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Old 27-01-2007, 18:07   #31

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Re: Two Million And Rising

[quote=jambutty;375697]If this thread is that boring, why do you read it tadah?

Or is this yet another puerile attempt to belittle a serious discussion?

I think this and many of your threads are anything but boring and usually quite interesting.
Even if I don't always agree with you.
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Old 27-01-2007, 18:23   #32
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Re: Two Million And Rising

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
It seems that things have changed since the last time that I bought car insurance. Then I did not have to produce an MOT certificate to insure my car. I had to produce a valid MOT and Insurance to tax it though. Maybe you are getting confused in that if an insured car does not have a current valid MOT and a claim is made against it the insurance becomes invalid. The same would apply if it isn’t taxed.
You do not need to produce a MOT to insure a vehicle.

I have also yet to read in a policy a wording anything relating to insurance being invalidated dut to not having a MOT or Road Tax.

The Insurer would ALWAYS be made to pay any Third Party Claims, but could possible make a deduction to any claim relating to your own damage.
Everything is OK
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Old 27-01-2007, 22:27   #33
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Cool Re: Two Million And Rising

Not being a mind reader Neil how could I possibly know what you meant. As one Scottish judge put it, “People (he actually said notices) should say what they mean and mean what they say” Seems fair enough to me.

If you knew that I stated 3 years why blather on about 4,500 miles? I am the exception in that my mileage is very low. I know of several people who come close to the mileage limit and one person who regularly has to cough up a mileage fee at the end of the lease.

The Motability car does not cost the government a red cent. If a recipient of the higher rate of DLA didn’t want to lease a car they keep the money to spend as they wish, on taxis maybe.

My 3 years old car could have defects with the operative word being could. On the other hand it could not as the annual service would pick up any potential problems. And if perchance something develops between services it is repaired. Any car owner with an ounce of respect for a new car would maintain it while they have it let alone for just three years. The Motability lease deal also includes up to 4 new tyres for no charge and puncture reapirs are done free of charge by Kwik Fit garages.

I think that you are being picky just for the sake of it.

By the way this thread might be boring to tadah so why shouldn’t he say so?

Well there you are ***Mr D*** we learn something new every day.
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Old 27-01-2007, 22:47   #34
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Re: Two Million And Rising

No MOT here....although, areas with a higher population do require emissions testing.

Jambutty, I am always disappointed when your solution is higher taxes. Good heavens, don't you pay enough for petrol already?
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Old 27-01-2007, 23:04   #35
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Re: Two Million And Rising

Originally Posted by harwood red View Post
just a note, anyone who has a motibility car is giving up their cash amount of £43.35 per week that is paid for their Disability living allowance high mobility rate so that is getting on for over £170 a month so I think that does help cover alot of the costs of the car
'Tis a fact, also I think £170 a month would also get you a pretty decent car anywhere on HP.

Car tax itself is an outmoded idea, I think all car insurance and MOTs should be logged by the DVLA and the car tax itself should be shoved on fuel, therefore the heavier the user of the road the more they pay to use it Ipso Facto a fair tax. I do think a quota of the tax should be used to keep the roads in a reasonable state though.
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Old 27-01-2007, 23:13   #36
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Re: Two Million And Rising

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
'Tis a fact, also I think £170 a month would also get you a pretty decent car anywhere on HP.

Car tax itself is an outmoded idea, I think all car insurance and MOTs should be logged by the DVLA and the car tax itself should be shoved on fuel, therefore the heavier the user of the road the more they pay to use it Ipso Facto a fair tax. I do think a quota of the tax should be used to keep the roads in a reasonable state though.
just a question or two .....who qualifies for this mobility allowance ? every pensioner ? or just those who can't get about ?

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Old 28-01-2007, 01:04   #37
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Re: Two Million And Rising

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
just a question or two .....who qualifies for this mobility allowance ? every pensioner ? or just those who can't get about ?

As I understand it you have to get the Motabilaty allowance before you reach pension age 65 for men, correct me if i'm wrong I have just applied for it at 64 I was told to get it if I could now, or I would be to late on reaching 65.

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Old 28-01-2007, 01:45   #38
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Re: Two Million And Rising

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Are you going to the meet tonight? If you are, I will bring you a new wooden spoon, you must have worn your old one out by now.
I did not know there was one Neil, I'm not allowed alchohol yet, as it nullifies my pain killing medication, and makes me even more of a nuicance than I am now, and by the way my stirring spoon is made out of Titanium, a wooden one wouldn't last a thread.

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Old 28-01-2007, 11:08   #39
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Cool Re: Two Million And Rising

If you read my post and understood what was written bullseyebarb you should have noted that my suggestion isn’t to increase taxes but a shift on how they are collected.

I can unequivocally confirm that the current higher rate of DLA is £43.45 per week paid at 4 weekly intervals to the sum of £173.80. If some or all the money is used to lease a Motability car it is paid direct to Motability and the balance, if any, is paid to the recipient.

Can I remind the reader that the Road Fund License, to give it its official name, was introduced to pay for the repair of roads and to pay for new ones to be built. Those roads being those that are not the responsibility of town and city councils. The maintenance of those being paid for out of council income although the borderline is more blurred than that. The RFL should have been ‘ring fenced’ but it wasn’t. However the idea was that the motorist paid to use the roads. The RFL has always been unfair in that someone who travelled 50,000 miles in a year would cause more wear and tear on the roads than someone who only travelled 5,000 miles pa yet both made the same contribution to the ‘repair fund’. It’s a bit like everyone paying a fixed price for their bread and you can take as many loaves as you want.

Maybe you should read what has already been posted steeljack. In my post #27 I wrote
“To qualify for the higher rate of DLA the applicant has to demonstrate severe walking difficulties. These are generally seen to be experiencing pain whilst walking or not being able to walk at all (like a lower limb amputee) or needing the assistance of someone else to walk. The distance is generally seen as about 50 yards. I think that there is also an age limit on first qualifying for DLA. Thus a 90 years old crippled with arthritis and barely able to stand let alone walk would not qualify for DLA. But I don’t know what that age limit is. To qualify for DLA an applicant has to go thorough medical tests as well as getting corroboration of their condition from their own doctor not just on the application form but also on an independent form that is sent to the doctor.”
I think that you are right Ianto.W. in that you have to be under 65, for men, (I’m not sure what the age is for women) to apply for DLA and once granted it continues until death or the person is taken into a care home and the like. Also the lease agreement does not allow me to drive any other car on my Motability insurance nor can any other insured driver drive my car, unless I have officially nominated them as my co-driver. I can have two co-drivers and either can use my car but only if I am in it as a passenger or they are doing an errand on my behalf. This rule does get exploited by some though, in the same way that friends and relatives of Blue Badge holders exploit that award. Which reminds me Ianto.W. if you get DLA you will also qualify for a Blue Badge but you have to apply for it. However you can get a Blue Badge even if you do not qualify for DLA and the Blue Badge is for you not your car. Also you can ask the council to mark out a disabled bay in front of your house. Not that it has any legal standing. It would need a plaque on an adjacent wall, lamppost and the like to make the bay road legal.

I hope that you do get the higher rate of DLA Ianto.W. because it will make one heck of a difference to your financial situation. Motoring expenses will be limited to fuel. And when it comes to your state pension it will affect that to your advantage as well.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 28-01-2007, 13:21   #40
I am Banned

Re: Two Million And Rising

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
If this thread is that boring, why do you read it tadah?

Or is this yet another puerile attempt to belittle a serious discussion?
The thread isnt boring. You are.
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Old 28-01-2007, 13:39   #41
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Re: Two Million And Rising

This reply is not a personal 'dig' at you Tadah, iv'e read some of your previous posts and enjoyed them, jambutty is right if you don't like the thread why read it. Why not start a thread about Formula One motor racing Ferrari is that what that badge is ? We can't help being boring old farts sometimes.
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Old 28-01-2007, 14:48   #42
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Re: Two Million And Rising

yes it is upto the age of 65 for both men and women to be able to claim DLA but you will continue receiving it until death or if your condition improves (of course that depends on the medical condition). After 65 you can only claim attendance allowance and that does not include mobility can be quite confusing and the forms for DLA are a nightmare....let me know if you want any help with them ian as its part of my job

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 31-01-2007, 00:37   #43
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Re: Two Million And Rising

I think that you are right Ianto.W. in that you have to be under 65, for men, (I’m not sure what the age is for women) to apply for DLA and once granted it continues until death or the person is taken into a care home and the like

Wrong! DLA can be taken away. I was given DLA 12 years ago. 4 years ago they stopped it. They said i wasnt ill enough for it to be carried on. Dont know how they said that - when i had my wrists still in the splints and actually couldnt squeeze the doctors fingers!!!
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 31-01-2007, 00:53   #44
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Re: Two Million And Rising

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
I think that you are right Ianto.W. in that you have to be under 65, for men, (I’m not sure what the age is for women) to apply for DLA and once granted it continues until death or the person is taken into a care home and the like

Wrong! DLA can be taken away. I was given DLA 12 years ago. 4 years ago they stopped it. They said i wasnt ill enough for it to be carried on. Dont know how they said that - when i had my wrists still in the splints and actually couldnt squeeze the doctors fingers!!!
Yes I think you are right shillelagh, it can be given for a certain term and then removed, but the whole process of applying is a minefield of traps to try to trick you out of getting it, and certainly the application form should only be filled in with the help of a 'professional'
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Old 31-01-2007, 01:03   #45
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Re: Two Million And Rising

Oh DLA is definately a minefield and I did put in my post above that it DLA can be stopped if the medical condition improves, however they sometimes stop the benefit with no warning, but always, always appeal (unless you are better of course). As Ianto says it is a minefield and yes there are many pitfalls to avoid when filling out one of the forms

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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