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Old 13-01-2022, 17:04   #61
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Tony Blair Knighted

it is point scoring but if it made me look stupid i would not do it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Accrington Web
Old 13-01-2022, 17:21   #62
Senior Member

Re: Tony Blair Knighted

As you say Marge, I like you think that Dominic Cummings has something to do with all these (so called leaks) but then again if you (sack), the very person who has engineered the "Lets get Brexit done" and then claimed that it was all your idea in the first place, very much like Donald of "Trumpton", a mythical place on C.B.B.C. then he deserves everthing that he gets. The only thing that worries me is that other than maybe Liz Truss, who? has the skills to take on the job of running the country? certainly no paper waving Labour come "communist" speakeasy.

Last edited by taddy; 13-01-2022 at 17:26.
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Old 13-01-2022, 17:30   #63
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Re: Tony Blair Knighted

Taddy….my thoughts too.
Except I cannot see anyone on the horizon who is commanding enough to step into the breech if Boris is evicted.
Not altogether sure about Liz Truss….in fact…No, can’t see anyone with the round things in the underwear department that might be strong enough to stand up to the Whitehall mandarins….you know those unelected bodies that pull the strings on every politician in office.
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Old 13-01-2022, 17:35   #64
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Re: Tony Blair Knighted

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
it is point scoring but if it made me look stupid i would not do it.
The thing is Cashy….as you so eloquently pointed out….they are too stupid to think….and they do not live in the world that we inhabit.
The fact that they thought they could get away with a party while the rest of the country was following the rules (those that THEY made for US to follow) is evidence of this…if evidence were needed….and Dominic Cummins, and Matt Hancock clearly thought that they did not need to comply…there were others too.
Yet we, the hoi polloi were considered to be too irresponsible to,look after ourselves without their intervention.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 13-01-2022, 17:40   #65
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Tony Blair Knighted

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
Labour come "communist" speakeasy.
A strange party is that, the only communist party with tory leanings, I believe at the close of their next annual do they'll be singing, 'we'll paint the red flag blue again'.
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Old 15-01-2022, 10:06   #66
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Tony Blair Knighted

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Boris should have come clean sooner...

Boris & the rest of the political ilk regardless of party don't do "coming clean", not unless they've been found out & the tv news, papers or opposition parties start crowing about it to anyone who'll listen! (While at the same time trying to hide their own dirty little secrets)
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Old 22-02-2022, 18:42   #67
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Re: Tony Blair Knighted

Absolutely stinks. Granting Blaire a knighthood is like giving the Devil a sainthood.
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