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Old 27-01-2007, 14:05   #31
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Re: University?

Good luck Cyfr whichever Uni you choose to go to - I'm sure you will make it into a success! Keep up the studying, washing it down with a JD & Coke in the Calder is swell lol. Will miss our Friday drinks when you go!
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Old 27-01-2007, 14:15   #32
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Re: University?

Hi as you probably noticed i haven't been actice online for a few weeks, just a little busy. Anyway i'm going to uni this year also. got replies for Salford and Uclan.
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Old 27-01-2007, 14:47   #33
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Re: University?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Sorry, can't help any more Cyfr ... my son entered Man. 6 years ago and as far as I remember the details of ratings were given to him at school for his subject ... (maybe they got it from this site ?) .. just ask them I suppose.

What I was trying to say about the focus was that he studied Geography and obtained a higher second BA, but covers vast amounts of jobs and the next year didn't find anything suitable. That's when he went back 'to focus' for his Masters in Planning and never looked back since then (can't see him ever coming home now). Cost me, I can tell you .. so always have your eye on what type of involvement you wish to enter into.

Have a friend whose son just gone through Hull studying politics and he loved it ... many opportunities to do work placements, even one in the House of Commons (has to be London of course). Will have a chat to her to see what he is up to now. Another friend's grandaughter also studied the same subject at Cambridge and went into banking and now got a great job in P.R.,

Other than above can't help you .. there again question was originally about the social life, wasn't it ..
Would be great if he could comment on the course/university!
The work placement things really attracted be to Hull, there is a course where you spend a whole year working with an MP in Westminster but it required AAB which I don't have much chance of attaining. However you can still go on the placements with the 3 year courses, its just not as long!
formerly cyfr
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Old 27-01-2007, 17:06   #34
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Re: University?

Does anyone know the difference between what you guys refer to "university" and American Colleges and Universities? Is there alot of state sponsorship for those going on to university? Do English Universities offer scholarships for athletics, good grades in high school, financial needs ?

I went to my state university. A university over here is made up of many different "colleges/areas to major in." I majored in animal sciences/pre-veterinariian sciences hence received a Bachelor of Science Degree. It was much cheaper for me to go to college "in-state." I also received a bit of a scholarship for throwing the javelin on the track and field team.

My sisters and little brother went to colleges out of state (New York and Massachusetts) and they were very expensive. Also they were much harder for an out-of-stater to get into.

Does any of this make sense to you. I'm just trying to understand the similarities and differences. Oh yeah, I would say 90% of American Universities and Colleges have quite active social lives. I was in one of those fraternities ya see in the movies. Although we weren't nearly as wild as most you see. Then again, I forget much of it!


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Old 27-01-2007, 17:11   #35
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Re: University?

An English GSCE is equivalent to one of your Doctorates.
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Old 27-01-2007, 17:28   #36
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Re: University?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
An English GSCE is equivalent to one of your Doctorates.
And does that take like 8 years to achieve like a doctorate does? My B.S. ( ) degree took 4 years and a "Masters" would take another 2 years. An Associate degree takes just 2 years of college,

Do most English university students stay for 4 years?

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Old 27-01-2007, 17:33   #37
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Re: University?

Most stay for 3 but it depends on the course.
Veterinary study for example can take upto 6/7 years
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Old 28-01-2007, 02:43   #38
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Re: University?

LancsYorksYankee, I also received a bit of a scholarship for throwing the javelin on the track and field team.
They may lower the standard a little if you excel at certain popular sports as Oxford and Cambridge do when they let a few 'Yanks' in to try to win the boat race, but you still need a bit of oil in your lamp to get into these. From what I have seen on film about colleges in the USA, the Ivy League excepted, if you can 'play ball' you can be taught to read and write later (about a week before they dish the degrees out)
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Old 28-01-2007, 03:56   #39
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Re: University?

It's not quite as bad as the tele may show Ian. Some of the biggest Division 1 and Div. 1AA schools do let some athletes slide especially in basketball and american football. However, many of the bigger Conferences have fairly strict guidelines that must be met before admitting even the best of athletes.

The smaller universities at the division III level can't even offer scholarships. Also, the Ivy league schools are not even close to the reputations that they carry. I feel it's more the rich paying for the mere prestige that goes with attending them.


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Old 29-01-2007, 02:34   #40
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Wink Re: University?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
It's not quite as bad as the tele may show Ian. Some of the biggest Division 1 and Div. 1AA schools do let some athletes slide especially in basketball and american football. However, many of the bigger Conferences have fairly strict guidelines that must be met before admitting even the best of athletes.

The smaller universities at the division III level can't even offer scholarships. Also, the Ivy league schools are not even close to the reputations that they carry. I feel it's more the rich paying for the mere prestige that goes with attending them.

I hope iI did not offend you Brian, as this was a tongue in cheek reply, life as you say in not as portrayed on films and television, I think there is little difference between the two systems, the wealthy educate the wealthy the good sportsmen and women are 'marked up' or paid by the armed forces, it's just a 'bitch' if you aint got any of these going for you. All the best to you and yours, Ian.

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Old 29-01-2007, 03:01   #41
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Re: University?

No offense taken whatsoever Ianto!

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Old 29-01-2007, 09:29   #42
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Re: University?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Is there alot of state sponsorship for those going on to university? Do English Universities offer scholarships for athletics, good grades in high school, financial needs ?

There used to be student grants, now there are student loans. So for those whose parents can't afford to fund them they start life with a millstone of debts.

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Old 29-01-2007, 10:10   #43
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Re: University?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
There used to be student grants, now there are student loans. So for those whose parents can't afford to fund them they start life with a millstone of debts.

Unless of course you happen to live in Scotland, where incidentally they also don't demand you sell your home to pay for residential care if you are elderly.

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Old 29-01-2007, 10:29   #44
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Re: University?

Isn't there still Grants, its just that they were frozen at 1989 levels(I was there protesting about the proposals for all you youngsters!)

Loans are there to top up to what you actually need to live.

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Old 29-01-2007, 11:42   #45
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Re: University?

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
Isn't there still Grants, its just that they were frozen at 1989 levels(I was there protesting about the proposals for all you youngsters!)

Loans are there to top up to what you actually need to live.
The difference is that if you are from England or Wales, you now also have to pay for course tuition fees, something the old grant system used to pay for, irrepective of how much grant you were awarded by the local education authority.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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