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Old 02-08-2008, 11:03   #1
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Three ways to die

Three ways to die
Sounds dramatic doesn't it?.
This is not providing you with alternative ways to commit suicide.
It is commentary on the ways that beurocrats in their ignorance, or complacency, or by deliberate intent,
will slowly reduce world population, whilst at the same time the drug companies will benefit by providing treatment for the damage caused

1 Artificial sweeteners
Aspartame Side Effects

2 Fluoride
Toxic Effects of Fluoride

3 Mercury tooth fillings

If you have faith that the 'powers that be' have your best interests at heart' you will 'poo poo' this thread,
and, viewed in the extreme, it could be classed as conspiracy theory.

If on the other hand you have some doubts, you can read more here -
American Chronicle | Oh My! Three Fun Ways To Die

Whichever way you regard this info-
overblown hype or warranting serious consideration
I thought you ought to know

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Old 02-08-2008, 12:04   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Three ways to die

nobody but me n mine have my best interests at heart, whatever suits the individual if it dont harm others is fine by me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:11   #3
Resting in Peace
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Re: Three ways to die

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
nobody but me n mine have my best interests at heart, whatever suits the individual if it dont harm others is fine by me.
Spot on cashy that works for me too
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:13   #4
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Re: Three ways to die

I was very sad when I had to have all my back teeth pulled
Now I'm delighted

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Old 02-08-2008, 12:16   #5
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Re: Three ways to die

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I was very sad when I had to have all my back teeth pulled
Now I'm delighted
ya would have been more delighted if ya had let me do it, cashys much cheaper.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:22   #6
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Re: Three ways to die

How sweet of you to offer - have only 7 teeth left and none of them have fillings.

If you have a sweet tooth and can't use cane or beet sugar, here is a natural alternative
Stevia Natural Sweetener Competes With Aspartame From Betty Martini [email protected]

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Old 02-08-2008, 12:56   #7

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Re: Three ways to die

I have only one filling, it is about the size of a pin head. Will I die of mercury poisoning? I think I had best have it taken out just in case.
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Old 02-08-2008, 13:01   #8
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Re: Three ways to die

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I have only one filling, it is about the size of a pin head. Will I die of mercury poisoning? I think I had best have it taken out just in case.
Lucky you! - better safe than sorry, don't you think?
Loss of one tooth won't affect your biting wit, will it?

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Old 02-08-2008, 14:59   #9
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Re: Three ways to die

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I have only one filling, it is about the size of a pin head. Will I die of mercury poisoning? I think I had best have it taken out just in case.
That's a tough decission...when you only have one tooth.

Weigh up the pros and cons first.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 02-08-2008, 15:14   #10
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Re: Three ways to die

One of my pet grouches is against aspartame, or any other source of phenylalanine. Most of my health problems can be traced back to the misguided idea that diet drinks would help me lose weight. I gained. I've also got horrendous water retention and diabetes and hair loss and....................... well I could go on but it gets depressing.

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Old 02-08-2008, 16:57   #11
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: Three ways to die

Well I’ve got a gob full of mercury fillings and I’ve got to 71 OK. So they can’t be doing me much harm.

I’ve been breathing in toxic fumes from industry and vehicle exhausts all my life as well as smoking tobacco. Naturally that has had an effect but I wonder how much the tar in my lungs has prevented the air toxins from getting to my blood?

Vegetables and me have been mortal enemies for as long as I can remember but on the other hand, I’m like Jack Sprat of nursery rhyme fame, I do not like the fat from meat, even though people have constantly told me that it’s the best part usually coupled with, “Don’t be so soft. Get it eaten.” I won’t eat ‘rare’ meat, no matter what.

I have sugar in my tea/coffee/cocoa etc and also on the breakfast cereal, although recently I have taken to using liquid honey as a sweetener on breakfast cereal instead.

I am partial to dairy products, eggs, white bread or what passes for bread these days. I cook using salt but there is no need to add salt to the meal whilst eating.

According to the practice nurse I am doing everything wrong and she continually nags me to change my eating habits, but I’m still here and able to look after myself. I am about 15 pounds over weight for my height and have been for some 60 years. But my bones are thick and strong and I’ve only ever cracked one rib, broken and dislocated the little finger hand knuckle on my left hand and two fingers. Broken nose three times.

OK! So pills have to prop up the heart and keep the blood fluid but that’s why we have doctors and pills.

I stopped playing football at 45 and a year later stopped playing cricket and stopped roller skating shortly after my 50th birthday and table tennis a couple of years later. There comes a time when the joints don’t bend quite as quickly or easily.

‘Experts’ continually tell us, or rather suggest that this, that and the other MIGHT BE bad for us only to be contradicted a few years down the line by other ‘experts’.

The problem is that research scientists need funding to carry out their research so they come up with a “this might be bad for people” so that their funding is renewed. Life and living is really all about money and how to get more. We, the general population, are just convenient guinea pigs.

What I’ve done all my life has got me to 71 so I really see no need to change things.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 02-08-2008, 17:04   #12
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Re: Three ways to die

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Well I’ve got a gob full of mercury fillings and I’ve got to 71 OK. So they can’t be doing me much harm.

I’ve been breathing in toxic fumes from industry and vehicle exhausts all my life as well as smoking tobacco. Naturally that has had an effect but I wonder how much the tar in my lungs has prevented the air toxins from getting to my blood?

Vegetables and me have been mortal enemies for as long as I can remember but on the other hand, I’m like Jack Sprat of nursery rhyme fame, I do not like the fat from meat, even though people have constantly told me that it’s the best part usually coupled with, “Don’t be so soft. Get it eaten.” I won’t eat ‘rare’ meat, no matter what.

I have sugar in my tea/coffee/cocoa etc and also on the breakfast cereal, although recently I have taken to using liquid honey as a sweetener on breakfast cereal instead.

I am partial to dairy products, eggs, white bread or what passes for bread these days. I cook using salt but there is no need to add salt to the meal whilst eating.

According to the practice nurse I am doing everything wrong and she continually nags me to change my eating habits, but I’m still here and able to look after myself. I am about 15 pounds over weight for my height and have been for some 60 years. But my bones are thick and strong and I’ve only ever cracked one rib, broken and dislocated the little finger hand knuckle on my left hand and two fingers. Broken nose three times.

OK! So pills have to prop up the heart and keep the blood fluid but that’s why we have doctors and pills.

I stopped playing football at 45 and a year later stopped playing cricket and stopped roller skating shortly after my 50th birthday and table tennis a couple of years later. There comes a time when the joints don’t bend quite as quickly or easily.

‘Experts’ continually tell us, or rather suggest that this, that and the other MIGHT BE bad for us only to be contradicted a few years down the line by other ‘experts’.

The problem is that research scientists need funding to carry out their research so they come up with a “this might be bad for people” so that their funding is renewed. Life and living is really all about money and how to get more. We, the general population, are just convenient guinea pigs.

What I’ve done all my life has got me to 71 so I really see no need to change things.
well agree with jambutty albeit i'm only a sprog. if it dont come out of a chip pan or frying pan it dont exist to me, charles atlas i aint but well happy wi meself at my age.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-08-2008, 17:18   #13
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Re: Three ways to die

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Well I’ve got a gob full of mercury fillings and I’ve got to 71 OK. So they can’t be doing me much harm.

I’ve been breathing in toxic fumes from industry and vehicle exhausts all my life as well as smoking tobacco. Naturally that has had an effect but I wonder how much the tar in my lungs has prevented the air toxins from getting to my blood?

Vegetables and me have been mortal enemies for as long as I can remember but on the other hand, I’m like Jack Sprat of nursery rhyme fame, I do not like the fat from meat, even though people have constantly told me that it’s the best part usually coupled with, “Don’t be so soft. Get it eaten.” I won’t eat ‘rare’ meat, no matter what.

I have sugar in my tea/coffee/cocoa etc and also on the breakfast cereal, although recently I have taken to using liquid honey as a sweetener on breakfast cereal instead.

I am partial to dairy products, eggs, white bread or what passes for bread these days. I cook using salt but there is no need to add salt to the meal whilst eating.

According to the practice nurse I am doing everything wrong and she continually nags me to change my eating habits, but I’m still here and able to look after myself. I am about 15 pounds over weight for my height and have been for some 60 years. But my bones are thick and strong and I’ve only ever cracked one rib, broken and dislocated the little finger hand knuckle on my left hand and two fingers. Broken nose three times.

OK! So pills have to prop up the heart and keep the blood fluid but that’s why we have doctors and pills.

I stopped playing football at 45 and a year later stopped playing cricket and stopped roller skating shortly after my 50th birthday and table tennis a couple of years later. There comes a time when the joints don’t bend quite as quickly or easily.

‘Experts’ continually tell us, or rather suggest that this, that and the other MIGHT BE bad for us only to be contradicted a few years down the line by other ‘experts’.

The problem is that research scientists need funding to carry out their research so they come up with a “this might be bad for people” so that their funding is renewed. Life and living is really all about money and how to get more. We, the general population, are just convenient guinea pigs.

What I’ve done all my life has got me to 71 so I really see no need to change things.
Amalgam / Mercury Dental Filling Toxicity
The type of mercury fillings that began to be used during the last couple of decades, non-gamma-2 (high copper), releases many times more mercury than the older style of amalgam fillings..
A study related to mercury and Alzheimer's Disease was recently completed by a team of scientists led by well-respected researcher Dr. Boyd Haley. They exposed rats to levels of mercury vapor diluted to account for size differences between humans and rats. The rats developed tissue damage "indistinguishable" from that of Alzheimer's Disease. Repeating the experiment showed the same results.

So if your fillings were done over 20 yrs ago you are less exposed.
You are still at risk of Altzheimers disease.
71 is relatively young by today's standards.
I am nearing 66 and my parents lived until their 80s.
Genetic factors can help offset toxin exposure, but I have no doubt that toxins shorten life and the quality of life in old age.

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Old 02-08-2008, 17:26   #14
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: Three ways to die

The latest research suggests that statins reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 50%.

I take Simvastatin as part of the heart medication regime.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 02-08-2008, 17:31   #15
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Re: Three ways to die

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
The latest research suggests that statins reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 50%.

I take Simvastatin as part of the heart medication regime.
Statins reduce you bodily intake of Vitamin B12.
The effect of B12 defiency creeps on you slowly over many years and is often misdiagnosed as MS, CFS, Parkinsons and Altzheimers because many of its symptoms are the same

PS I am not suggesting that you go against your docs advice - just want you to think 'Is he always right?

Last edited by MargaretR; 02-08-2008 at 17:34.
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