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07-11-2007, 13:34
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Translator please
As you may, or may not know, I work with a lot of different communities on events. I am trying to raise funding for an activity that appeals to White, Asian and Eastern Europeans - a pretty tall order - but if it comes to fruition it would be reflective of the main communities in Hyndburn at the moment.
In describing the event I'm trying to explain it to everyone - it's similar to a Spring Fete or in Urdu I think it would be called Meena Bazaar (not sure of the spelling), would anyone know what the Eastern European/Polish equivalent would be?
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07-11-2007, 16:28
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Re: Translator please
I find it somewhat ironic that in yesterday's Queens Speech, the PM announced plans for the compulsory learning of English by immigrants. No doubt this is Gayles attempt to subvert Mr Brown.
07-11-2007, 16:43
Re: Translator please
Originally Posted by Gayle
I am trying to raise funding for an activity that appeals to White, Asian and Eastern Europeans
I am unsure what you mean by white. British, French, German, Spanish, Danish, Swiss, Dutch, American shall I go on?
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07-11-2007, 16:54
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Translator please
Originally Posted by Gayle
As you may, or may not know, I work with a lot of different communities on events. I am trying to raise funding for an activity that appeals to White, Asian and Eastern Europeans - a pretty tall order - but if it comes to fruition it would be reflective of the main communities in Hyndburn at the moment.
In describing the event I'm trying to explain it to everyone - it's similar to a Spring Fete or in Urdu I think it would be called Meena Bazaar (not sure of the spelling), would anyone know what the Eastern European/Polish equivalent would be?
I'm confused,
[QUOTE ]White, Asian and Eastern Europeans[/quote]
I've seen a lot of, ' Eastern Europeans', around town lately, and they all seem white to me, for example the polish shop that's opened on B'burn rd,
O.K. they aren't 'English', but then neither are people from Southern Ireland, if they had been included amongst the targetted 'minorities' My ex wife and I would have been quids in!
Let's face it, all of these people, (including my wife), chose to come here to live for a better life, why should WE have to translate for them? They should all be putting the effort in to learn our language, if I went to Italy, (for example), to live, I would shift into learning zone and use their language.
Before you come back saying, ah, yes but your wife speaks English, there are areas in Ireland where Gaelic is still the main language, but nothing done for them if they come over here.
Sorry Gayle not a rant against you, I just feel that wherever you are from, it is YOU, that should fit in with society and not vice, versa.

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07-11-2007, 20:28
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Re: Translator please
I know what you mean and I'm not pandering to people who can't speak English. All I'm asking is what is the name for a certain event in a different language - I could have asked what the name for a Spring Fayre was in French but we don't have that many French people in Accrington, we do, however, in Accrington have a lot of Polish people so I want to know what their equivalent of a Spring Fayre is as I'm sure they'll have one.
I used White for English because that is a standard term in the UK - see any forms that you have to fill in these days. I used the term Asian, because that too is a standard term. I used Eastern European because not unsurprisingly that is also a standard term.
The only reason I want to know what the phrase would be is so that I can describe it. The posters won't have the different languages on, the press releases won't, it's just a name that I want to know so that I can use it if I need to explain what a Spring Fayre is to a Polish person who may not be aware of one.
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07-11-2007, 20:30
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Re: Translator please
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I find it somewhat ironic that in yesterday's Queens Speech, the PM announced plans for the compulsory learning of English by immigrants. No doubt this is Gayles attempt to subvert Mr Brown.
Not at all and as usual you have made generalisations about what I do. I'm actually working with a group of Asian ladies at the moment helping them to learn English because as you so rightly say, people who have come to this country should learn the language. These ladies know and understand that and are trying their hardest to fit in.
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07-11-2007, 20:44
Resting in Peace
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Re: Translator please
ask the polish chap in the shop on Blackburn road... he speaks good english... good luck with your event :-)
07-11-2007, 20:45
Re: Translator please
Thanks for clearing that up Gayle. I had visions of you doing an NHS style multi-lingual poster.
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07-11-2007, 20:54
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Re: Translator please
Not a chance Neil, as it happens I don't put any other languages on my posters if I can help it. Mainly because I don't really know any other languages.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
07-11-2007, 21:02
Re: Translator please
It always makes me smile when at the doctors and they use the whole first page of a leaflet just to fit the title in 10 languages.
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07-11-2007, 21:06
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Re: Translator please
I know, it's getting a bit ridiculous.
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08-11-2007, 00:44
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Re: Translator please
Just fired an email to Poland for you gayle whether i get a reply or not is a different matter
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08-11-2007, 17:01
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Re: Translator please
08-11-2007, 20:24
Resting in peace
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Re: Translator please
Try two fingers that is prety universal,as is jiggy jig, I'll bet you they don't need an intrerpreter to recon brass up 
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