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Old 09-09-2012, 20:12   #46
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Unfortunately true. A very vicious attack. But, like I said earlier, the incident happened about 8.30pm.
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Old 09-09-2012, 20:14   #47
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

it was a wise move to change them then, maybe it should have been done after the first incident though
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Old 09-09-2012, 20:44   #48
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

All 4 were the same incident. 4 people - 1 big fight.

Anyway. Lets not wander too much.
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Old 09-09-2012, 20:51   #49
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

do you think they'll eventually make it the law to change everything to plastic in pubs then?
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 09-09-2012, 20:57   #50
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
do you think they'll eventually make it the law to change everything to plastic in pubs then?
I reckon its a knocking bet, The animals have been given free reign fer too long now,no real deterrent, so little choice i think.
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Old 09-09-2012, 21:07   #51
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
I experienced my first plastic 'glass' last night, in the Nags Head, the 'glasses' weren't what i expected and where quite nice actually

so yeah, for safetys sake bring then into every pub
Same, just used some I was given this weekend.

Mainly beause, in my case, I keep accidentally dropping them.

Doesn't feel like plastic,

Nice and cold, cool to the touch, and ice even clinks in therm.

Much bettter than ones you'd occasionally see in the past.

Best thing?

Not the best weapon of choice if you're looking to take someone's eye out, or scar someone for life.
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Old 09-09-2012, 21:39   #52
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

I do lots of motorcycle rallies and all of those use plastic, at the better ones the glasses are really good quite thick plastic and good quality after a few beers hard to tell the differance between them and glass and they don't affect the taste, you can easilly carry 4 pints back to the table, but some places still use cheep ones where it's not easy to carry one pint and two is nye on impossible and they do sometimes affect the taste. So as far as i'm concerned if the eatablishment uses decent plastic pots i have no problem.
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Old 10-09-2012, 08:33   #53
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
kin ell i didn't know that Jay, i don't get out much
Sadly its the other way round these days Shaz
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Old 10-09-2012, 08:37   #54
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Alan Varrechia View Post
I do lots of motorcycle rallies and all of those use plastic, at the better ones the glasses are really good quite thick plastic and good quality after a few beers hard to tell the differance between them and glass and they don't affect the taste, you can easilly carry 4 pints back to the table, but some places still use cheep ones where it's not easy to carry one pint and two is nye on impossible and they do sometimes affect the taste. So as far as i'm concerned if the eatablishment uses decent plastic pots i have no problem.
Ya but whats the chances of that Alan, especially in town centre establishments, which, lets face it, only open at weekends
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Old 10-09-2012, 13:49   #55

Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by AccyJay View Post
Why 11pm? The last 4 glassing incidents in Hyndburn happened at around 8.30pm.

Is a can not as dangerous as a bottle? Or at least could be used as very deadly weapon.

The "plastic" bottles & glasses would add around £3500 per year to myself. You say to pass the additional cost on to the customers. I'm sure that they would all welcome that kind of increase, especially in these hard times.

The main reason that the Nags Head has moved to these items, is that, the last 4 glassing incidents in Hyndburn happened in their pub 3 weeks ago.

The proposal is based on a trial scheme to be held in Accrington town centre venues, the idea was to trial this after the hours of eleven at first not to disrupt the venues on the outskirts of towns were incidents are few and far between, having 400 people converse across 9 town centre venues increases the possibility of an attack than a pub that maybe on the outskirts with 100 people plus in them, the answer over Alu cans is that most venues sell red stripe and it's served on a can yes a can could be used as a weapon but you could also say being poked in the eye with a straw or plastic bottle could be dangerous, the topic is started that you are at far greater risk of facial injuries and death if your hit in a main artery in the neck on a glassing incident.

Re the cost I think that an extra 20p on a bottle is not going to break the bank when by next year the minimum price per unit of alcohol is going to be 50p and that will make the pub and club trade far more cheaper as it only relates to supermarkets not our trade, and the end of the day you say it will cost you 3500 per year extra I have saved 2000 on my insurance being plastic and also as a venue operator we have our right to duty if care for all our patrons and no one wants a front page headline that an individual was attacked with a glass bottle in the town as it makes front page news and can tarnish a business reputation for a single incident.

My point is this look at page 3 of the observer this week there are four incidents in venues in the area hardly telling the masses that Hynburn is safe, the argument could be every town has that , which is true but isn't it time now to get hold of this now before someone in a town centre is seriously hurt then we have the same people that argue against plastic suddenly going something should of been done.

I'm not looking for a knighthood or on a witch hunt, I'm saying the probability of an incident from a fatal nature grows ever closer with today's societys mixed with drink and drugs and people do see the red mist and make that decision that can lose people two lives their own and their victims.

If you asked Adam rogers family would they of wanted the proceedures in place in educating venues and campaigning for safer nights out and that to be in place before their sons death and maybe things would have turned out differently I'm not saying that there was a clear cut chance what happened wouldn't of happened but if the measures are in place then the risk is reduced.
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Old 10-09-2012, 14:02   #56
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Leon Kelly View Post
Re the cost I think that an extra 20p on a bottle is not going to break the bank when by next year the minimum price per unit of alcohol is going to be 50p and that will make the pub and club trade far more cheaper as it only relates to supermarkets not our trade
Surely that's only in Scotland? No date set for legislation in England/Wales and not before 2014 at the earliest.
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Old 10-09-2012, 14:47   #57
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

I don't mind plastic glasses but the glasses would have to be thicker than the one I drank out of latey. Too squashy. End up with beer all over place if not careful :-)
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Old 10-09-2012, 17:43   #58
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
I don't mind plastic glasses but the glasses would have to be thicker than the one I drank out of latey. Too squashy. End up with beer all over place if not careful :-)
Ya Restless but you can bet your bottom dollar that the glasses introduced would be cheap and nasty, or another 10p on a pint
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Old 10-09-2012, 18:08   #59

Re: Time to Go Plastic

Just been notified of this today not sure whether it follows on from my email from last week however good to get the ball rolling however think that the figures need to based from 2011 to 2012 instead of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010.

If there was a problem back then surely shouldnt the initiative to be continue with this and not leave it for two years ?

Graham Jones MP: Lets make a night out safer...
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Old 10-09-2012, 18:30   #60
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Leon Kelly View Post
Just been notified of this today not sure whether it follows on from my email from last week however good to get the ball rolling however think that the figures need to based from 2011 to 2012 instead of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010.

If there was a problem back then surely shouldnt the initiative to be continue with this and not leave it for two years ?

Graham Jones MP: Lets make a night out safer...
If this was a sucess when it was 2009/10 why was it not followed up
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