A fortnight or so ago the powers that be at Transdev ( Lancashire United) decided to mess about with the timetables, relabelled the 1A and 1B buses back to 6 and 7 and generally muck things up to the extent where the number 1 bus from Blackburn at 5:15 got later and later, turning up at 5:35 and getting to Accy ridiculously late. After leaving it for a week to see if it settled down I eventually lost the will to live and sent them an email last tuesday evening (complimentary it was not.). I got an acknowledgement on the wednesday morning and then a phone call (!) from a human person ( !!) apologising for the debacle, apparently some berk had decided to tag a school run to Billinge onto an X41 service which, after dropping the darlings off in Clitheroe then had to get to Blackburn by 5:15 and turn into a direct number 1 bus to Acc, never gonna work, even on paper. So , as a result of me whingeing they have turned it all back again and from Tues this week we have had a prompt service again!
Thank you for listening Transdev, as the lady there said, it's down to people power and once they checked the timing equipment on the buses for that week they agreed that the service was pants!