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Old 28-06-2008, 22:47   #46
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MCR ADIM's Avatar

Re: Ufo's can you describe the pictures or even the video no-one will ever know if thier is life forms out their becuase just like us they may not of found them like we have not found them! i belive thier is some other form of life out there
Stanley Ultra's Red and White Army

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Old 28-06-2008, 23:02   #47
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Re: Ufo's

and this?????

i so this land in haslingden and waited ages for an alien to walk out but nothing happing! maybe it was just sent too get soil from the earth for testing
Stanley Ultra's Red and White Army

The Harder The Conflict, The More Glorious The Triumph

Last edited by MCR ADIM; 28-06-2008 at 23:05. Reason: video not working
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Old 29-06-2008, 02:03   #48
God Member

Re: Ufo's

That's no's the matress someone dumped in back alley round less gaff ages ago!
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Old 29-06-2008, 09:22   #49
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Re: Ufo's

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
and this?????

i so this land in haslingden and waited ages for an alien to walk out but nothing happing! maybe it was just sent too get soil from the earth for testing
If you keep your eyes on it long enough Gayle may make an appearancebut whatever you do don't mention the 'P' word
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Old 29-06-2008, 10:20   #50

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Ufo's

Well I would not know that much about radio waves, really. I was going off what SETI said and seeig they want to find aliens......
I only have a VHF/HF/AM ICAO Radio Licence, for transmitting, like all pilots. We do not know the in's and outs as we don't need to, I leave that toi the Hams.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 30-06-2008, 18:14   #51
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Re: Ufo's

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Some ten years ago on a bright summer’s afternoon I was walking my dog. The skies were clear without a single cloud to be seen. There was no haze so the visibility was excellent.

Suddenly I became aware of a very loud sound like that of low flying jet fighter coming from the north. Within three or four seconds the sound disappeared to the south. I followed the sound with my eyes all the way but saw absolutely nothing. Even my dog stopped and looked up. On that day I estimate that I could have seen well over 50 miles in any direction. So this sound could travel some 100 miles in a few seconds.

It could have been a military jet flying at faster than mach 1 and the aircraft was out of sight before the sound arrived but there was no sonic boom.

I wrote to the Telegraph to describe the incident and one person responded by saying that she had heard the same at the same time whilst watching the cricket match at Rishton but like me, saw nothing.
Ten years ago at the time they where test flying what is now known as the RAF Typhoon so no doubt that is what you heard as it is the fastests an crapest pkain in the RAF
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Old 30-06-2008, 18:16   #52
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Re: Ufo's

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I love the photo.

Have had one or two personal "interesting" experiences. Once on a walk with my late husband and Em we saw something up near Jackhouse Res.
That was More likly to be me, willow lmfao
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Old 30-06-2008, 18:43   #53
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Re: Ufo's

Load of tosh imho
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Old 30-06-2008, 19:46   #54
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Cool Re: Ufo's

Originally Posted by Nori Brick View Post
Ten years ago at the time they where test flying what is now known as the RAF Typhoon so no doubt that is what you heard as it is the fastests an crapest pkain in the RAF
That was my first thought when I heard it and judging from the level of noise it had to be low enough to be seen very easily. Yet there was nothing to be seen.

I have seen low level mock attacks against my ship many times and then I could see and hear the plane some ten seconds before it passed overhead. As lookout it was my job to spot it. Can’t think why because we had radar that could do it better than I ever could.
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Old 30-06-2008, 22:32   #55

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Ufo's

Might have been a SR71.... thay stopped flying them around 10 years ago, and could have gone over the UK. Also sound does carry especially when you are at 40K feet plus?
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 01-07-2008, 02:32   #56
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Cool Re: Ufo's

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
Might have been a SR71.... thay stopped flying them around 10 years ago, and could have gone over the UK. Also sound does carry especially when you are at 40K feet plus?
Are you trying to say that a plane at 40,000 feet can be heard on the ground?

In that case all the vapour trails that I see daily and not a whisper of sound must be coming from planes on the edge of space.
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Old 01-07-2008, 04:35   #57
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Re: Ufo's

years ago when I was working along the 'tap-line' in Saudi Arabia you used to be able to set your watch (around noon time) by the Concorde going over from Bahrain to London , the speck in the sky had disappeared to the north -west by time you heard the 'boom' .

thread wander ....once heard a story that the Concorde was built on the same jigs as the scrapped TSR2 , seems unlikely , but possibly the wings had some similarity since they were both designed and built near Bristol , (Filton? /Fulton? )
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Old 01-07-2008, 08:53   #58
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Re: Ufo's

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
years ago when I was working along the 'tap-line' in Saudi Arabia you used to be able to set your watch (around noon time) by the Concorde going over from Bahrain to London , the speck in the sky had disappeared to the north -west by time you heard the 'boom' .

thread wander ....once heard a story that the Concorde was built on the same jigs as the scrapped TSR2 , seems unlikely , but possibly the wings had some similarity since they were both designed and built near Bristol , (Filton? /Fulton? )
Its Filton steeljack, I was actually working in Filton Bristol when Concord made its first test flight, when it was taking of there were road barriors which closed much like a level crossing, it was a truely great sight watching this majestic plane take off, just like a huge white bird
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Old 01-07-2008, 08:58   #59
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Re: Ufo's

Just a thought on UFOs when you think of the vastness of the galaxy it would be very starnge if we were the only forms of life, there must be something out there somewhere, wether they are like us or are little geen men is anybodies guess
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Old 01-07-2008, 09:10   #60
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Cool Re: Ufo's

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
years ago when I was working along the 'tap-line' in Saudi Arabia you used to be able to set your watch (around noon time) by the Concorde going over from Bahrain to London , the speck in the sky had disappeared to the north -west by time you heard the 'boom' .

thread wander ....once heard a story that the Concorde was built on the same jigs as the scrapped TSR2 , seems unlikely , but possibly the wings had some similarity since they were both designed and built near Bristol , (Filton? /Fulton? )
Yes but that were the sonic boom you heard not the engines.

What I heard was a very loud engine noise that could only come from a low flying aircraft, no sighting and no sonic boom if it was going so fast (mach1 +) to have come, been and gone before the engine noise arrived.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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