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Old 01-08-2008, 14:36   #16
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

In cases such as these I lose all my liberal tendancies and want the worst possible punishment for them. I could never support the death penalty just in case someone was wrongly convicted - for example the guy who they arrested for killing Jill Dando has now been acquited at a retrial. If the death penalty existed then he could have been dead by now.

However, if someone is guilty of killing someone and if they are in prison with suicidal tendancies, then i don't think we should be too worried if they choose to end their lives. I think that the best way would be allow them the means to commit suicide. I don't think they should be 'entertained' with scrabble, the internet etc to stop them feeling suicidal - let them get it over with.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-08-2008, 15:08   #17
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
In cases such as these I lose all my liberal tendancies and want the worst possible punishment for them. I could never support the death penalty just in case someone was wrongly convicted - for example the guy who they arrested for killing Jill Dando has now been acquited at a retrial. If the death penalty existed then he could have been dead by now.

However, if someone is guilty of killing someone and if they are in prison with suicidal tendancies, then i don't think we should be too worried if they choose to end their lives. I think that the best way would be allow them the means to commit suicide. I don't think they should be 'entertained' with scrabble, the internet etc to stop them feeling suicidal - let them get it over with.
I’m a bit unsure of the logic you are using there Gayle.

If someone is wrongly convicted , lets take your example of Barry George - George not guilty of Dando murder, then the ordeal of being wrongly convicted could well lead to the person developing suicidal tendencies. If there was a means to allow prisoners to commit suicide then George could well be dead under those circumstances.
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Old 01-08-2008, 15:15   #18
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
I’m a bit unsure of the logic you are using there Gayle.

If someone is wrongly convicted , lets take your example of Barry George - George not guilty of Dando murder, then the ordeal of being wrongly convicted could well lead to the person developing suicidal tendencies. If there was a means to allow prisoners to commit suicide then George could well be dead under those circumstances.

Well, you're absolutely right, which is why I could never advocate the death penalty. And that's also why it's a hugely complex area. I guess, all I'm saying really is that if it were up to me, as far as Huntley, and Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, was concerned (Huntley has admitted guilt hasn't he) I wouldn't be trying to jolly up his life and i wouldn't be keeping such a close eye on him if he were likely to be committing suicide.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-08-2008, 15:24   #19
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I wouldn't be trying to jolly up his life and i wouldn't be keeping such a close eye on him if he were likely to be committing suicide.
Agree totally

It gets a bit much hearing about cushy prisons and prisoners being breast fed.
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Old 01-08-2008, 16:23   #20
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
Agree totally

It gets a bit much hearing about cushy prisons and prisoners being breast fed.
Ya BB its a great country were we keep the likes of Huntley in a nice cushy warm cell all mod cons, ensuit facilities, game boys TV (no doubt Sky TV too) 3 square meals a day and some of our pensioner will have to make the desicion this winter wether to heat or eat. Don't know what you think but I think the lunatics are now in charge of the asylum
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Old 01-08-2008, 18:29   #21
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Ya BB its a great country were we keep the likes of Huntley in a nice cushy warm cell all mod cons, ensuit facilities, game boys TV (no doubt Sky TV too) 3 square meals a day and some of our pensioner will have to make the desicion this winter wether to heat or eat. Don't know what you think but I think the lunatics are now in charge of the asylum

That just about sums up the situation jay
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Old 01-08-2008, 18:39   #22
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Where's BB?
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Old 01-08-2008, 19:25   #23
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by danny27 View Post

But, i just had an apiphany, i he seen the light. MAYBE i should do something naughty, get inside prison, find this waste of human life who is sharing the same oxygen as we are...AND KILL HIM!

Hey, its not exactly gonna be a bad thing is it, i mean come on...I get a slightly small prison sentance for murdering the prick (a year or so) and i will be a national, nae, an INTERNATIONAL hero!!!

Anyway, what do you all think?
I think you should go to a chemist, and get some ointment to put on your apiphany.
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Old 01-08-2008, 19:31   #24
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Actually I've changed my mind now, based on the views in this thread. An eye for an eye is what I now say! If someone is found guilty of murder, then let them suffer the consequences and who cares if they die in prison!!

I mean, take that bloke who was found guilty of killing Jill Dando.... oh, hang on a minute... ummmm..... I'll think of a better example in a minute......
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Old 01-08-2008, 19:41   #25
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Yeah Yeah Kill Kill Kill him ... and boil his Head in oil and cut off his willy , and while we're at it get that bloke who shot the lovely Gill Dando...

.... oh, hang on he might just be innocent ... Oh sorry man , here have your willy back.

As a society we are judged by how we treat our sick and our failed human wretches ... what if Huntley was judged to be mentally ill at the time of the offence,is this how to treat those who's bad trip through life has left them scarred and damaged?

As "Big J" said ... Let him without sin cast the first stone .

Last edited by Mick; 02-08-2008 at 06:15. Reason: language
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Old 01-08-2008, 20:45   #26
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by archiveuk View Post
As a society we are judged by how we treat our sick and our failed human wretches ... what if Huntley was judged to be mentally ill at the time of the offence,is this how to treat those who's bad trip through life has left them scarred and damaged?
...and this is the person who said, of the guy who threatened to throw himself off the viaduct: "What right do these muppets have to hold up thousands of people for the best part of three hours whilst they make a cry for attention? I call it total selfishness." Still...maybe he was being ironic.
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Old 01-08-2008, 21:38   #27
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
...and this is the person who said, of the guy who threatened to throw himself off the viaduct: "What right do these muppets have to hold up thousands of people for the best part of three hours whilst they make a cry for attention? I call it total selfishness." Still...maybe he was being ironic.

Yes, an opinion I still hold, i'm not suggesting we get soft with anyone i'm suggesting we are firm but fair. In my book firm but fair does't include letting some barbaric inmate (who, by the way is unlikley to be an angel himself) away with "napalming" fellow inmates ....
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:53   #28
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Ian Huntley is selfish & heartless he was not ill when he comited murder he's just playin the sistem just like shipem did before he took his own life, let him take his own life if thats what he wants to do, give him the rope or the knife an walk away while he dose it.

Last edited by Len; 04-08-2008 at 17:15. Reason: Removed inappropriate language
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:02   #29
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

I think that somebody who has confessed to and committed such terrible deeds should be offered the option of suicide.
If they want it, they should have it. Then they cant hold the prison to ransom for extra privelages.
So if they try to take their own lives, give them the means to do it, a pill, I bet those that threaten suicide often wont be so keen once it is a proper option and they know that the only thing they will get from it is death and not exta special care in prison.
Bonny x
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:08   #30
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by archiveuk View Post

As "Big J" said ... Let him without sin cast the first stone .
i never cast the first stone....................but usually cast the Biggest.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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