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Old 10-02-2010, 16:42   #31
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You've been driving Spugs round the bend for years Jen

it was before i even knew he existed jaysay .. i cant drive him round the bend .. its more like him driving me ..

I havent driven since May 2005 that was when i lost my licence for the second time ... i didnt become a member of accyweb till july 2005 ..
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 10-02-2010, 17:47   #32

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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
... i didnt become a member of accyweb till july 2005 ..
It feels a lot longer
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Old 10-02-2010, 18:15   #33
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Re: To old to drive?

Please would you give us the reference of the first sentence of your post?
Google 'Elderly drivers reaction times' Its in one of the many web pages on the subject.

Maybe if the rest of the people posting against extra safe guards such as this did your job and had seen the results of car accidents and had to deal with the horrific things you deal with on a regular basis they may think differently.
Thank you Neil, I am sure if they did they would view things alot differently, but they are lucky enough not to so I respect their input. They think this is an isolated incident involving elderly drivers but its happening more and more, often with a fatal outcome.

How do we go about that then?
Same rules as HGV licences, medical at forty five and then every five years.

accidents are just that, accidents, they happen when one set of circumstances are effected by another set of circumstances beyond peoples control.
Absolute rubbish, most accidents are preventable with the correct safeguards in place, it just takes something terrible to happen for people to wake up and do something about it (Stable door) thats why we can't use mobile phones whilst driving and we have to wear seat belts, people ignore these rules and people die. If I fail my medical at 45 they take my HGV licence off me, it should be the same for car drivers, its called prevention - when peoples control prevent one set of circumstances effecting another set of circumstances.
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Old 10-02-2010, 18:25   #34
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
ive been in a car accident while i was driving .. i had a fit while behind the wheel ... luckily i didnt hurt anyone other than myself i ran into a wall ... i was lucky ..
I used to work for a bloke who choked on a mint while driving. If he hadn't crashed - he'd be dead. The impact dislodged the mint.

Tragedies happen for a multitude of reasons, not just age. I agree with Ian - a repeat test every few years, and you have to pass three before being allowed into a powerful car.

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Old 10-02-2010, 18:44   #35
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by firefighter753 View Post
It's proven that drivers over 70 have the same reaction times as somebody twice the drink drive limit. Hgv drivers have to have a medical at 45 and then every 5 years, which includes eyesight, blood pressure and heart and lung function. Car drivers over 50 should have same tests.
Suggest you also Google;
young drivers bad driving habits
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Old 10-02-2010, 18:50   #36
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I can't see a problem with that at all.

Maybe if the rest of the people posting against extra safe guards such as this did your job and had seen the results of car accidents and had to deal with the horrific things you deal with on a regular basis they may think differently.
Although I did not do the job fireman does......I was a Nurse and I did see some of the results of road accidents.....they were not pretty.....but I still stand by the comments I have posted.

Neil if you put the proposed safeguards in place, there would still be accidents of this nature occasionally.

It was an accident that could not have been foreseen, or prevented....the people involved were all unfortunate victims.......I think more concentration needs to go on other issues of road safety......using mobiles whilst driving, driving under the influence, driving recklessly......all the aforementioned kill both drivers and pedestrians, but because this driver was elderly then you have the knee jerk reaction of 'let's get older drivers off the road'......OK, maybe that isn't what you are saying, but that is, in effect, what would happen when the older drivers started to get their re-test notifications through the post.
This would isolate and marginalise older drivers on the pretext that they are unsafe...... a sweeping generalisation.
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Old 10-02-2010, 18:57   #37
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Although I did not do the job fireman does......I was a Nurse and I did see some of the results of road accidents.....they were not pretty.....but I still stand by the comments I have posted.

Neil if you put the proposed safeguards in place, there would still be accidents of this nature occasionally.

It was an accident that could not have been foreseen, or prevented....the people involved were all unfortunate victims.......I think more concentration needs to go on other issues of road safety......using mobiles whilst driving, driving under the influence, driving recklessly......all the aforementioned kill both drivers and pedestrians, but because this driver was elderly then you have the knee jerk reaction of 'let's get older drivers off the road'......OK, maybe that isn't what you are saying, but that is, in effect, what would happen when the older drivers started to get their re-test notifications through the post.
This would isolate and marginalise older drivers on the pretext that they are unsafe...... a sweeping generalisation.

Well said Margaret - have a look at the Insurance rates for older drivers at Saga - much lower rates than a 20/30/40 year old yuppie, so who has the most accidents?
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Old 10-02-2010, 19:21   #38
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Well said Margaret - have a look at the Insurance rates for older drivers at Saga - much lower rates than a 20/30/40 year old yuppie, so who has the most accidents?

same as companies that specialise in younger drivers, or ones that specialise in women drivers, so no argument to be had on that one mate !!!!
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Old 10-02-2010, 19:27   #39
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Re: To old to drive?

not only should there be a full medical at 70 there should also be a compulsary refresher course on not only their ability to control a car but a test to make them learn what the new regulations and rules are .There are many elderly drivers out there who dont have a clue how to deal with a mini roundabout and just zoom accross regarless of what is coming and dont have the faintest clue on how to not only drive on a motorway but how to deal with the new road markings and modern filter light systems.

young drivers are not more likely to have an accident because they are inexperienced they are more likely to have an accident driving like a knob head trying to impress their mates.
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

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Old 10-02-2010, 19:36   #40
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Re: To old to drive?

There are many safe older drivers who use motorways safely and can negotiate roundabouts using the appropriate lane discipline, they also indicate their intentions.....and thus you may say what have they to fear by being re-tested....well, actually nothing.....other than the fact that their ability to drive safely and with some confidence is being brought into question after probably many years of safe motoring....that alone will put some older drivers off.
If someone has not driven for a number of years them maybe they would need to be refreshed as to the newer not using a mobile phone whilst driving, using seat belts, having any children or animals they are carrying secured safely and in accordance with the can see infringements of these basic common sense rules every single day of the week...and I might add not by seniors.
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Old 10-02-2010, 19:38   #41
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Re: To old to drive?

My brother had a head on collision with an elderly man who died at the wheel before he hit my brother I think the elderly should be re-tested at 70 and the police harder on the boy racers most the time they get away with a warning. There should be compulsary extra lessons, re-tests and short term bans to the young boy/girl racers messing about on the roads.

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Old 10-02-2010, 19:39   #42
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER View Post
same as companies that specialise in younger drivers, or ones that specialise in women drivers, so no argument to be had on that one mate !!!!
I don't think there are many insureres who discount their rates for younger drivers......I know that some insurers do discount for women drivers, but Saga only insure those over 50 years of age(at a discounted rate).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 10-02-2010, 19:40   #43
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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER View Post
same as companies that specialise in younger drivers, or ones that specialise in women drivers, so no argument to be had on that one mate !!!!
Compare the rates is what I was suggesting - have you bothered to do that?
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Old 10-02-2010, 19:49   #44
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Re: To old to drive?

bring in health, drug and character tests

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Old 10-02-2010, 19:52   #45

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Re: To old to drive?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Neil if you put the proposed safeguards in place, there would still be accidents of this nature occasionally.
So what do we do? Nothing?

I agree that almost all accidents are preventable.
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