very popular, not

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
The 3 day week was under Edward Heath as were the power cuts.. Thatcher was in that cabinet when she advised people to use 7 inches of water to bath..she also as education secretary ended free milk to youngsters from less well off families at school...the 3.5 million unemployed was under a Thatcher was the times when people died on trollies in NHS corridoors for lack of funds..massive riots that this country had not seen even in the civil war..all under Tory rule.. not just Thatcher.
And you expect everyone to forgive and let your Eton bum chums get power?
Who's fault was that? The NUM (the elite at the top of course, not the hard workers) who didn't care about the countries interest and inflation when demanding higher wages. It was Wilson that started the ball rolling on cutting free milk. It's handy to ignore that under this government we have the fastest rising unemployment. The fact is that every single Labour government in history has left office with unemployment higher than when they went in. They might pretend to be for the workers, but they can't back it up with economic competence.

Originally Posted by BBC
A hospital's "appalling" emergency care resulted in patients dying needlessly, the NHS watchdog has said. About 400 more people died at Staffordshire General Hospital between 2005 and 2008 than would be expected, the Healthcare Commission said.

It said there were deficiencies at "virtually every stage" of emergency care and said managers pursued targets at the detriment of patient care.
I can't pretend that Thatcher did everything right. She did do a lot for this country given the circumstances she inherited. Which is more can be said for this lot, who inherited one of the best foundations any incoming government has. The question is; given this inheritance and 12 years of office, why has Labour squandered their chances to fix things that still needed fixing?
formerly cyfr
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Old 21-07-2009, 09:02   #36
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Re: This could be very popular, not

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
you do live in a dream Jaysay...this is what I would call making a "pigs ear" out of running this country...3.5 million unemployed... patients dying on beds in hospital corridors..people only allowed to work 3 days a week...power cuts..Thatcher telling peolpe to use 7 inches of water to have a bath and use candles...riots on the streets..I could fill the page
ah the good old days!
Still living in 1978/9 Mancie
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Old 21-07-2009, 09:05   #37
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Re: This could be very popular, not

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
I'll take that on
hospitals costing more.. of course they cost money if you want to care for the sick and old in this country.. and one day even though you are Supermans brother you will need it
personal debt? that is how your make your living being a banker... you would have to go back to serving up ****e being a trained chef
loss of control on immigration?... you make a living out of immagrants.
Well we can't even call you one of them Mancie you'd no doubt mess that up to

Last edited by Mick; 21-07-2009 at 09:19.
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Old 21-07-2009, 09:11   #38
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Re: This could be very popular, not

Failed asylum seekers to get free care from cash strapped NHS to protect their human rights | Mail Online
Screw seven ways to breakfast
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Old 21-07-2009, 09:12   #39
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Re: This could be very popular, not

Folks here are arguing between left and right when in fact
THEY BOTH ARE USING THE SAME AGENDA designed by the Bilderburg Group,
which is 'divide and rule', 'cause a problem then they will accept any solution'
.....which all leads to the New World Order FASCISM

When you vote for the lesser of two evils - it is still evil

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