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Old 11-03-2005, 16:00   #1

Traffic warden petition

Has anyone seen the petition doing the rounds in Accy trying to abolish the traffic wardens? I've found one stuck to my car (better than a parking ticket!) and seen one in a shop.
What do others think of the wardens?
I know they are not as bad in Hyndburn as other places, I believe a bus was ticketed while waiting at a bus stop in Burnley (yes, really) but they are still getting a bad name.
Should we leave them alone, and accept the job has to be done, or will people be signing the petition?
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Old 11-03-2005, 16:10   #2
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Re: Traffic warden petition

Originally Posted by dillon
Has anyone seen the petition doing the rounds in Accy trying to abolish the traffic wardens? I've found one stuck to my car (better than a parking ticket!) and seen one in a shop.
What do others think of the wardens?
I know they are not as bad in Hyndburn as other places, I believe a bus was ticketed while waiting at a bus stop in Burnley (yes, really) but they are still getting a bad name.
Should we leave them alone, and accept the job has to be done, or will people be signing the petition?
Do we really need them? I don't think so. They obviously don't have enough to do, looking at something of the things in the papers lately
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Old 11-03-2005, 17:51   #3
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Re: Traffic warden petition

Originally Posted by noggin
Do we really need them? I don't think so. They obviously don't have enough to do, looking at something of the things in the papers lately
Have you ever seen them or do they only go on walk about when it's fine or on certain days, cause looking round the town centre at all the cars parked on single/double yellow lines, or parked away from the kurb, etc.

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Old 11-03-2005, 18:23   #4
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Re: Traffic warden petition

If you've got a traffic warden to spare can we have him/her for our village please? Our roads are quite narrow and twisty . There are double yellow lines where parking would cause a hazzard. Does it stop the lazy b*****s from parking there (we have 2 free car parks)? Does it hell.

We would love to have someone to slap tickets on the offenders' windscreens but the Borough of Warrington, to whom we pay our Council Tax, only employs one warden - in the town centre.
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Old 11-03-2005, 18:53   #5
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Re: Traffic warden petition

I think it's great having traffic wardens.If you abide by the parking laws you have nothing to be concerned about,just like me.
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Old 11-03-2005, 18:56   #6
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Re: Traffic warden petition

Originally Posted by West Ender
If you've got a traffic warden to spare can we have him/her for our village please? Our roads are quite narrow and twisty . There are double yellow lines where parking would cause a hazzard. Does it stop the lazy b*****s from parking there (we have 2 free car parks)? Does it hell.

We would love to have someone to slap tickets on the offenders' windscreens but the Borough of Warrington, to whom we pay our Council Tax, only employs one warden - in the town centre.
Oh, only one warden - what bliss. I parked in the street next to ours (in London) for literally about five minutes while I went into the flat to let David know I'd brought the car round, at 8:35 in the morning. I was causing no obstruction, but was on a resident bay (almost empty!) and didn't have a resident's parking permit for that area. When I came out, this object was just finishing writing me a ticket. I asked him why, and he just grinned - just then, an irate ambulance woman came charging down the road from the ambulance station at the top - yup, you've guessed it -- the daft so and so had ticketed two ambulances!

The only reason for traffic wardens, so far as I can see, is that they bring in revenue - they certainly don't help to keep the streets clear.
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Old 11-03-2005, 19:04   #7
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Re: Traffic warden petition

accy has problems enough attracting shoppers, without getting screwed rotten for the privilage. get rid of the b******* in grey.
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Old 11-03-2005, 19:08   #8
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Re: Traffic warden petition

I want to sign this petition! where is it
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Old 11-03-2005, 19:14   #9
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Re: Traffic warden petition

dont park illigaly and you wont get a ticket its as simple as that

i laugh my ass off when i see someone running back from the cashpoint trying to get out of a ticket its their own damn fault

theres a free carpark in town


i wish they had been around when some pratt parked illigaly and opened their door to get to the cashpoint knocking me off my bike

theres plenty of cashmacines where it is legal to park it just seems that a few steps extra to a cashpoint is too much effort for some people

hope we see wheel clamping come into action that woukld be even funnier to watch a lazy motorist trying to tear one off lmao

Last edited by chav1; 11-03-2005 at 19:22.
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Old 11-03-2005, 19:21   #10
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Re: Traffic warden petition

Originally Posted by chav1
dont park illigaly and you wont get a ticket its as simple as that

i laugh my ass off when i see someone running back from the cashpoint trying to get out of a ticket its their own damn fault

theres a free carpark in town

There's loads of free parking round and about in Accy centre, what gets me is the likes of willow street, where it's limited parking (time) but some of the cars seem to be there all day.

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Old 11-03-2005, 19:32   #11
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Re: Traffic warden petition

lazy drivers = revenue for the council = some hope of keeping council tax down
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Old 11-03-2005, 19:52   #12
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Re: Traffic warden petition

Had to reply to this thread as several traffic wardens often congregate in front of my shop and they are a very strange breed!I know for a fact that they are extremely competitive and actually race each other to get to the offending car!One of them was today bragging about having just booked 3 taxis and all the while keeping his beady eye on the disabled spaces on Broadway! I would recommend extreme caution in Accy at the moment;you can get a ticket if your car is not parked straight between the lines in the Arndale car park!The street next to Argos [where Whewells is] is another of their favourite have been warned!

It's apparently quite well paid,but how would you sleep at night after ticketing someone for displaying their disabilty badge upside down???
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Old 11-03-2005, 20:52   #13
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Re: Traffic warden petition

good as a person who has a disabled badge for their car i agree anyone who isnt using one when in a designated disabled spot should be booked instantly

also giving tickets to taxis is brilliant those idiots think speed laws dont apply to them more than any other kind of driver

although my posts may look like i hate drivers i can assure you this is not the case lol

ive just had enough close scrapes both as a pedestrian and as a driver from idiots who think once they have passed their test traffic laws dont apply to them any more
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Old 11-03-2005, 20:53   #14
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Re: Traffic warden petition

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Had to reply to this thread as several traffic wardens often congregate in front of my shop
Glad you did reply lindsay, don't think whoever is in charge of these morons from HBC would be to pleased about that statement. They should be out and about earning their wages, may be that's why we never see them in ossy.If you ask me it looks like another HBC......................

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Old 11-03-2005, 21:04   #15
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Re: Traffic warden petition

how do you become a traffic warden it is a job i would enjoy doing

way too much

it would be interesting to know if we have any traffic wardens here on accy web

Last edited by chav1; 11-03-2005 at 21:06.
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