24-09-2007, 12:19
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Town Centre Parking
If anyone goes to town on a Sunday, you will appreciate how dead it is.
Now I went down this sunday, went to park in the Virtually Empty car park at the side if the market hall, to be confronted by a (None Uniformed) person who was placing tickets on the 2-3 cars parked there.
I asked him what the problem was and was informed that "you cant park here mate"
Why? Its empty? where should I park, on Blackburn road outside Argos causing a hazard, or should I aquire a Disabled Badge and park on a nice corner somewhere on Double Yellow Lines causing a hazard? or better still GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Anyone know whats SO BAD about parking in this area? I can understand on a week day as deliverys need to be made but on a Sunday?
Everything is OK