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05-04-2009, 14:46
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Traffic wardens field day
Does'nt affect any in our household cos we do'nt drive but yesterday whilst necking a couple of bevvies in the Calder i couldnt help but notice how many must have signed up for the overtime(with the food festival being on).They were out in force & slapping tickets on window screens hither & thither.Come on,maybe if Accy had better free parking facilities maybe hosting an event of this scale would bring more visitors in.I'm sure a few went home with their ostrich pies & cider & cucumber cheese thinking 'over the odds priced food + parking ticket,wont be back next year'.Still i had a good day,'cept for the missus spending an eternity in the new shoe shop.Off to devour my venison steak. 
05-04-2009, 14:54
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
Originally Posted by maxwell silver
Come on,maybe if Accy had better free parking
Isn't all parking in Accy free ?
05-04-2009, 14:58
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
outside the calder is for disabled drivers so they deserve to get tickets if they arnt supposed to be there
hopefully they will catch more of those morons that choose to park on teh roundabout there as well causing problems for traffic trying to turn around
theres plenty of free parking around the town center and if people are too lazy to walk a few yards and want to run the risk of getting a ticket then more fool them
behind b&m bargains - free
arndale carpark - free
most of the side streets near lar de dars have 1 hour parking
warner street etc - free
back roads near the post office - free
plenty more places to park im sure so not realy any excuse for using the disabled places if you ask me , unless you have a blue badge that is
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05-04-2009, 14:59
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
Originally Posted by lancsdave
Isn't all parking in Accy free ?
yes it is free dave unlike blackburn where even 1 hour parking slots have a charge , even our arndale is free parking unlike blackburns multi story carpark
people get tickets in accy for illigaly parking, teh council even got rid of the parking disk scheme to make life easier for drivers
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
05-04-2009, 14:59
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
food festival, so thats what it was, we walked through town on the way home from church (yes really) and i was wondering what was going on but little one was hungry and we couldnt stop.
i did say hi to lancsdave today tho 
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
05-04-2009, 15:04
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
Okay,so i was wrong...free parking all over the town.Try telling any out of towners where the free parking is.The arndale will always be full when theres an event like this on.Viaduct/Mcd's the same.You try explaining to an out-of-towner where they can park up.Smart arse.
05-04-2009, 15:20
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
Originally Posted by maxwell silver
Okay,so i was wrong...free parking all over the town.Try telling any out of towners where the free parking is.The arndale will always be full when theres an event like this on.Viaduct/Mcd's the same.You try explaining to an out-of-towner where they can park up.Smart arse.
accrington is the same as every other town in teh united kingdom in that it displays signs stating what type of parking it is and how long you get and if theres a charge the signs will say so and a machine to pay your fee if there is a charge , also if you cant see the big white letters saying DISABLED PARKING painted in the roads then you shoudlnt be in charge of a vehicle
aslo theres a little thing called teh highway code that people are made aware of when learning to drive which includes a detailed explination as to what the long yellow lines are for at the side of the road which again are no different than any other place outside of accrington so even outsiders will understand parking regulations
smart ass - i can be
taken a test and passed it - yes
parking tickets - nope
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
05-04-2009, 17:46
Re: Traffic wardens field day
Originally Posted by accyman
aslo theres a little thing called teh highway code that people are made aware of when learning to drive which includes a detailed explination as to what the long yellow lines are for at the side of the road which again are no different than any other place outside of accrington so even outsiders will understand parking regulations
Who is aslo?
AS you know matey lots of Accys yellow lines are not enforceable due to lack of maintenance by LCC.
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05-04-2009, 17:53
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
The best free car park is at the back of the market, otherwise known as the market loading bay. Or at least people thought it was the best until they started handing out tickets the week before last
I've been driving for a few years and I find it hard to have sympathy with anyone who gets a parking ticket. Yes there are sometimes circumstances that mean it's bad luck but 99% it's down to arrogance and laziness.
05-04-2009, 17:54
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
Originally Posted by accyman
yes it is free dave unlike blackburn where even 1 hour parking slots have a charge
Not to mention the cost of a replacement window if you park on the one above the market 
05-04-2009, 18:15
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
Originally Posted by Neil
Who is aslo?
AS you know matey lots of Accys yellow lines are not enforceable due to lack of maintenance by LCC.
yes i do know lol infact i have advised people on this matter and if peopel get out of fines through lack of maintainance then i hope it encourages LLC to sort outteh road markings but if you want to risk parking where you shouldnt or park up without checking what the restrictions are then you only have yourself to blame if you get a ticket
considering the size of our town center and amount of shops left i would say there is plenty of parking available if your preppared to walk more than 20 yards
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 05-04-2009 at 18:19.
06-04-2009, 09:46
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
Originally Posted by accyman
yes i do know lol infact i have advised people on this matter and if peopel get out of fines through lack of maintainance then i hope it encourages LLC to sort outteh road markings but if you want to risk parking where you shouldnt or park up without checking what the restrictions are then you only have yourself to blame if you get a ticket
considering the size of our town center and amount of shops left i would say there is plenty of parking available if your preppared to walk more than 20 yards
Walk more than 20 yards accyman, come on, how can you expect people to do that  How can you come from Couch Potato, to Olympic Athlete over night 
06-04-2009, 18:01
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
I always park at the back of Abbey st, near the back of the fishing tackle shop.
I have never failed to find a parking spot in Accy.
Blackburn however, I went there today to drop my daughter off at Witton park, thought I'd go to the town centre shops for a look around.
Fat chance of that, as there was no free parking anywhere I didn't bother.
06-04-2009, 20:36
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Re: Traffic wardens field day
blackburn is a severe waste of time and from my experience all teh parking has a charge
its just a maze of double yellow lines and parking meters
i guess they have to pay for teh refurbishment of their town center somehow
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
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