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Old 03-04-2009, 19:11   #1
God Member
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Twins, etc

Apologies if this is considered the wrong section.

Have noticed that apart from myself, there are at least 2 other members with twins, and I believe, someone with triplets.

Was wondering what experiences people have had. Difficulties, funny things that have happened, or whatever.

Or is anyone on here a twin. Did you have problems when you were growing up with trying to assert your own identity?

To start off, when my two were tiny, they began to develop their own twin language. They were about 18 months old at the time. Would say things to each other and no one had a clue what they were saying, but they obviously understood each other. Cue health visitor getting them a place at nursery as she thought this would arrest the situation.

Did you dress the children the same? I must admit to doing that when they were tiny because it was so much easier.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 03-04-2009, 19:22   #2
God Member

Re: Twins, etc

my twin died in my mothers womb but years later strange paranormal activity started occuring in my life and around me

oh hang on thats the film unborn

sorry cant help you
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 03-04-2009, 19:33   #3
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Re: Twins, etc

I dress my two the same, and it is easier (although can be difficult always getting two of the same item) My two arnt identical though so do kinda have their own identities. Think I still would though if they were identical. These two amuse me when they keep passing the blame onto each other but are little monsters for fighting, even if i get two of the same toy they still seem to fight over the one of them (doesnt alsways have to be a toy involved, think that they just like fighting). but its cute when ones aslweep and the others not or for any reason (which is rare) that they are separated as they seem lost because their "other half" isnt there. They do have their moments where they are really comical and both have completely different personalities and attitudes. But are only 2 1/2 so a lot will change no doubt
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Old 03-04-2009, 19:35   #4
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Re: Twins, etc

Apparently, left handedness is more common in twins, than in the population as a whole.

Anyone any ideas on whether this is down to genetics. Or do you think it is a case of one twin doing what the other does?

Mine are both lefties, but then my daughter is too.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 03-04-2009, 19:36   #5
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Re: Twins, etc

Originally Posted by Caz View Post
Apparently, left handedness is more common in twins, than in the population as a whole.

Anyone any ideas on whether this is down to genetics. Or do you think it is a case of one twin doing what the other does?

Mine are both lefties, but then my daughter is too.
One of mine seems to use his left more than his right, havnt noticed it the same with the other though
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Old 03-04-2009, 19:41   #6
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Re: Twins, etc

or for any reason (which is rare) that they are separated as they seem lost because their "other half" isnt there
Totally identify with that, when mine were younger.

As they grew older, particularly into their teens, it was entirely the opposite.
It became more of a competition. Take school work. If one did something to a certain standard, the other had to be at least equal. May seem like that is a healthy thing, but had no end of upset if one didn't aspire to the other in something.

As they went on, and took different subjects, the situation was alleviated somewhat.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 04-04-2009, 00:44   #7
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Re: Twins, etc

[quote=emzy;700033]I dress my two the same, and it is easier

For whom..... I still get them mixed up and you love it I can tell by the smiling you do..
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Old 04-04-2009, 06:59   #8
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Re: Twins, etc

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
I dress my two the same, and it is easier

For whom..... I still get them mixed up and you love it I can tell by the smiling you do..

The ammount of times im asked "are they twins" is unreal though, think some people just think they are brothers with a small age gap between them. Someone asked the other day what age difference was between them, told them 38 minutes, she looked at me confused for a mo then realised that they were twins
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