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Old 16-01-2007, 16:32   #16
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Re: Threat to fine........

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post

HBC want my tins , bottles and paper sorting out they can do it their bloody selves i have better things to do than clean up rubbish and have better use for the space the boxes and bags take up in my kitchen, infact where the blue box etc should be provided a space for a new tumble dryer and i wont leave rubbish in the garden as it is a hazzard to my children

The less we do, and the more they have to do to sort it, will just mean larger Community tax increases for all of us.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 16-01-2007, 16:38   #17
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Re: Threat to fine........

Well i know where 2 of the blue box's are the workmen where using them to put weeds in on that roundabout at the bottom of king street
I nearly went over and told them they where using the wrong box hehe
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Old 16-01-2007, 16:59   #18
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Re: Threat to fine........

My blue bags blew away last week and I'm still waiting for replacements. I do believe we should do our bit for recycling though. I always used to try even before it was a popular idea. I was thought of as some sort of weirdo then.

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Old 16-01-2007, 19:53   #19
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Re: Threat to fine........

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
The less we do, and the more they have to do to sort it, will just mean larger Community tax increases for all of us.

to put it simple


HBC never justifies increases they just do them and make excuses and pass the blame onto joe public , teh real problem with HBC is that its money is dwindled away by incompitants with no financial eductation what so ever

its about time the whole local council system is shook up and only people with buisness degrees etc be able to sighn a cheque for starters

anyway as for sorting teh rubbish out we should have chain gangs at tips doing it
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Old 16-01-2007, 20:02   #20
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Re: Threat to fine........

HBC, like every other council in the country, is under pressure, and will be fined, if they don't meet re-cycling quotas. Either way, people refusing to co-operate, or them not meeting their target, the result will be the same, higher Council Tax bills.

I'm totally with the Government on this. We need, and should be, re-cycling more. We are running out of landfill sites, and no one wants new ones near to where they live.

If the threat of fines mean that some people, who have no intention of re-cycling, have to participate, so be it.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-01-2007, 00:46   #21
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Re: Threat to fine........

anyone remember getting milk in cardboard cartons , thats one thing there for starters and the plastic bottles that are used now are the hardest kind of plastic to recycle

again i stress my point that it shouldnt be joe public bearing teh responsability of saving teh planet but the manufacturers of the products that our goods come wrapped in

to be quite honest i dont think the planet is worth saving but good luck to those that do
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Old 17-01-2007, 01:14   #22
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Re: Threat to fine........

M&S have stated this week that they intend to use less packaging, because of the pressures on people to recycle. Others will follow.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-01-2007, 01:18   #23
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Re: Threat to fine........

i still think peopel on comunity service etc should be sifting and sorting garbage out and not us , teh thought of wading through used nappies etc may make them think twice about crime
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Old 17-01-2007, 01:23   #24
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Re: Threat to fine........

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
i still think peopel on comunity service etc should be sifting and sorting garbage out and not us , teh thought of wading through used nappies etc may make them think twice about crime

I don't know what your problem is, with it only taking about five minutes per week to sort your rubbish out.

That's five minutes a week you could keep yourself out of mischief.

You could even wear rubber gloves to do it, if you are worried about dirtying your lilly white, lady sized hands
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-01-2007, 01:40   #25
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Re: Threat to fine........

the point is i dont want to do it and i wont because the last time i checked we were still allowed to have our own minds

i wouldnt mind but this recycling lark is a huge con anyway , new reports that i heard on the radio show that by the time the process of recycling , collecting it etc from start to finish is completed there is very little benefit to the enviroment anyway , emiisions from recycling process plants etc, emissions from teh bin waggons spewing diesel fumes into the air etc

do teh council sort through teh many litter bins we have or do they not practice what they preach ?
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Old 17-01-2007, 01:53   #26
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Re: Threat to fine........

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
the point is i dont want to do it and i wont because the last time i checked we were still allowed to have our own mind
People do things everyday we don't want to do.

Pay tax, drive sensibly, sweep the streets.

We don't have to do anything. We could all be selfish, and live in an anarchist sh*t heap.

Let me know which jail you are sent, to and I will write you a letter, as long as you promise to recycle it after you've read it.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-01-2007, 03:13   #27
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Re: Threat to fine........

hey if you want to turn your house into hbc's mini recycleing plant then thats your choice , i put my rubbish in the bin and it goes in teh bin waggon , thats the way its been and thats teh way its gonna stay for me

i like everyone else does things they would rather not but having my rubbish monitored for christ sake is a bloody joke

come on if HBC put as much effort into cleaning the town as they put into scrutinising peoples litter we would all be living in a better place

all these fines etc are laughable and it will come back to bite HBC and all the other councils in the backside because if they think fly tipping is a problem now just wait and see how bad it gets when they start victimising joe public

if HBC give me £20 a week for ground rent for their tubs and bags and labour for washing out tins and organising the waste then i will do it but i am not putting myself out for one single second because HBC say i have to

rubbish belongs outside in the bin and not blocking up your hallway or left for dogs and cats to rummage through in your garden or yard

at my other address some clown from the council came accusing me of fly tipping just because someone else threw a black bag outside my back gate and threatened me with a £1000 fine and after clearing it up that it wasnt mine he offered to send somone round to show me how to recysle and i told him that unless they were gonna come every week he needent bother

dont wory though because the next generation is been brainwashed into following the line so when people like me are dead and gone teh country will be full of eager beevers who want to do it
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Old 17-01-2007, 08:48   #28
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Re: Threat to fine........

So where do you suggest we put the rubbish when Whinney Hill landfill site is full? Or don't you care about that because it won't affect you personally?

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Old 17-01-2007, 15:33   #29
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Re: Threat to fine........

I am looking for my own mini recycling kit: that I can store neatly in my back garden: anyone any idea's: I will of course take this to the my local tip to empty: ( hey maybe they could reduce our rates if we do our own)
its seems to me, that its a bit blue peter (ish) with silly plastic sacks, why don't they issue boxes or bins for the lot: just looked out my window and there are plastic carton's everywhere:

just a thought magpie:
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Old 17-01-2007, 16:05   #30
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Re: Threat to fine........

I suppose you can put the blue bag inside a bin for yard storage and then take it out on collection day.

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