Well this is my story:-
My band arrived at a venue down south where we had been booked to play,we duly started to set up our equipment and ready ourselves for the evenings show.
At 8pm we took to the stage and started our opening number,within 3 lines of the opening verse, a woman in the audience started to heckle us,nothing strange in that I guess,but as the song went on the heckling became louder and more nasty.However,being proffessional(honest) we carried on for half an hour with this woman shouting at us!
Eventually I had had enough and stopped the band mid song................SILENCE ensued.......I then turned to the woman and said ' Please dont come to my work and tell me how to do my job!...........(pause)....................I wouldnt dream of coming to your work and telling you how to clean toilets!!!'. The lads in the band fell about the stage killing themselves laughing and the gig ended without any further interruptions.
At the end of the night I went to sort out the money with the con sec, and appologised for my earlier outburst,He then explained to me that it wasnt Him I should appologise to, but the person who had booked us,and promptly pointed me in the direction of..................yep you guessed it...........the HECKLER!!
Needless to say we have not been rebooked at that venue ever since!!
Oh well, such is life huh?