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Old 10-08-2006, 07:06   #1
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UK Airports at high alert
I enjoy long walks, especially when they're taken by people I don't like.
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:18   #2
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

Well done to the security services.
It sounds like they have saved many, many lives.
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:28   #3
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

I will give it 24 hours before the first solicitors appear on TV whinging about their clients' wrongful arrest, police discrimination against muslims, all the fault of Israel attacking Lebanon, blah, blah, blah.......
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:32   #4


Re: UK Airports at high alert

It never ceases to amaze me how so called security experts alleged to be aligned to HM Government come on our TVs and under the international media spotlight provide vital information to so called potential terrorises.

One came on this morning stated that the larger the number of people involved in a cell the higher the chances of discovery. OK this is not rocket science, but it is something that this particular group seems to have missed, however, now their replacements will know to work in isolation of larger groups in minimal cells.

Outcome: higher success rate amongst terrorises cells and a higher death toll amongst the British and International population.

I also can’t believe that people are bleating about having to wait for a flight.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:45   #5
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

I was also annoyed about the passengers bleating on about cancelled flights. One was complaining that they weren't being told anything - err, hang on, you've been told that there is a threat to the flight and that it's been cancelled for your safety, what more do you need to know? Plus, don't you think the airline staff might be a little busy at the moment making sure that their planes aren't bombed? Some people take selfishness to the nth degree.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 10-08-2006, 09:51   #6
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

Well thank God it was foiled!! The news is saying that the scale of this plot was massive!!
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:52   #7
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

All the passengers that I have seen on TV this morning have been praising the airports and the staff saying that the security measures are important and that everything is well organised and controlled.
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:54   #8
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

Apparently the ferry ports are also on high alert. I suppose they are just being careful.
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Old 10-08-2006, 09:54   #9
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

I have had to text Sparks this morning with the news. he is due to fly back into Heathrow from Siberia (via Moscow) tomorrow lunchtime, and get a domestic flight back to Manchester. Hopefully things will be a little more organised by then and that flights will be landing. I hope that things are sorted soon but safety of passengers is paramount.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..

Last edited by lettie; 10-08-2006 at 11:39.
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Old 10-08-2006, 10:33   #10
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I will give it 24 hours before the first solicitors appear on TV whinging about their clients' wrongful arrest, police discrimination against muslims, all the fault of Israel attacking Lebanon, blah, blah, blah.......
More like the 18:00 news. Dispite what the Asian police boss said about the A.T laws discriminating they are there to stop what was planned.

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Old 10-08-2006, 10:38   #11
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

Originally Posted by Doug
It never ceases to amaze me how so called security experts alleged to be aligned to HM Government come on our TVs and under the international media spotlight provide vital information to so called potential terrorises.

One came on this morning stated that the larger the number of people involved in a cell the higher the chances of discovery. OK this is not rocket science, but it is something that this particular group seems to have missed, however, now their replacements will know to work in isolation of larger groups in minimal cells.

Outcome: higher success rate amongst terrorises cells and a higher death toll amongst the British and International population.

I also can’t believe that people are bleating about having to wait for a flight.
It looks like the Gov. means to show these people they mean business and are happy to announce it to all and sundry.

These terrorists might work in isolation and small groups from here on in but that might make it harder to for them to achieve their goal.

If some people want to get on the plane to their destination then make them sign a disclaimer that they are boarding a plane that hasnt been checked for a bomb. There will always be complaints its human nature but we could never stop that.

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Old 10-08-2006, 10:49   #12
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

from Reuters - it seemed that the plan was to blow up 9 aircraft simultaneously, some would have been over the sea, some possibly over towns and cities both here and USA, can you imagine the death toll both in the air and on the ground

Doesn't bear thinkin about !!

But no doubt they'll be whingeing on about how their human rights are being violated, about how its always British muslims that are being targeted

Thats cos its nobody else but them doing it !!

Anyone "understanding " or "sympathising with their plight" should have their British Citizenship revoked, whether born here or not
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Old 10-08-2006, 10:52   #13
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Re: UK Airports at high alert

I would rather have the inconvenience of a delay ,than be zapped in the air...
The authorities are doing a great job,,,
Not a full brick
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Old 10-08-2006, 11:08   #14
I am Banned


Re: UK Airports at high alert

Well done our intellegence i certainly think we are reaping what the gov have sown by allowing this country to be too soft when comes to immigration, only in this country can you come in & after a period of short time or less get benefits & access to facilities of this country!! Sorry im of attitude that these people whom are intent of not being British Citizens should be deported home, there are host of muslims who respect our country & customs also contribute considerabley, but theres a majority whom dont, than other to abuse this country in every sence of the word.

This softy pc approach is certainly pushed to its limits & any one from foreign decent that has intents of doing this country harm should be removed back to their country of decent rather than waste or risk our countries money!!

Our Country should be protected as with our values, we hare not going to be another Pakistan or wherever, we are england & this gov should realise this!! Christmas will not be cancelled, if we want piggy banks then we should have them - all other customs like even our English launguage to be spoken certinaly attempted - as other nationals respect that.

I read last week those of that failed bombing were staying in luxury 4-5* hotels plus all their family, erm do victims of serious life threatening cases get this treatment - no!
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Old 10-08-2006, 11:18   #15
I am Banned


Re: UK Airports at high alert

Blaming ironic my kids have home alone 2 on showing twin towers & yet another simular attempt has be foiled, what destination or damage where these dispicable cretins trying to achieve???
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