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Old 23-07-2004, 14:50   #16
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Re: To many buses

Originally Posted by Baudelaire
The public transport system would improve if a single company ran all the buses, allowing people to buy passes or through ticket for all buses, allowing them to travel to all parts of the area, including Blackburn/Burnley.
The British system of running a transport system with all kinds of two-bit companies all competing is stupid and costs us all more money than ever.
Is my memory failing me, or isn't this the way it used to be before Peter Britcliffe's heroine the delightful Maggie privatised everything?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Accrington Web
Old 23-07-2004, 20:41   #17
I am Banned

Re: To many buses

if we made buses shorter we could get more buses into the bus station.
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Old 24-07-2004, 01:00   #18
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Re: To many buses

yes it was yerself & much better run too, why did they sell everything off ooo it makes me mad ..
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 25-07-2004, 14:49   #19
Resident Waffler

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Re: To many buses

Originally Posted by l.d.flooring-solutions
if we made buses shorter we could get more buses into the bus station.
Yes What we need is (are?) shorter buses for the journeys which usually don't have as many passengers and long buses for the busier routes.

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Old 25-07-2004, 16:07   #20
I am Banned

Re: To many buses

yes when you go to manchester you see the long bendy buses. :engsmil:
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Old 25-07-2004, 16:29   #21
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Re: To many buses

Those double length buses would never fit in our bus station!

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Old 25-07-2004, 17:59   #22
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Re: To many buses

If its a bendy bus..can't you just fold it and then it will fit?
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Old 25-07-2004, 21:25   #23
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Re: To many buses

Well I'm just glad I've got my car back on the road. 3 weeks of getting the bus to work has almost bankrupted me! The prices were far too high - especially on shorter journeys. I got the bus from across from Oscar Bear's Nursery (or Imperial Pub) on Blackburn Road to the bottom of Lonsdale Street and it cost between 50p and 67p (depending on bus co) and I was actually being charged from the town centre to Church! Some people may think I was being lazy but I have a bit of walking to get to & from the bus stops as well!

One evening I nipped into Ossy Mills and then got a bus from the Palludium at Ossy into town and it cost £1.05!!! I thought I was going to Blackburn town centre when the driver gave me the price!
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Old 25-07-2004, 21:30   #24


Re: To many buses

How much is a Gallon of oil...Lucky you don’t live in Blackpool much more expensive up here. Far better by car and it’s better for the environment according to the like of Top Gear.
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Old 25-07-2004, 22:44   #25
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Re: To many buses

better for the engine to put oil in it he he
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 26-07-2004, 05:18   #26
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Re: To many buses

I think that the public transport system is in a mess,full stop. It seems to make little sense for the government to beg and plead with people to use public transport when, compared with the car, it is so expensive, uncomfortable and inconvenient.

I travel quite often between Accrington and Blackpool on the train, and there are times when I cannot hear myself think for the screaching of kids, the bellowing of idle parents unable to control them, dung heads who cannot be separated from their mobile phones and insist on conducting their conversations at a level that includes the whole carriage. Add to this the yobs who have no idea of how to conduct themselves in public and the generally dirty and unpleasant conditions of stations and trains and THE COST and you can easily see why those who can, prefer to drive.

All right, I am getting more cantenkerous as I get older and I am really looking forward to getting my pension book then I can really let rip with the 'crotchety old git' thing. But come on, is standing for ages in the cold and rain at Accrington Station and then being confined like cattle for the duration of the tedious journey, with people that you don't know, and wouldn't want to know even if you did, a viable and desireable solution for the 21st century? I don't think so.

As Proust observes, ' Hell is other people.'
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Old 26-07-2004, 08:26   #27
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Re: To many buses

My main grumble with public transport is the lack of protection from the elements while you wait for it. Accrington Station (station???!!!) as you said is a classic example. So too are the bus shelters which serve no useful purpose whatsoever as the wind and rain howl through a one sided structure with a slightly overhanging roof. We haven't even got a Fern Gore one right now. It's a case of now you see it now you don't. Sometimes we have one, then it's taken down, then they put one up, then it goes again.

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Old 26-07-2004, 10:23   #28
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Re: To many buses

Since the council have got rid of pilkingtons buses, we have got northern blue on our route. The state of them to look at are no better than pilkys they too should be sent to the scrap yard.
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Old 29-07-2004, 11:45   #29

Re: To many buses

I think Acrylic Bob has hit the nail on the head there. One of the main problems is that people don't use public transport, especially at night, because of the moronic behaviour which seems to exist throughout England. There begins the downward spiral.
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Old 29-07-2004, 12:47   #30
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Re: To many buses

just passed a northern blue broke down, need i say more //
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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