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Old 01-08-2008, 00:40   #1
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To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Oh, before i begin my daily rant about injustice in the world i wish to let you all know that whilst i was on holiday in blackpool, i picked up a cheap BB gun. This, was to rid my cat problem. And let me tell ya, the fat ginger moggy cant out run plastic bb's! meeeeow!! lol. Anyway, it doesnt kill em, just scares the crap out of them, so everyone's a winner.

Anyway...i was reading a tabloid paper the other day, an it appears Ian Huntley has been victimised in prison. Wait...thats just the good part. He's been attacked with something called "Prison Napalm". ( yep, still good ). Prison Napalm, if your unsure what that is, is basically a mixture of boiling water and sugar. It has a lasting effect cos it sticks to the skin lol Yeash, stiiilll good. Hes been viciously attacked and one one occasion was beaten so bad that somebody left a boot imprint on his face. ( i think give that man a medal whosever foot that belonged to. the bad part.

Officers have been ordered to reffer to Ian Huntley as " MR HUNTLEy, and also play scrabble with him to keep his spirits up!! (WTF!!!)
And...he is allowed to play video games, watch TV, and listen to CD's. ( WTFF!!!) He's currenly under something called "Protocol For The Management of Ian Huntley, an attempt to improve his life. Nah nah nah, Feck that!!! Improve his life, i dont think so! He's ruined Holly and Jessica's friends and families lifes, and also ofcourse ended two young girls life cruely and prematurely! HE shouldnt be allowed these privalges, he shouldnt. He should be put in a very dark dingy cell and left in their for the rest of his life to think about what he's done. Giving him games and music is something you give a child if they've done their homework or something, not to this sick prick WHO i might add is also allowed internet access and HAS a facebook site apparently.

But, i just had an apiphany, i he seen the light. MAYBE i should do something naughty, get inside prison, find this waste of human life who is sharing the same oxygen as we are...AND KILL HIM!

Hey, its not exactly gonna be a bad thing is it, i mean come on...I get a slightly small prison sentance for murdering the prick (a year or so) and i will be a national, nae, an INTERNATIONAL hero!!!

Anyway, what do you all think?

I love Jaffa Cakes!!

All Hail evil Gloworm!!!

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I sometimes lay down at night and stare at the stars and its then i realise.. SOMEONE'S STOLE MY ROOF!!!

I'm always amazed when I hear people saying; "That GORDON BROWN, he's a great leader". And I wonder, where can one find a drug that would make one so delusional?
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Old 01-08-2008, 01:21   #2
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Personally think he should have been hanged but what do we know?? A life for a life but what about a life for the two lives he took and lets add on all the lifes he destroyed at the same time??
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:55   #3
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Prison, for a being that carried out the actions that this man did, should be the most hellish experience any person would ever come across. However, if the reports are true, it seems he's receiving the utmost care to ensure that he does not become suicidal. Words cannot express how much disrespect this shows to the lives of Holly and Jessica.
As much as I believe that hanging or any other form of capital punishment would have been an easy way out for Huntley and therefore wrong, I do see it that this man should undergo the largest amount of torture within an inch of his life every single day for the rest of his life. Not pampered to make sure he's in high spirits for squash tomorrow. These reports are sickening.
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Old 01-08-2008, 07:07   #4
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Hmmm... as soon as I saw your source was a tabloid newspaper, all credibility disappeared.
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:22   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by danny27 View Post
Oh, before i begin my daily rant about injustice in the world i wish to let you all know that whilst i was on holiday in blackpool, i picked up a cheap BB gun. This, was to rid my cat problem. And let me tell ya, the fat ginger moggy cant out run plastic bb's! meeeeow!! lol. Anyway, it doesnt kill em, just scares the crap out of them, so everyone's a winner.

Anyway, what do you all think?
I thought your problem was the cats crapping in your garden, so scaring the crap out of them is surely counter-productive to your real aim, a crap free garden!

So please explain how this makes you a winner?

I do however agree that it is annoying when someone else's cat uses your space as a latrine.
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:30   #6
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Danny there are other more humane ways to rid your garden of unwanted cats. Go to the garden centre or even supermarket and there are products you can buy to stop them coming into your garden. BB guns may not KILL cats but they could be badly bruising them, blinding them, giving them internal injuiries etc and in my eyes and i'm sure the eyes of many others this is classed as cruelty to animals. Try the humane way.
Bonny x
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:36   #7
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

in theory danny yer idea is appealing, in practice though if you did summat slightly naughty you would NOT be sent to a prison like that, so you will have to commit a very serious crime @ HOPE you get allocated to the same Maximum Security prison. even then you aint certain, cos you would have to be placed on the same wing/section,to even get near this piece of crap, sorry to burst yer bubble, but ya have no chance.
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:49   #8
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Well most right thinking people think that Huntley shouldn't be in prison, he should have been strung up,but that was never going to happen. Even though the story is tabloid orientated TM, I don't for a minute think that it isn't true, because thats the way British justice work, the dogooders have seen to that, cuz they have rights you know To my way of thinking the BANGKOK HILTON for life would be just right for scum like Huntley, at least the barsteward would get some pain, but even then its not enough
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Old 01-08-2008, 10:18   #9
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well most right thinking people think that Huntley shouldn't be in prison, he should have been strung up,but that was never going to happen. Even though the story is tabloid orientated TM, I don't for a minute think that it isn't true, because thats the way British justice work, the dogooders have seen to that, cuz they have rights you know To my way of thinking the BANGKOK HILTON for life would be just right for scum like Huntley, at least the barsteward would get some pain, but even then its not enough
i'm with jaysay, accept nowt but crap is printed in tabloids, but also know how cushy scum have things in prison.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-08-2008, 10:46   #10
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

When I move here my timid cat was being bullied by the cat next door but one.
The cheeky ****** used to chase him home and would bang and scratch at my front door to try to get at him.
I cured it by opening the front door just enough to reach out with a compressed air rape alarm. Problem solved

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Old 01-08-2008, 11:01   #11
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

They should adopt the methods of the Peruvian penal system where child murderers/molesters are bunged in with the general prison population and they have to take their chances. Still, no matter how we complain about it, nothing will change because politicians don't listen to ordinary people.
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Old 01-08-2008, 12:22   #12

Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

huntly was guilty and should hang, but what about stephan kyscho who was banged up for allegedly killing lesley molseed? all due to lazy police work. its a very emotive subject and one that cant be ignored, kyscho would have hanged, and i wouldnt want to be the home secretary having to sign his execution warrant. on the other hand we do need a deterrent to stop these loonys.
btw i dont see any difference between killing a 80yr old pensioner and a 5year old kid. its still murder
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Old 01-08-2008, 13:49   #13
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Leave them cats alone...............
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Old 01-08-2008, 13:57   #14
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

you sit shooting cats with a bb gun, advocate stringing people up, take delight in them getting beaten in prison etc and you want me to take you seriously? I very much doubt it. Ive always lived by knowing right form wrong and I think justice should be done. But I dont think you can ever use the same mentality with the criminals as they themselves in their own twisted minds use. Its called lowering yourself to that standard and makes one sub-human. but hey - enjoy shooting your cats mate.

Cos it rocks!!!

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Old 01-08-2008, 14:27   #15
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Re: To kill or not to kill- HUNTLEY

Originally Posted by MikeSz View Post
you sit shooting cats with a bb gun, advocate stringing people up, take delight in them getting beaten in prison etc and you want me to take you seriously?
You forgot the bit about reading a tabloid paper!
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