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Old 23-05-2005, 17:09   #31
Resting in peace
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

If mother is 38 and the girls are teenagers, why isn't SHE working? No excuse. I have two children, and have never had more than six months off since my eldest was born - with my son I took maternity leave. And what for? - obviously so that I can pay for dropouts like these. And I had a husband who was earning - but we wanted a decent life, so we worked to pay for it. I would agree with compulsory adoption - otherwise we are just going to breed another generation with the same inability to take responsiblity for themselves. There are plenty of people out there who would love to take on a child, and would bring it up decently and properly, and fund it themselves.
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Old 23-05-2005, 17:17   #32
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by chav1
wait your turn bitch ive been on the waiting list for 3 weeks for the council to remove a cooker from my yard

Hehehe, take it round to Lindsay's and someone will nick it for you. It will be quicker than waiting for the Council
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 23-05-2005, 17:20   #33
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by Neil
Don't forget Lettie if they stop churning out babies you will be out of work

Hehehe, I certainly hope so as were manically busy at the moment and I could do with a rest. Maybe I should just quit work, have 3 babies with 3 different fathers and let the state give me £200 per week.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 23-05-2005, 17:46   #34
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Having had 3 kids you would think that the mother would be pretty well versed in the "birds and the bees" and the clueless bint didn't even notice that one of her obnoxious offspring was 8 months pregnant till she was trying a bra on in Marks!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 23-05-2005, 19:45   #35
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

The lad who fathered the 12yr olds baby was only 14 himself.

These girls are making a mockery of the system. If they want motherhood as a career then they should prove they can be good at it.......and I don't mean the making babies bit.

Maybe the answer would be to pay these girls in food vouchers (there must be some way to do this so that they can't sell the things to fund other vices).......or maybe do like they did years ago and get these girls committed to places like Calderstones........!

I hate paying my taxes to fund scum like this.
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Old 23-05-2005, 19:48   #36
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Oh....... and Lettie while there are irresponsible mothers around (like the Mother of these teenage hussies) you need not fear for your job.
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Old 23-05-2005, 20:30   #37
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by Neil
Maybe babies born to girls under a certain age should legally be taken from the mothers for adoption. I know that would create a million and one other problems but just think about the future for those 3 babies.
Sound thinking, don't think it would create many problems, there are lots of childless couples out there, that would give anything to have a child and provide a loving and happy environment for a child to grow up in.

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Old 23-05-2005, 20:36   #38
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

the girls and their mother are voicing their side of the story in the mirror i think it is tomorrow

heres a preview

mother - you cant blame my daughters there a bunch of slags , i taught them at a very early age it was ok to have sex for saves on a cigrette or a bottle of WKD especialy iron bru flavour but you got to do special tricks for that though

daughters - yeah been a slag like gets you attention , kinda like love but shorter , my first boyfriend loved me for 2 mins but the babys father loved me a whole 5 mins coz he was more experienced

my mum says sumfing about jobs but we been given them for years but we never make money coz we dont wont people thinking were whores do we

anywayz we cant talk too much coz we got trisha tomorrow and thats well cool init
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Old 23-05-2005, 20:39   #39
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by chav1
i wonder if they know this girl
For a moment I thought the badge on the girls top said DHSS. Ah no it's DSS

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Old 23-05-2005, 23:37   #40
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
I was always under the impression that indulging in sexual intercourse under the age of sixteen was against the law and carried a pretty hefty prison sentence on conviction.

Will the drips who fathered these bastards not be expected to provide for their offspring, or does the Child Support Agency not pursue under-age fathers? If the parents are to be held responsible for the actions of their children shouldn't the upkeep of these bastards be laid at their doors rather than that of the hapless taxpayer?

I cannot imagine a more compelling argument for compulsory sterilisation or for compulsory adoption.
You seem to bandy the word "bastard" around liberally.. do you mean to use it literally or as a derogatory term? To start calling children as young as these bastards tells me you need to seek help (I'm sure you can get some therapy from the NHS) but it would cost the tax payer thousands.

Just out of curiosity I looked up some (quite successful) what you would call bastards
Nelson Mandella
Kate Aide (OBE)
Charlie Chaplin
Ingrid Bergman

I suspect ALL of the above have contributed more than you ever will!
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Old 24-05-2005, 00:04   #41
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

yeah but no matter how much they acheive they will always be bastards

Nelson Mandella - jailed bastard
Kate Aide (OBE) - ugly bastard
Charlie Chaplin - funny bastard
Ingrid Bergman - dead bastard

Last edited by chav1; 24-05-2005 at 00:12.
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Old 24-05-2005, 00:24   #42
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by chav1
yeah but no matter how much they acheive they will always be bastards

Nelson Mandella - jailed bastard
Kate Aide (OBE) - ugly bastard
Charlie Chaplin - funny bastard
Ingrid Bergman - dead bastard
Yeah..where's BOB - sad bastard
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Old 24-05-2005, 00:28   #43
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

oi leave bob alone

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Old 24-05-2005, 00:33   #44
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by chav1
oi leave bob alone

I'll leave BOB alone.. just like everyone else does.. the borin bastard
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Old 24-05-2005, 06:13   #45
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Any child born out of wedlock is correctly defined as a "bastard" child. It may not be a pleasant term of reference but that's life!

As to Driller's other accusation - it is a matter of opinion.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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