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drivin back from london yesterday i noticed just how many cars were prepared to stya in the 3rd lane doing 50-60 when the whole 2nd and 1st lanes were clear - maybe the odd truck or car but mostly clear
surely if u were allowed to undertake or use these lanes then journeys wud b much much faster?
not that i did of course
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
Yes, Willow is right, motorways have 1 driving lane and 2, or more, overtaking lanes. What gets up my nose, as well as Johnny Speed in the outside lane, is the amount of people who settle down in the middle lane and stick in it, no matter what. On the whole, we're a nation of lousy M-way drivers.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
What really really gets me is when they overtake me and then slow down to the point where I have to overtake them, and then decide to speed up again as I'm overtaking!!
that was another one westy - i joined onto the m6 and then suddenly had to slam my brakes cuz in the middle lane was a guy doin 40-50 even though lane one was totally empty
middle lane hoggers need to b bumper span
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
If I'm in that mood I will overtake the middle lane hoggers, go into their lane and slow right down. If they have an old banger it takes em ages to get going again. Don't worry - I only do this when the roads are empty!!
It really irritates me when people hog lanes, there's just no need for it, its bad driving, I dont even think that the people doing this realise there doing it.
You tend to find that the middle lane hoggers are totally oblivious to what is going on around them. I hate having to undertake but find that I have had to do it on the M65 several times where the carriageway is only 2 lanes and some dopey ****** is hogging the outside lane. We are a nation of bad drivers but not as bad as some other nations. Don't get me started on the Turkish....
Undertaking is perfectly acceptable in NZ and has to be done, sometimes due to the road layout (around Auckland some of the M-way exits to the city actually come off the right hand lane). I do think that the undertaking has become acceptable there because they are also a nation of bad drivers.
__________________ Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
Technically there is no law against 'undertaking'. at worst plod could do you for dangerous driving but they would have to prove what you did was 'dangerous' i.e. if you went past the offending vehicle at a reasonable speed in the left most lane then it quite simply wouldn't stand up in court.
As someone who spends at least 2 hours a day on motorways, teh standard of driving I see is horrendeous. The main reasons are twofold. 1) there is NO motorway training involved in passing your test. This alone is madness. 2) there has over the last 2 years been a massive drop in the number of Police vehicles on the motorways, instead we have speed cameras and the highway agency bods(who cannot do you for any driving offence) so all this bad driving quite simply goes unpunished.
To Kisser, your behaviour is tantamount to road rage and would be frowned upon most seriously by plod if they saw you doing it. I'd chill out and just get on with your own journey if I was you.
You wanna see the MKAD in Moscow, people there just hog any lane they like, and theres quite a lot of them, this video is a good example, and people drive like this all the time!
When driving along motorways always remain in the left lane unless you are travelling faster than traffic ahead of you and it is safe to move over to the right lanes. If you use these lanes you must return to the left lane as soon as it is safe to do so.
It is bad practice to try and stay in the overtaking lanes for normal driving. This annoys other users because they can see that you are avoiding the empty lanes on the left, or never using your mirrors to see the tailbacks that you are causing. Remember the two-second rule. Four seconds will give you time to react easily and you will be more relaxed.
Note that it does say to move back into the left hand lane, and you should only be in the other lanes to overtake.
I HATE people who dont use those little orange flashing lights that are stuck on all four corners of the car, some people seem to think everybody is a mysic Meg.