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Old 26-07-2008, 08:13   #1
God Member



I have just received my post and there was a letter addressed to Ian inviting him to take part in a medical research project in August. I know that it is inevitable that post will arrive addressed to people who are deceased but find it quite unbelievable that when somebody dies in a NHS hospital their details are not removed from the computer records.
I have filled the reply form in on his behalf saying that much as he would like to help with this medical research his death will prevent him being able to do so. How many people who have lost loved ones more recently are going to get these requests through the post? It is disgusting!!
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Old 26-07-2008, 08:27   #2
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

seems to me you are entitled to compensation for unwarrented emotional distress .........not to sound cold , but screw the swines for every penny for invasion of privacy , unauthourized release of personal/medical details , etc.
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Old 26-07-2008, 08:30   #3
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

aw Bernie thats bang out of order, get the gits told, thats so unfair
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 26-07-2008, 08:49   #4
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

I real feel for you Bernadette and I know how upsetting that is, because something similar happened when my father died.

To put some perspective on this, the NHS is an enormous institution, with many, many arms. Things like this are regrettable and upsetting, but they do happen from time to time.

Get in touch with them and get them to rectify their mistake. It shouldn't happen, but it's not that surprising that it does.
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Old 26-07-2008, 08:54   #5
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

Surely if they tell the computer that somebody has died all this could be avoided.
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Old 26-07-2008, 09:17   #6
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

The things like this shouldn't happen in this day and age, its totally unacceptable, its just down to somebody being sloppy and not doing their job right.
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Old 26-07-2008, 09:49   #7
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

Bernie, I live in my Nannas old house, who died nearly 5 years ago. I still get letters for her, despite ringing people up and explaining. It is upsetting but keep your chin up x
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Old 26-07-2008, 10:11   #8
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
The things like this shouldn't happen in this day and age, its totally unacceptable, its just down to somebody being sloppy and not doing their job right.
The thing is, it won't be one person's job. The NHS is massive and mistakes like this will happen. OK they shouldn't, but it's inevitable.
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Old 26-07-2008, 12:05   #9
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
The thing is, it won't be one person's job. The NHS is massive and mistakes like this will happen. OK they shouldn't, but it's inevitable.
I agree to a point TM but if one person had taken the trouble to mark the file deceased, then Bernie wouldn't have been put through unnecessary heart ache
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Old 26-07-2008, 12:21   #10
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

You'd expect with an organisation like the NHS and with modern technology like computers there could be a bit of liasing between departments and one overall way of keeping records up to date. It's one thing getting adverts from things like the Reader's Digest if they don't actually know that someone has died. I still get things like that addressed to my first husband. But when someone has actually passed away in an NHS hospital, and the hospital notes will contain the record of that, then it does seem absolutely ludicrous that another department hasn't got the information.

Busman and I have both had one of those invitations this morning too so it must be a big thing they are doing. A friend of mine died just a few days ago and I'm wondering if they'll have sent one to her too. We haven't even had her funeral yet.

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Old 26-07-2008, 12:26   #11
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

If it's the one being held in Bury On the 20th August I have also been invited to attend at 11-00am.
How the hell they expect me to get there I don't know.I would have thought it would be easier to do the research locally and give all these new NHS buildings a purpose in life.

I've put them on my waiting list!
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Old 26-07-2008, 12:32   #12
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

They do say you can claim reasonable travelling expenses. I think I might ring them next week and suggest that not expecting people to have to travel might get a better response.

I notice they have actually made me an appointment and expect me to contact them to cancel it. I wonder if thy will penalise anyone who just doesn't turn up? Maybe it's a backdoor way of making more money for the NHS! I can imagine a lot of people just chucking it in the bin.

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Old 26-07-2008, 13:00   #13
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

I had an invitation to go on the 16th July. In the blurb that came with it they said you have a medical where you will find out more. I didnt go. Its run by UK Biobank and they say it will involve 500,000 people aged 40 - 69 and they will check your medical records in the future .... that was the bit that put me off.

By the way willow i havent heard anything for missing the appointment so its safe. You have to send a letter back to confirm which i didnt.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 26-07-2008, 13:46   #14
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

I sympathise with you again Bernie, isnt the first time this happened to you either, you would think the NHS database had a central point, and when records are updated the change would be instant and across the board, problem is, they dont update often enough, and details passed on to another department dont always see the light of day until months after, so dont recive the updates, still stinks though bernie!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 26-07-2008, 15:19   #15
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Re: Unbelievable!!!!

I would hope that when they get your reply they will write to you and apologise Bernie.

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