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Old 21-09-2006, 22:25   #16
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Re: Truancy

Here they just wander the streets and seem to get away with it. At the right time of day they could proberly round up the scallywags in one swoop as most are having a light drink of Buckfast in the park.

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Old 22-09-2006, 08:28   #17
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Re: Truancy

I was a dab hand at forging Mum,s signature........and was an habitual truant......train spotting at Preston was more exciting than french with Pug Portno............
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Old 22-09-2006, 10:57   #18

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Re: Truancy

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Maybe it would help those figures if schools got their records right too. I just got a message from Moorehead to tell me my daughter hadn't shown up for registration this morning. I know that! She's here at home with an injured foot which I have already phoned and told them about.
The phone call could have been from your daughter or one of her friends and they might have been checking . I doubt they check on everyone like that though.
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Old 22-09-2006, 12:20   #19
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Re: Truancy

yeh i used to go to a school last year in accy which i will not name but for the people who were bad in class/people who hardly did not attend school they had these cards and if they got good on them in every lessons for 2 weeks they got to go on a trip to like paintballing are something like that, so people like me who attend school everyday got nothing expect a certificate saying 100% attendance and a 5quid asda voucher which just goes straight into the bin cuz they are useless so why cant
so our year had a motto for this be bad and get rewards be good and get nothing its not fair really is it
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Last edited by MCR ADIM; 22-09-2006 at 12:23.
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Old 22-09-2006, 12:36   #20
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Re: Truancy

This is the point i was making earlier. The system is at fault, i used to go fishing instead of learning boring stuff like algebra (2x + 3z x 4y = ? whats all that about?). English literature - Shakespear, didn't need that either. Woodwork - i can put up a shelf now, but i doubt that i really needed to be taught that subject for 5 years. The list goes on, but i won't bore you all with it. lol

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Old 22-09-2006, 13:06   #21
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Re: Truancy

i think it is disgusting that children are rewarded for good attendance at school

it should be expected that they turn up and not bought , come down hard on teh little sh1ts and each time they repeat teh offence come down harder every time

i know of one case where a pupil was so bad it was expelled from school for truancy , bullying and selling drugs at school

the pupil now gets a taxi paid for by the govenment to take it to and from school in osswaldtwistle and all the mother sees it as is a plus because she gets to spend an extra hour in the pub

mind you teachers cant even hand out lines these days without the parents charging into school to either have a go at them or punch them

its about time the government stopped been soft on kids and actualy made laws that allowed them to be punished propperly, i know for a fact that as a teenager i woulda simply rolled my eyes and said yes i wont do it again at a good talking to but the beatings i got from my mum sure as hell worked or at the least made me think long and hard before doing it again
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Old 22-09-2006, 13:20   #22
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Re: Truancy

It's about time that this government sat up & listened to what the public want. In my opinion, what is needed is some sort of American style boot camps. If a youngster continually "plays" (great choice of words) truant, or is a constant bully, then a much harded line of action needs to be taken. Rewards aren't the answer, nor is punishing the parents. It's the individual that needs punishing. Some will say that this is extreme, however, what they've got to realise is that the lack of discipline at a young age will inevitably lead to greater problems when they are older. i.e. street crime, car crimes, drugs etc etc. The govenment need to realise that "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE".
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Old 23-09-2006, 18:22   #23

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Re: Truancy

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I just got a message from Moorehead to tell me my daughter hadn't shown up for registration this morning.
Was it a text message Willow? The school's policy is to send a text message to a parent for any children who haven't registered unless the school knows about it beforehand. Even if they have been informed they still sometimes send a message if they are suspicious, maybe you have a young sounding voice Willow and they thought you might not have been her Mum.
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Old 23-09-2006, 23:00   #24
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Re: Truancy

I totally agree with Chav and AccyJay that we need to get tough and punish the truanters and knock some respect into them. I know someone whose grandson was on that Bad Lad's Army and she said it did him the world of good.

Boot camps. That's what we need. Never mind rewards and punishing parents who probably are at their wit's end anyway. What's punishment about expelling a truant? They've got exactly what they wanted then.

I remember a few years ago a bunch of would-be arsonists decided to burn down SpringHIll School because they fancied a holiday and they figured if there was no school they wouldn't need to go!

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