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Old 31-07-2006, 15:09   #16
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: U.N calls for 3-day truce

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Well what do you want them to do, sit back and just take provocative attacks? Lebanon can't force hezbolla out, they're powerless. If they just sit back then it's an open invitation that there is no punishment for what they do (remember they killed 8 soldiers too in the kidnaping, on isreal's soil).

This may sound like im defending isreal but i'm just playing devils advocate right now, I understand that it was a lot of force for two kidnappings and 8 murders. I truely have not made up my mind on 'who is least in the wrong' so to speak.
it just seems to me that theres isralei retribution and the rest of the world retribution, there were many atrocities/bombings on our mainland for many years,was our answer to bomb ireland? theres less aggro their now since before it kicked off in 1967, bombing didnt solve that problem,and having worked their pre 67, and visited the north during, i never thought i,d see the day! just glad i have.
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Old 31-07-2006, 15:49   #17
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Re: U.N calls for 3-day truce

the big contrast, of course, is that the objective of the IRA was the withdrawal of the British State from Northern Ireland; the objective of Hamas, Hezbazollah, Iran and possibly Syria is the total destruction of the Israeli state. In such circumstances, the Israeli collective mindset is completely different than that of the British with Ireland from 1968 onwards.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 31-07-2006 at 15:58.
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Old 31-07-2006, 16:12   #18
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Re: U.N calls for 3-day truce

The US is tied itself to Isreal the same way it did in China during the 1930's when Japan invaded. At the end of it all it was the fear of Japan that forced the intervension in China and the fear of middle eastern countries makes them side with Isreal (or down to the large number of Jews in the US and their voting power.) Is this what the world really wants all this bombing killing and distruction because 2 sides cannot accept the idiologies of the other? By the time this bunch of war mongers on each side realise its fruitless it will be too late.

Britain had its head bashing with the IRA but never resorted to bombing as NI is part of the UK and no one would have stood for it (my belief). All that is happening is it is spiraling out of control and know one seems to want to stop it once and for all. Two soldiers are kidnapped so all hell breaks loose almost as though they got the excuse they need to go in gun ho.

Unless they can learn to live in peace without all the retoric being spouted
from both sides not just the one side as seems to be in the media this will just go on and on and on and could in theory drag many other nations in to this rock and a hard place wing-ding.

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Old 31-07-2006, 16:46   #19
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Re: U.N calls for 3-day truce

Originally Posted by kash
No. what am saying is that the missiles used by hezbollah are not exactly guided missles. they just aim it towards a town and let it off. the missiles used by israel are guided.
So by that token, it is just good luck (or bad luck depending which side you're on) that one or more of these rockets hasn't hit a school and killed hundreds of children. If that happened, do we doubt for one moment that we would see Hezbollah celebrating in the streets?

The guided missiles of Israel are aimed towards rocket launching sites in Lebanon which "just happen to be" in civilian populated areas.
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Old 31-07-2006, 17:07   #20
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Re: U.N calls for 3-day truce

Welcome to Vietnam Middle East style!!!

Dosnt matter who does what its wrong!!! How many civillians are dying in relation to the number of soldiers killed on both sides. Blowing up villiges because Hezbollah lob some rockets in their direction. The civillians in Isreal have more chance of getting out of range than those in Lebanon. The more civillians killed in the Lebanon the more people will stand with and join Hezbollah. It seems the so called rules of war are being ignored by the beligerants involved.

Luck or unlucky dosnt come into it.

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Old 31-07-2006, 18:36   #21
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: U.N calls for 3-day truce

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
the big contrast, of course, is that the objective of the IRA was the withdrawal of the British State from Northern Ireland; the objective of Hamas, Hezbazollah, Iran and possibly Syria is the total destruction of the Israeli state. In such circumstances, the Israeli collective mindset is completely different than that of the British with Ireland from 1968 onwards.
that is pefectly true tealeaf! but i wonder what was the israeli mindset when they blew the hell out of british troops in 1946?
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Old 02-08-2006, 19:19   #22
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Re: U.N calls for 3-day truce

Good question Cashman, the same reason Israel is at war now, then it was
the British they had to convince, now it is the age old enemy go back to the old testament. It's gone on since times immemorial, as the saying goes 'east
is east and west is is west and never the twain shall meet'. There but for the
grace of god go we. Pray it doesn't happen here. Israel has a right to exist!
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