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Old 23-01-2011, 11:02   #31
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MargaretR's Avatar

Re: Unused medications

I spend money on food supplements and organic food in order to regain health.
Many people get carrier bags full of drugs delivered free (and stay sick).

I don't expect a refund of my costs, but wish that the NHS would be less biased in favour of pharmacutical products, when sometimes the 'folk remedies' work better (and cost less)

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Accrington Web
Old 10-02-2011, 17:58   #32
Registered User

Re: Unused medications

Food supplements have been accused by some researchers of *shortening* lifespan:
BBC NEWS | Health | Vitamins 'could shorten lifespan'

And as for organic food it's not totally clear that it's always better for you either. There are some studies that have shown some health risks I think, like carcinogenic mould or something like that, plus the carbon footprint of buying organic can be bigger sometimes I think.
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Old 10-02-2011, 18:04   #33
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Unused medications

Originally Posted by ExistenceIsSuffering View Post
Food supplements have been accused by some researchers of *shortening* lifespan:
BBC NEWS | Health | Vitamins 'could shorten lifespan'

And as for organic food it's not totally clear that it's always better for you either. There are some studies that have shown some health risks I think, like carcinogenic mould or something like that, plus the carbon footprint of buying organic can be bigger sometimes I think.
I can see you and mags getting on like a house on fire, perhaps I need to start a book on how long before you join the rest of us on the 'ignore list!

P.S. head for the introduce yourself section and find some friends, quickly.
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Old 10-02-2011, 20:29   #34
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Re: Unused medications

Thank-you, I will.
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Old 11-02-2011, 00:12   #35
I am Banned

Re: Unused medications

A great bugbear of mine was always..... when people go into hospital and they already have a supply of perfectly good meds that they were taking at home......why can't they continue to take their own meds in hospital? After all, they are told to bring all their current medications into hospital with them.
That would save hospitals an untold amount of money.[/quote]
I would have to disagree on that Margaret, my daughter went in hospital, and took her meds, they were taken off her and supposedly being kept until discharged, on that day when she asked for her meds there were only two tablets left in the box when there should have been twenty, the staff had been dispensing them to other patients, then to cap it all the nurse said I'll get you a new prescription, I'll be two minutes, the sod went on her lunch break, and my daughter didn't get her presciption until two hours later.
Thats not the only instance I've heard about with some of the staff at that meat factory in Blackburn. If I have to go in there, my medication won't be going, they wil get a copy of the prescription & thats it.
I would have to be unconscious before they could get me in there.
Accy Vic, or Royal Preston OK, but not Blackburn.
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:37   #36
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Re: Unused medications

I would have to disagree on that Margaret, my daughter went in hospital, and took her meds, they were taken off her and supposedly being kept until discharged, on that day when she asked for her meds there were only two tablets left in the box when there should have been twenty, the staff had been dispensing them to other patients, then to cap it all the nurse said I'll get you a new prescription, I'll be two minutes, the sod went on her lunch break, and my daughter didn't get her presciption until two hours later.
Thats not the only instance I've heard about with some of the staff at that meat factory in Blackburn. If I have to go in there, my medication won't be going, they wil get a copy of the prescription & thats it.
I would have to be unconscious before they could get me in there.
Accy Vic, or Royal Preston OK, but not Blackburn.

Yes, I know of instances like the one you quoted.......but my point about patients taking in their own medications was that they be used for the patient that is named on the box.....not someone else........and as I also said, it was proposed that all beds had lockable medication locker, so that patients could continue to manage their own medications.
I am told that this is now what is done.

Though I worked in the NHS for almost 30 years, I would have to be very sick(unconscious even) to submit to hospital admission........I just don't like hospitals/doctors/medical meddling.
That is just how I am.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:26   #37
Resting in Peace
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Re: Unused medications

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I would have to disagree on that Margaret, my daughter went in hospital, and took her meds, they were taken off her and supposedly being kept until discharged, on that day when she asked for her meds there were only two tablets left in the box when there should have been twenty, the staff had been dispensing them to other patients, then to cap it all the nurse said I'll get you a new prescription, I'll be two minutes, the sod went on her lunch break, and my daughter didn't get her presciption until two hours later.
That's not the only instance I've heard about with some of the staff at that meat factory in Blackburn. If I have to go in there, my medication won't be going, they will get a copy of the prescription & thats it.
I would have to be unconscious before they could get me in there.
Accy Vic, or Royal Preston OK, but not Blackburn.

Yes, I know of instances like the one you quoted.......but my point about patients taking in their own medications was that they be used for the patient that is named on the box.....not someone else........and as I also said, it was proposed that all beds had lockable medication locker, so that patients could continue to manage their own medications.
I am told that this is now what is done.

Though I worked in the NHS for almost 30 years, I would have to be very sick(unconscious even) to submit to hospital admission........I just don't like hospitals/doctors/medical meddling.
That is just how I am.[/quote]
Things seemed to have changed somewhat Margaret, with individual drug safes for each bed. If I have to go into hospital I have already in my case (which I keep packed with necessities like towels etc)a full current list of the medications I take, the strength of the meds and when I take them, I also have a small amount of those meds in my case(which I replace every month) ready for admission to a ward, As I say now with drug safes at each bed the meds I bring in are then transferred into that safe. Mind you I have always been very organised with respect to my own health care and by having this list saves a lot of misunderstanding, as sometimes I'm not really in a fit state to tell the medical staff just what meds I'm on

Something seems to have gone wrong with the quote facility

Last edited by jaysay; 11-02-2011 at 10:28.
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Old 11-02-2011, 13:55   #38
Beacon of light

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Re: Unused medications

Yes, John...that was what I had been told........and I do think it is good, because often the suppliers of the hospital meds will be different, and folk think that they aren't getting the right meds because they are different size/shape/colour....all very unsettling at a time when you have enough to deal with.......and the big plus is that it saves the local hospital some money.

Now if we could just get them to ditch the PFI....we'd be laughing!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 11-02-2011, 18:51   #39
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Re: Unused medications

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes, John...that was what I had been told........and I do think it is good, because often the suppliers of the hospital meds will be different, and folk think that they aren't getting the right meds because they are different size/shape/colour....all very unsettling at a time when you have enough to deal with.......and the big plus is that it saves the local hospital some money.

Now if we could just get them to ditch the PFI....we'd be laughing!
Think we've been saddled with that for many years to come Margaret
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