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Old 23-05-2005, 13:29   #1
God Member

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This makes me very, very angry.

Well. if BBC3 manages to avoid industrial action this evening, this will be shown in a documentary at 9pm:

This is one of the worst indicments of the state of this country that I have yet seen. It really makes me angry that the taxpayer will again pay for this cycle of dependancy and crime. This is pathetic.
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Old 23-05-2005, 13:55   #2
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

It's typical that their mother blames the school for lack of decent sex education and yet shoulders none of the blame. Well I'm sorry to all of the parents out there but your children are your responsibility. It is not soley down to the school to educate your children about sexual issues. It is her responsibility and any other parent to ensure that their children are educated about safe sex. I'm sick to death of seeing these scenarios when frightened kids come to hospital having babies and lose the best years of their lives bringing them up.

This woman is to blame whether she likes it or not. The taxpayer is now forking out over 30 grand a year for this family. What happened to "I'm sorry love, but you've made your bed, now lie in it."
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 23-05-2005, 13:59   #3
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Welcome to easy street thicko family £200 per week each for doing what comes naturally, I bet a married couple with a child suffering redundancy wouldn't get that to keep themselves and their home!

I've just looked the meaning of the names these children have given their children and by strange coincidence they all mean the same thing:-
T-Jay,Amani,Lita = May the chav be with you.

As for Mother, typical It's the schools fault nothing to do with me, If some-one had taught her to keep her legs together then she wouldn't have had children with similar morals to her own. These three of the brood are mentioned I wonder how many male off-spring this irresponsible woman has had that will go out into the world and ruin the lives of other girls of similar age.
Doesn't it make you want to
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Old 23-05-2005, 14:01   #4
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by lettie
The taxpayer is now forking out over 30 grand a year for this family.
They're reputedly receiving £31,000 a year in hand outs. Mother of the girls, Julie, insists they are struggling to get by and need a bigger house. Doesn't your heart just bleed for them?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 23-05-2005, 14:22   #5
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

it just goes on and on why don't the government get to grips with this massive drain on society, most of these THICKOS just breed indiscrimintley cos the STATE will pay give em accomodation,and make life easy,or are we missing sommat here,are we the THICKOS?you aint the only one whose angry tealeaf.
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Old 23-05-2005, 14:39   #6

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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Just reading the link to the BBC site while thinking about my baby that will be born on the 10th June. We both work hard to be able to support our family. This sort of story really annoys me. I can't help thinking that the babies would be better of in another home.

Maybe babies born to girls under a certain age should legally be taken from the mothers for adoption. I know that would create a million and one other problems but just think about the future for those 3 babies.
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Old 23-05-2005, 14:56   #7
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

It's the whole lack of parental responsibility which bothers me about these people. Nothing is ever their fault. If their children have a teenage pregnancy, commit a crime or sponge off the state for the rest of their lives it's always somebody elses' fault. There is a simple solution to not wanting to take responsibility for your children and that is don't have them. There's no excuse for unwanted pregnancies in this day and age. Contraception is easily available and is free....
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 23-05-2005, 14:56   #8
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Their mother Julie Atkins, 38, who said the girls were too young and had ruined their lives, blamed schools for providing poor quality sex education.
yes i agree it is the schools fault there should be lessons on how not to be a slag ( and whatever you call boys who do the same )

always the shcools fault and not the parents

in cases like this the parents should be expected to fund their kids babies until either their bank accounts run dry or their children reach age 18 which ever comes first

Last edited by chav1; 23-05-2005 at 14:57.
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Old 23-05-2005, 14:57   #9
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

It is disgusting, the mother of these girls has NO MORALS what so ever. It makes me sick, take the babies away from them so they will be addopted by some one who will bring them up and not drag them up.The girls will keep churning out the babies for more benefit and sit back and laugh at the ones paying there taxes. If you can not bring children up to have morals and respect for other people, then this is what you end up with.
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Old 23-05-2005, 14:59   #10
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

I'm willing to bet my ackers (yes I know I haven't many ) that one of these girls will be pregnant again within 12 months...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 23-05-2005, 15:05   #11
Coffin Dodger.

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Smile Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by lettie
I'm willing to bet my ackers (yes I know I haven't many ) that one of these girls will be pregnant again within 12 months...
don't think you'll get good odds lettie its as certain as tomorrows
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Old 23-05-2005, 15:14   #12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

Originally Posted by lettie
I'm willing to bet my ackers (yes I know I haven't many ) that one of these girls will be pregnant again within 12 months...
I'd rather go for the really long odds and bet all my accers that they will grow up to be responsible parents, that hold down good jobs and bring their Naff' named kids up to be responsible adults, but then, I'm an optimist and do the lottery as well so I'm used to backing losers!

By the way there doesn't seem to be any mention of the Fathers of any of these children, Will they be allowed to take advantage of the system and take paternity leave from school to help the mothers through their first traumatic weeks of parenthood?

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Old 23-05-2005, 15:15   #13
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

I'll bet they'll all be pregnant again, 3 different fathers. On top of that, the mum will probably join in and have twins by one of the daughters ex-boyfriends.

What I can't understand is the 200 quid each. Where does that figure come from? They are all under one roof, are they not? How much is child benefit now? 20 quid? What is making up the other £180? And has the child benefit been stopped from the 38 year old mother?

Can someone please explain what the state is doing funding this madhouse?

Last edited by Tealeaf; 23-05-2005 at 15:19.
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Old 23-05-2005, 15:24   #14
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

I was always under the impression that indulging in sexual intercourse under the age of sixteen was against the law and carried a pretty hefty prison sentence on conviction.

Will the drips who fathered these bastards not be expected to provide for their offspring, or does the Child Support Agency not pursue under-age fathers? If the parents are to be held responsible for the actions of their children shouldn't the upkeep of these bastards be laid at their doors rather than that of the hapless taxpayer?

I cannot imagine a more compelling argument for compulsory sterilisation or for compulsory adoption.
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Old 23-05-2005, 15:26   #15
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Re: This makes me very, very angry.

I absolutley agree with Lettie - there is NO excuse for unwanted pregnancy in this day and age. As for the mother claiming that its the schools fault - what a muppet this woman is. It is HER job as a parent to educate her children with proper morals not the schools. I bet the girls have learned by example.
I honestly think that children in this situation would be better placed with parents who can provide for them properly. I always thought that state handouts for were for the genuinely needy, not for some slapper who can't keep her legs shut. The gravy train for single slapper mothers needs to stop.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
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