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15-10-2007, 21:39
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Re: UHT Milk
Originally Posted by K.S.H
Could be worse, they could force us to drink sterilized milk 
Please it was bad enough having it when we were kids, YUCK 
15-10-2007, 21:44
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Re: UHT Milk
I save loads of money buying uht milk, i buy it in asda 12 litres £6 and i know i dont have to worry about it cuz they take a long time to go off, i do prefer fresh milk but i think uht from asda is quite nice.
15-10-2007, 22:19
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Re: UHT Milk
We don't get fresh milk here. Some of the supermarkets decided to give it a go, to keep the English happy but, as they stored it in the same way as UHT, it was sour way before it got to the fridge.
Sterry and those little bottles that we used to have to force down at playtime, put me off milk for life. I used to have a cousin who could drink the stuff out of the bottle......he is no longer with us and no wonder!
June xx
So much muck to eat before you die
16-10-2007, 07:27
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Re: UHT Milk
i buy uht too from asda, store in my cupboard then when opened in the fridge much easier,
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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16-10-2007, 09:56
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Re: UHT Milk
Originally Posted by Less
Hey, what you doing wasting time on here? get studying, I need you to qualify and keep me and the rest of the baby boomer's in our dotage!
(Typical Conservative, thinks he can sneak off whenever he wants).

I had just got back from giving a presentation on "Are liberals correct to believe humans have rights independently of the state? If such rights do exist, what are they and on what basis are they justified?"
I deserve the break! 
formerly cyfr
16-10-2007, 10:48
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Re: UHT Milk
Who can remember the days when the role of Accington's favourite supplier of emulsified fats was something different than it is now? In fact, way before the ASDA on Hyndburn Road, the firm was up behind Melbourne Street in it's original core business - that of a dairy. ASDA is in fact, short for Associated Dairies. And the ASDA dairy was not the only one in the town - there was the Co-Op dairy up Ossy. There may even have been more.
The problem is that successive Tory and Labour governments have kow-towed to our common market chums, who, with massive subsidies have gained access to the UK liquid milk market; the old Milk Marketing Board has long been abolished and prices are now determined by the Supercrapmarkets. Milk is now shipped and trucked in from abroad and all around the country and it is that which is the cause of the carbon footprint - it certainly has nowt to do with fridges.
For once, Jambutty is right when it comes to crackpots.
16-10-2007, 19:10
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Re: UHT Milk
Originally Posted by Cyfr
That is also exactly as I understood it. Thus it does reduce greenhouse gas if you use UHT milk.
UHT means Ultra Heat Treated so they save on refrigeration and spend more on treating the milk. Now I wonder how much energy it takes to heat milk at room temperature to 145 degrees C as opposed to cooling milk from room temperature to a few degrees above 0 C?
See http://www.dairyconsultant.co.uk/pages/UHT_Process.htm or http://www.howstuffworks.com/question147.htm
The instead of local milk going to local dairies it will have to go to UHT centres and there a precious few of them. Of course there are plenty in France. So there will be additional transportation costs there and back.
So where is the reduction in greenhouse gasses?
This is yet another example of the government interfering in our daily lives and putting yet another precedent nail in the citizen control coffin. Once they have enough nails embedded it will come to tranquillisers in the water to keep the mob quiet.
In years to come we, well you actually because I won’t be around then, will be wandering around in a mental fug doing exactly as the government of the day dictates from waking up to going to sleep. They might even find a way of controlling what you dream about.
Far fetched? Possibly! But big oaks from little acorns grow.
16-10-2007, 19:33
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Re: UHT Milk
Originally Posted by jambutty
In years to come we, well you actually because I won’t be around then, will be wandering around in a mental fug doing exactly as the government of the day dictates from waking up to going to sleep. They might even find a way of controlling what you dream about.
Far fetched? Possibly! But big oaks from little acorns grow.
I control what spug dreams about - would like the government to try and change that!!! lol
I'll stick with my milkman delivering it 3 days a week. Its easier!!! 
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
16-10-2007, 21:40
white rabbits
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Re: UHT Milk
What happened to Daisy Dairies,,,,,,?
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16-10-2007, 21:41
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Re: UHT Milk
Originally Posted by grannyclaret
What happened to Daisy Dairies,,,,,,?
It's a housing estate now GC has been for a few years 
16-10-2007, 21:42
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Re: UHT Milk
Originally Posted by grannyclaret
What happened to Daisy Dairies,,,,,,?
Demolished - housing estate with industrial units behind it.
16-10-2007, 21:45
white rabbits
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Re: UHT Milk
Oh i remember there was a collection point behind the Borough pub in Burnley...I diddent know the main plant had gone..
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