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Old 22-11-2006, 22:50   #1
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This was the year that was This Life.

At the moment I'm loving rewatching the ground breaking series This Life. A double episode every night after Newsnight. Bliss.

The series about young lawyers sharing a house in London was first broadcast in 1994. That's only twelve years ago, thirteen really as it would have been written and filmed the year before I suppose.

What really shocks me though is how much life as changed as far as technology is concerned.

There are no laptops, only Filofaxes.

They play their records, not cds, never mind an iPod!

Miles is the only one with a mobile, but it is one of those brick sized ones.

No online dating, one of them phones an ad through to appear in a magazine personal column.

They argue about whose turn it is do go to the supermarket, no home delivery after shopping online as they would do now.

I wonder how much more things will change for us all in the next twelve years?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 23-11-2006, 00:20   #2
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

jeez didn,t realise all the differances in the last 12 years frightening really the main differance in the next 12 years that i can see is i will probably have croaked or be a geriatric.
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Old 23-11-2006, 00:53   #3
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

Just had my nightly fix.

Another difference that jumped out is that the offices and chambers were they work are filled with people smoking whilst sat at their desks. Now they'd all be huddled outside by the main door.

Last night they had a rare night were they didn't go out to the pub. They stayed in to watch a video. Which I'm informed people watched before DVD's were invented.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 23-11-2006, 08:11   #4
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

It's amazing how much we take for granted and can't imagine being without now. However did we cope when we didn't have them. I used to have an enormous mobile phones!

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Old 23-11-2006, 10:29   #5
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

jeez didn,t realise all the differances in the last 12 years frightening really the main differance in the next 12 years that i can see is i will probably have croaked or be a geriatric.
Oh dont say that Cashman, you never know what will happen tommorrow or next week, never mind in 12 years time! Something exciting might happen!

I nearly started a thread about 'This Life' myself. Absolutely lovin it! I actually squealed with delight to hear it was a double episode!
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Old 23-11-2006, 12:42   #6
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Oh dont say that Cashman, you never know what will happen tommorrow or next week, never mind in 12 years time! Something exciting might happen!

I nearly started a thread about 'This Life' myself. Absolutely lovin it! I actually squealed with delight to hear it was a double episode!
Another fan.

Who is your favourite character?

I adore Anna, played by the wonderful Danielle Nardini. Hard drinking and smoking. Tailored suits, short skirts and killer heels, which will kick any man were it hurts if they get in her way.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 23-11-2006, 13:07   #7
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

I love Anna too, her and Miles storyline, brill. Then the neurotic Warren. But i think my fave was Egg. I just love Andrew Lincoln and have enjoyed following his career. I thought 'Teachers' was good too, more recently 'Afterlife' was had too watch tv. x
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Old 23-11-2006, 21:58   #8
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

I've been re-watching this too - great programme! Can't believe it's 12 years since it was first shown.
Think I like Anna best, although Miles is entertaining in his own (unlikable) way.
Milly still annoys me doing that sideways thing with her hair lol.
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Old 23-11-2006, 23:44   #9
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

Another thing that has probably changed in the last twelve years, regarding these young professional solicitors/baristers, is that they occasionally smoked dope.

Nowadays they'd all be coked up on Charlie.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-11-2006, 23:51   #10
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

That's still to come lol
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Old 23-11-2006, 23:54   #11
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

Nell mentioned 'Afterlife'.

Did I dream that I read there is going to be a one off special, showing what they are doing now. Is that the reason we are being shown the re-runs?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 24-11-2006, 17:14   #12
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

Is that the reason we are being shown the re-runs?
It is!
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Old 02-01-2007, 23:31   #13
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Re: This was the year that was This Life.

Such a treat, the highlight of the season's tv.

The one off special to see how the famous five have fared over the past ten years since the cult series ended, showed they'd fared fairly badly really. Fabulous.

As stated earlier, I knew coke would now be the drug of choice instead of spliffs, so much more grown up.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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