even if you provide things for these kids to do they dont want any part of it
the simple reason for their behaviour is that they are scum
no matter how bored you are basic human decency should prevent you from vandalising nurserys by showering glass where the children play , mugging or picking fights with older people who happen to walk by at the wrong time , scratching and various other damage to cars
one example i can give is milnshaw park
where the tennis courts once were the council got together a number of kids from the area to work with to decide what they wanted
they came up with the idea of a skateboard park but lost interest within a few weeks so it never happened
the kids were supposed to help desighn it as they would like to see it as they were the ones going to be using it
i am 34 and when i was a kid there were no council funded ideas like this and we didnt go to the pictures etc that much
i know it sounds old but we made our own entertainment either by riding around on our bikes,playing kerby , football in the park or on moorhead fields , hangiong out at each others houses playing darts and other stuff
hell we did lots of things as teeneagers besides girls
and none of it involved smashing windows or mugging people
the problem is that kids today have too much time on their hands as their parents want them out of the house for as long as possible so they dont have to bother looking after them and thats why you see 13 year olds out on the streets at 11pm onwards
what you have to remember is that the majority of kids do stay out of trouble and hang out at friends or find things to do
the kids on the street corners drinking booze and causing trouble are the ones that you are going to see on trisha in 5 years time wondering who is that father of whos baby that is born with a drug or alchol addiction
one more thing lol
we have a cinema and a bowling alley right next to each other and all these kids can find to do is buy drugs and drink alchol in their carparks yet there are plenty of decent kids using the cinema and bowling alley
its not that theres nothing to do its the fact these kids choose to hang around the streets and drink booze coz it makes them well cool