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Old 05-06-2012, 01:29   #1
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Talking Throw your bras away, ladies

Except on the rare occasions I venture out in public, I dress for comfort, which invariably means nightdress and dressing gown all day.

I have quite an extensive range of both, in several colour ranges, and in varying thicknesses to suit seasonal conditions, so I can have 'clean on' daily, just as I did when wearing conventional daytime clothing.

At times when I need to 'get dressed' lately, I have noticed what a bind (pun intended) it is to wear a bra, and how it restricts relaxation and deep breathing.
For us ladies it is the equivalent of a cricket box for a man, so why should we be expected to put up with it!.

Then today I happened on an article which gives women good reason not to wear them -
Breast Cancer: Do Bras Cause Breast Cancer?

So unless 'they' hang below the waist I really thing you should consider abandoning them.

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Old 05-06-2012, 06:54   #2
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Each to their own Margaret. Personally, I do not feel comfortable without my undergarments.
I wear clothes that are comfortable....don't nip or pinch.....never dig into my skin.
If something becomes uncomfortable I throw it out(in the case of underwear) - or recycle it.
I have to admit, I haven't read the whole article....there must be some uncertainty because it is asking a question rather than shouting a statement. I might read it later on....but I won't be abandoning my bra.
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Old 05-06-2012, 07:22   #3
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Shoot ... all those hours I spent learning how to unhook those things in the back rows of various cimemas ... and now you guys are throwing them away
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Old 05-06-2012, 07:23   #4
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Shoot ... all those hours I spent learning how to unhook those things in the back rows of various cimemas ... and now you guys are throwing them away
Was that front or back loaders?
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Old 05-06-2012, 07:34   #5
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Shoot ... all those hours I spent learning how to unhook those things in the back rows of various cimemas ... and now you guys are throwing them away
Not me Eric....I'm keeping my bustenhalter.
I don't want the world to think I am smuggling children under my jumper....anyway the pair of them are doing a grand job of trying to migrate south.....anything I can do to prevent this.....well, short of surgery, and I will be doing it!
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Old 05-06-2012, 08:08   #6
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

There was me think that women burnt their bras back in the seventies, tut
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Old 05-06-2012, 08:25   #7
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
There was me think that women burnt their bras back in the seventies, tut

Perhaps the dreadful things they had back then Jay!

They've come a long way technologically! Now we have pre-formed cups and underwiring that is not a wire - wonderful things. We can have a perfect sillouhette with all our imperfections...

As to not wearing one - in bed, on a beach, under the shower....that's about it.

In Italy, everyday? Hot weather, light-clothing, no bra? No way!!!

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Old 05-06-2012, 08:32   #8
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Perhaps the dreadful things they had back then Jay!

They've come a long way technologically! Now we have pre-formed cups and underwiring that is not a wire - wonderful things. We can have a perfect sillouhette with all our imperfections...

As to not wearing one - in bed, on a beach, under the shower....that's about it.

In Italy, everyday? Hot weather, light-clothing, no bra? No way!!!
Oh you mean the AhBra, there's an half hour ad runs on some channels overnight on Sky being pushed by some American broad called Rhonda Shearer (I think that's her name) apparently they've sold millions
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:39   #9
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

I've been wearing one for three years now, well, ever since the wife found one in the car.
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:45   #10
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Except on the rare occasions I venture out in public, I dress for comfort, which invariably means nightdress and dressing gown all day.

I have quite an extensive range of both, in several colour ranges, and in varying thicknesses to suit seasonal conditions, so I can have 'clean on' daily, just as I did when wearing conventional daytime clothing.

At times when I need to 'get dressed' lately, I have noticed what a bind (pun intended) it is to wear a bra, and how it restricts relaxation and deep breathing.
For us ladies it is the equivalent of a cricket box for a man, so why should we be expected to put up with it!.

Then today I happened on an article which gives women good reason not to wear them -
Breast Cancer: Do Bras Cause Breast Cancer?

So unless 'they' hang below the waist I really thing you should consider abandoning them.
Horrible uncomfortable things, haven't worn one for years. The desire to conform to a perfect shape (?decided by whom) is responsible for a lot of problems besides possibly being a cause of breast cancer.
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:48   #11
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Bras restrict lymph node drainage and 'underwires' act as antennas for EMF radiation. -
"Over 85 percent of the lymph fluid flowing from the breast drains to the armpit lymph nodes. Most of the rest drains to the nodes along the breast bone. Bras and other external tight clothing can impede flow. The nature of the bra, the tightness, and the length of time worn, will all influence the degree of blockage of lymphatic drainage.Thus, wearing a bra might contribute to the development of breast cancer as a result of cutting off lymphatic drainage, so that toxic chemicals are trapped in the breast. This idea has been popularized recently by Sydney Ross Singer, Ph.D., with the publication of his book Dressed to Kill: The Link between Bras and Breast Cancer by Avery Press. In this book he describes an epidemiologic study that he carried out which shows a strong link. This study is similar to the early studies that showed a relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Women who wore bras more than 12 hours daily had a nineteen times greater chance of developing breast cancer than those who wore a bra less than 12 hours daily. Women who never wore bras seemed to have an even greater protection. So, the take home message to women is to wear bras as little as possible and when wearing them try to choose one that is least constricting. "

Harmful effects of radiaiton
"Under wire Bras: These can act as antennae, re-radiating external EMFs, including microwave frequencies, into the body. With breast cancer on the increase it may be better with out the under wire. Use non wire alternatives"

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Old 05-06-2012, 11:29   #12
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Oh you mean the AhBra, there's an half hour ad runs on some channels overnight on Sky being pushed by some American broad called Rhonda Shearer (I think that's her name) apparently they've sold millions
Just out of interest I googled the Ahbra and came up with this site

Ah Bra

Don't know what language it's been translated from but it gave me a few laughs. Examples:

Both the bras she utilized to put on just did not work for him. She was forced to place on both sets on bras for the maximum comfortable fit and help during one play of beach ball. Still, with both bras holding her escapes together, this remained natural with regard to her to really fell aching shoulders subsequent any use. It was as the straps of the bra make remained not created to support both the weight of large-breasted ladies.

Both the women of currently are different from the your before. Women on today make come a lengthy way on as meek and submissive. Currently, they will know what they will want and which they should have. They're strong, impartial and powerful. Therefore it's not one surprise that they marketplace the best on it, even when this comes to some thing as fundamental whose sports bra.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 05-06-2012, 11:41   #13
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Hilarious - reminds me of DaveG and Jaysay's english

Those Ah Bras look more like camisoles, which are great if you want to avoid the location of your nipples being displayed.

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Old 05-06-2012, 11:48   #14
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Horrible uncomfortable things, haven't worn one for years. The desire to conform to a perfect shape (?decided by whom) is responsible for a lot of problems besides possibly being a cause of breast cancer.

I don't particularly want to conform or be a perfect shape....whatever that might be......but I do wish to feel supported....and I choose a bra that does the job......I don't feel constricted/restricted...just comfortably supported.
Breast cancer may be genetic for some people(both men and women), but for others it may have causes other than the kind of bra they wear.
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Old 05-06-2012, 11:50   #15
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Re: Throw your bras away, ladies

Two male members of my extended family have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Both have been successfully treated.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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