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09-02-2005, 00:54
I am Banned
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this sounds too good to be true
whos betting germany will say no we dont like you doingthat so stop it right now :-(
hope this works
RATTLED Tony Blair finally acted to end the immigration crisis yesterday by barring unskilled foreigners from entry.
After eight years of failing to confront a mounting mess, he said only key professionals in short supply will be allowed to settle here.
Even they will have to prove they can speak English — and pass a “Britishness” test on our laws and customs.
Mr Blair revealed curbs on non-EU workers as he unveiled Labour’s five-year plan to control rising immigration.
It includes an Aussie-style points system to “screen out” applicants who can contribute little to our economy.
And to deter cheats, workers on short-term permits will have to pay a £6,000 bond, returned when they go home.
09-02-2005, 05:53
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Re: this sounds too good to be true
And this will stem the flow of illegals how?
And where will someone from a developing country find £6K? I am working with guys from India and the philipines who are over here to learn my job to take the work back. They earn 1/10th of what I do and are willing to work 60 hours + as they are well paid back home. We can't compete in the market anymore.(However I would say I'm not impressed with the technical skills of the people they have sent over. They don't even seem to be able to grasp simple stuff without a lot of help.)
09-02-2005, 08:06
Resident Waffler
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Re: this sounds too good to be true
It sounds like a hurredly thought up scheme to throw into the arena because people are complaining about the immigration situation but it obviously hasn't been thought through.
09-02-2005, 09:15
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Re: this sounds too good to be true
Originally Posted by entwisi
And this will stem the flow of illegals how?
There will always be someone who manages to beat the system
And where will someone from a developing country find £6K?
That's just it, isn't it? No money, no entry. A bit like a Theme Park, only the big theme park known as the UK is now closed for business.
Anything to stem the continuous tide of people coming over here to live on our money, and in our houses. I would also say taking our jobs, but my guess is that a lot of them don't even do that...
Something had to be done, and let's hope this goes towards it
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09-02-2005, 12:50
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Re: this sounds too good to be true
Sorry I just feel its too little to late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09-02-2005, 13:04
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Re: this sounds too good to be true
It used to be that they came over here and did the jobs that we did'nt like, now we do the jobs they don't like cos all the good ones are taken by these people!!!!!!!1 
09-02-2005, 14:55
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Re: this sounds too good to be true
Whatever he says, he can't do it. He has handed over control of OUR immigration to Brussels. He has now had to admit that. What is he going to do?
Sadly, it is time we came to our senses and imposed the Aussie model. Would-be immigrants should be HIV tested. If that infringes their human rights, too bad. We have a massive bill for HIV treatment, and a large proportion of those being treated came from overseas. I can understand if you live in an African country and are HIV positive, and know you will die for lack of treatment, you will do your damndest to get somewhere you can be treated. However, we cannot afford it. I can tell you of one case, some years ago, where a guy came to this country on a student visa, never worked, and ended up costing the NHS £45,000 a week for treatment for a special form of leukaemia. We cannot treat our own people.
No, I am not racist - my friend's husband came here from Iran, where he was a fully qualified doctor. He stacked shelves at night in Tesco and studied by day to requalify here. He is now British qualified and is working in the NHS. People like that are welcome. Spongers are not.
But what will Blair do about it if he does win the election? ...... Guess!!
09-02-2005, 15:45
Beacon of light
Re: this sounds too good to be true
Isn't all this because we have an election looming...... remember these are only plans.
I don't believe a word of what is said by any of the parties. Why would they start listening to the ground swell of opinion now? They never have before. If TB gets back into power just watch these promises vanish like May mist.
09-02-2005, 15:59
Beacon of light
Re: this sounds too good to be true
I would be more impressed if they rounded up all the illegal immigrants and shipped them out...... but how can they because they don't know where they are!
Up until 3 years ago the Immigration service had an embarkation system which would check when people with visas had left the country, this was disbanded in order to save 3 million pounds.......was it a good move???? I don't think so!
09-02-2005, 16:02
I am Banned
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Re: this sounds too good to be true
we should do what the french do when their goverment needs a kick up the ass
block all ports and the channel tunnel
truely i can see a day when people will say enough is enough and riots and stuff will break out as voting one idiot in after another isnt working
this is why the likes of the BNP get in at local elections as no one realy likes their policys but they are the only party who want imigrants out and because of how little the government do to control imigration and so called refugees people get annoyed and start to think or in part agree with the likes of the BNP
09-02-2005, 16:06
Beacon of light
Re: this sounds too good to be true
The other thing to note is that these intended policies will take at least five years to implement...... how many immigrants are going to get in before the door closes.
At present if you work in this country in any capacity you can apply for permanent residence. All that should be stopped....... it should all have been stopped about 25 years ago.
09-02-2005, 16:32
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: this sounds too good to be true
Well, we all know the old adage. If it seems too good to be true then it probably is..  I personally don't believe a word of it.
New Zealand have now started HIV testing for immigration. If you test positive you are still allowed entry provided you have enough medication or enough money to pay for the medication. We could do to adopt this kind of system where a medical is compulsory and if anything chronic is found ie HIV, diabetes etc then the immigrant has to be able to fund their own treatment. It's only fair.
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