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Old 05-12-2006, 16:37   #1
Senior Member+
mani's Avatar

Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Come on we've had it about the USofA time for one about ol Blighty!


1. The way people move over for the emergency services - something thats under-rated but makes all the difference

2. Fish and Chips

3. The way people stick together in times of hardship/difficulty


1. The weather - more sunshine please!!

2. The Racists.

3. The traffic.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Accrington Web
Old 05-12-2006, 16:57   #2
Yank in King Art's Court!
LancYorkYankee's Avatar

Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Quite sweet of ya to give us a go Mani!

Likes: Follow Traffic Rules (from York to Blackpool, slow folks stayed left)
The History!
The varied English accents and me new mates at Accyweb!

Dislikes: THE TUBE, The lack of Englishmen in London, the anti-americanites!

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Old 05-12-2006, 16:58   #3
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Bejeweled Blitz Champion!
Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

My likes are:-

1) We have beautiful countryside, good outdoor walks and views when out of the towns and cities.

2) Our sense of humour is second to none.

3) The way that people here can pull together in a crisis.

I hate:-

1) The weather.....Rain, rain and more rain.

2) The British justice system, where criminals are given everything and victims are left to suffer.

3) The Politically Correct nonsense being spewed forth by faceless bureaucrats at every opportunity then being further fuelled by our red top newspapers who, should be ashamed to call themselves newspapers when they are nothing more than poo-stirring rags.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 05-12-2006, 18:29   #4
Give, give, give member
garinda's Avatar

Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Seasonal weather.
English breakfasts.
Beer gardens on a warm summer's evening.
English countryside.

Modern toy town architecture.
High streets with exactly the same shops anywhere in the country.
The growing numbers of bad mannered and selfish people.
Shopping malls, or any other Americanisation, including fast food outlets.
Nanny like governments.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 05-12-2006, 19:55   #5
Resting in peace
Ianto.W.'s Avatar

Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Immigrants from the Indian Sub Continent, who think this is their promised land to be 'milked' to the full, without offering anything in return. I do not apologise for my statement, and will stand by all I have said. I.Walsh. Ianto.
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Old 05-12-2006, 22:21   #6
Foreign Correspondent

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Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Likes -
The People
The pubs
Great public transportation
Real Ale
The pubs
The weather - usually mild temperatures in both summer and winter (at least compared to home)
The interesting historical sites
Canal boating
Fish and Chips
Did I mention the pubs?

The current exchange rate
Meeting nothing but Americans in London
Too much smoking

When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
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Old 05-12-2006, 22:49   #7
God Member
steeljack's Avatar

Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

likes ......the sense of humour
good beer
steak pudding ,chips and mushy peas
a good health service for everyone
old buildings ,(a church built in the 1800s out of adobe (mud)
is not an old building )
still (for the time being) being allowed to smoke in public without
being branded a leper

dislikes ....Tony Blair , too smarmy
Heathrow airport ....worst in the world
"do you want chips with that" asked 95% of the time you order
not being allowed to own a gun
Ammo not avilable at the same place you buy your beer
no left turns allowed on a red stop light

Last edited by steeljack; 05-12-2006 at 22:49. Reason: spelling
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Old 05-12-2006, 23:08   #8
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

I like:

The green of the countryside
Our sense of humour and ability to laugh at ourselves
Radio 4

I don't like:

The British Winter (October to May, unfortunately)
The decline of discipline/respect for other people
Mind-numbing "reality" TV programmes

Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 06-12-2006, 04:20   #9
God Member

Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Lateral finkin
spud pies
offies open 24 hours
havin a 30 seconds chat with anyone
the brilliant future

run down schools
Tony Blairs stance on international affairs
the constant running down of our young people
old tories trying to creep in
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Old 06-12-2006, 13:11   #10
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Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Pie and Peas (Lancashires best)
A good pint of bitter (doesn't travel well)
real Football. (only in England)

To much smoking. (kill yourselves but don't share)
Poor school system. (get em out as soon as poss, don't mention university)
To many people on State hand outs. (everybody pays for to many people to sit on their Arses all day)

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Old 06-12-2006, 14:15   #11
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Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Originally Posted by Bazf View Post

A good pint of bitter (doesn't travel well)
It's not always a case of not travelling well, but sometimes of not travelling at all. I have just read that the state of Maine's Bureau of Liquor Enforcement has banned a British beer for retail sale. The beer is an Oxford brew, seasonally titled "Santa Butt's Winter Porter". The reason for the banning? The bottle, with a label displaying the said Santa, was 'undignified and unproper' and could encourage children to drink.

And I always thought Maine was the bastion of East coast liberalism.
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Old 06-12-2006, 14:35   #12
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Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

And I always thought Maine was the bastion of East coast liberalism.
No the opposite, I think last year they banned the same company for a different beer.

But the state says it's within its rights. The label with Santa might appeal to children, said Maine State Police Lt. Patrick Fleming. The other two labels are considered inappropriate because they show bare-breasted women.
Also found this

The dispute recalls a similar squabble last year when they told Shelton Brothers it had problems with its Seriously Bad Elf ale.
"Last year it was elves. This year it's Santa. Maybe next year it'll be reindeer," said Daniel Shelton, owner of the company in Belchertown, Mass.

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Old 06-12-2006, 14:44   #13
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Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

I suppose a pint of "The Dogs Bollocks" would be out of the question.
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Old 06-12-2006, 19:09   #14
Yank in King Art's Court!
LancYorkYankee's Avatar

Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
And I always thought Maine was the bastion of East coast liberalism.
Although Maine is close, Vermont and Eastern Massachusetts are the most liberal states in that area of the country!


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Old 06-12-2006, 20:37   #15
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Re: Top 3 List - Like/Dislike Most about the U.K.

Steak pud and mushy peas.
Potato pie and pickled cabbage.
Lanky twang.
The countryside.
Historic pubs.
My family and friends.


The smoking.
The high cost of petrol, etc.,
Roundabouts, (silly things).
No right to bear arms, (nor adequately defend self or loved ones).
Nanny State.
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