16-05-2007, 21:43
Resident Waffler
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Accrington, Hyndburn
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To Whom it May Concern on behalf of Tadah/Carl
I've just been talking to Tadah/Carl (previously known as Silvermaine) about recent events on here and he has asked me to post the following on his behalf:
Hello members of AccyWeb. Its Tadah/Carl or what other names you like to call me by. As I am banned from the forum, I have asked Willowto post this for me. I had been logging into an account which was opened by a friend of mine known here as AccringtonsBarbie. After making some comments in a thread regarding the missing little girl I appear to have upset some people. For this I am truly sorry and I apologise for any upset I have caused. I am in particular sorry to Tracy who started the thread first to try to promote the avatar for those who wished to show their support for Madeleine’s family. It was a very silly and looking back a very cold and inhumane thing to say. I didn’t mean it and to be honest I don’t know why I said it. It wasn’t meant in the way it came over. After all this took place two members were banned for voicing their opinion of a moderator, while accringtonsBarbie stayed free to post, which seemed unfair to people who knew that it was me and knew that I shouldn’t have been on there. Yes, it was me using my friend’s account and 99% of recent posts were me. I know I should not have done this and use of this account by me will stop as of tonight as my friend is changing her password so I won’t be able to log into it again. Once again I’d just like to say sorry to all people who have been offended by this. I hope we can put this matter in the past but if it results in me being permanently banned then it is nothing short of deserved. I do hope Flashy and Slinky will return and not be blamed because it was my fault.