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Old 27-02-2007, 07:41   #16
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Re: UKIP Stabbed In The Back!

I'd love to know just what 'guaranteed' income the two major parties have and if they were treated as a 'normal' business would they not be put into administration?

Ins't it illegal to continue trading if you don't have enough assets to cover your debts?

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Old 27-02-2007, 11:16   #17
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Question Re: UKIP Stabbed In The Back!

As a general rule and this applies to everyone be it individuals or businesses – if you have debts that you cannot service you are BANKRUPT and any one of your creditors can force the issue. I don’t know if political parties are exempt but if they are they shouldn’t be.

Both the major parties are technically bankrupt as they do not have the assets to cover their debts should a creditor decide to ask for his money back.

Wasn’t there something about Labour having to repay millions by July this year? Or was that the Tories?
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Old 27-02-2007, 11:35   #18
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Re: UKIP Stabbed In The Back!

We used to call it riding the tigers back, as long as the creditors are prepared to wait a little longer to be paid rather than move in and maybe get nothing it works, it is illegal but there are thousands of companies out there doing it ie; Fairpack Ltd. The smart thing to do is never pay a deposit, or 'up front' for anything if you are a consumer, as these people are the ones that fund these rougue companies.
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Old 27-02-2007, 19:34   #19
God Member

Re: UKIP Stabbed In The Back!

UKIP could easily re-finance the party if the UKIP MEP's that were elected (and openly stated they would not even attend EU meetings).. donated their 70k per year wages to the party.
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