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Old 24-08-2008, 23:32   #31
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Unbelievable.

well if it was fer cheap publicity its disgraceful, when you think theres n old lady in greater manchester who has still not been able to bury her son n probably never will.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 24-08-2008, 23:36   #32
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Re: Unbelievable.

From the logo to this video, and not forgetting Leona Lewis today popping out of a privet hedge on top of a London bus, the whole thing shouts shoddy.

Using this painting is the last straw.
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Old 24-08-2008, 23:48   #33
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Re: Unbelievable.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
From the logo to this video, and not forgetting Leona Lewis today popping out of a privet hedge on top of a London bus, the whole thing shouts shoddy.

Using this painting is the last straw.
I think you will have to appreciate David Beckham's marvellous contribution though.
formerly cyfr
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Old 25-08-2008, 09:13   #34
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Re: Unbelievable.

How anyone can even think that anything to do with Hindly is art is beyond me anyway, as for using it to promote the Olympics is crass to say the least. If the atrocities had been committed by those two in the home counties and not the North West, it wold not have seen the light of day in any video
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Old 26-08-2008, 15:34   #35
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Re: Unbelievable.

i dont know what statement was meant to have been made by sticking hindley into a promotional video for great britain

maybe the guy who put it there thinks we are a nation of child killers or he was making a statement that hindley was the last child abuser to be scentenced properly without a death penalty been available

im surprised the person who made this video didnt go the whole hog and make a video with mira hindley ,fred west,peter sutcliff etc flying the union jack as he clearly sees hindly as a good image for great britain

the image protrays pure evil and has no other use apart from that
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 26-08-2008, 18:10   #36
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Re: Unbelievable.

What is the likelihood of Britain really being portrayed for what it's like anyway?

Are we going include the BAE arms deals into our imagery of Britain?

What about the lovely £100 million of arms we sold to Georgia and Russia not so long ago and surprise surprise war breaks out and we pretend to be against it. We're the type of country that equips countries for war and then pretend we are against it once we've made our profit.

What about all the youngsters that have died from knife crime this year? Surely that is pretty much a part of the country now. Premature deaths. Though let's not forget the premature pregnancies of our female youth. I suppose that balances it all out.

I think no matter what we do we are going to be lying about what Britain is like and it's going to be just as hypocritical as the Chinese Olympics.

We either lie about what Britain is like and look stupid because everyone knows the truth anyway or we tell the truth and at least acknowledge that there is a lot of bad stuff about the country too that needs sorting out.

Though when do we ever acknowledge the problems in this country? Especially when it comes to crime. Just sweep it under the rug and pretend its not there. Good old British spirit.
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Old 26-08-2008, 18:20   #37
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Re: Unbelievable.

The same spirit that will see whoever decided to use that 'painting' get away with it blazey, I have an actual hatred for hindley, and I cant say that for many people, all the other stuff is propaganda and none better than politicians to use it to its fullest, I agree with others here who say the person/s responsible should be out of a job!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 26-08-2008, 18:43   #38
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Re: Unbelievable.

Artists throughout history have tried to provoke controversy by using startling imagery to promote themselves so the artist involved here only used Hindley in the first place to get his name known.

It is a lazy piece of art on many, many levels and shouldn't have been included in the video in the first place but the people who originally included it clearly wanted to show how progressive they themselves were. Anyone who objects to it doesn't understand contemporary art - is what they are trying to say by including it.

There are so many more things which could be used to signify the UK.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 27-08-2008, 09:57   #39
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Re: Unbelievable.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Artists throughout history have tried to provoke controversy by using startling imagery to promote themselves so the artist involved here only used Hindley in the first place to get his name known.

It is a lazy piece of art on many, many levels and shouldn't have been included in the video in the first place but the people who originally included it clearly wanted to show how progressive they themselves were. Anyone who objects to it doesn't understand contemporary art - is what they are trying to say by including it.

There are so many more things which could be used to signify the UK.
Well Gayle I don't understand the concept of art full stop. Some of the things which appear as entries for the Turner Prize each year baffle me completely, a light switching on and off in an empty room, a running tap, a pile of cardboard boxes, somebodies soiled bed. Then there was one exhibit at some art gallary a crack in the concrete, which a site gang worker would have been freaked out by. I can see the concept of are in paintings sculpers and such, but obscure things which appear every year in the name of art is quite beyond me. Having said that I also know that peoples tastes are different especially those with an art background like yourself and Rindi, but it just goes straight over my head
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Old 27-08-2008, 10:07   #40
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Re: Unbelievable.

Great 'art' isn't necessarily about the end result. Whilst it can't be denied that there are many good painters or sculptors out there, this is a talent and doesn't always end up with great art. Modern art is often as much about the thought process, the original concept as it is about completing the work.

Whilst a good painter or sculptor may produce something that is pleasing to the eye it doesn't necessarily make you think or push the boundaries much which is what good modern art should do.

Truly great modern art is something that has an exciting thought process behind it, something that pushes the boundary whilst also being technically superb. The piece in discussion here wasn't either - it was, as I've said before, lazy art on so many levels.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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